Re: CSOT- Distilled water

2000-06-24 Thread Veronica Honthaas
At 07:50 AM 6/22/00 -0700, you wrote: Listers, I find myself unable to ignore the discussion of the pro's and con's of drinking distilled water. Very interesting subject. I have been reading a lot of Dr. JR Christopher's work lately and he was a big promoter of DW. However, I seem to remember

Re: CSRe: Cabbage

2000-06-10 Thread Veronica Honthaas
At 01:55 PM 6/7/00 -0400, you wrote: wrote: I don't think coleslaw would have enough yeast to do you much good, as it takes 72 hours for the yeast's to grow. If you put the slaw in a blender and wait the time it will do the job. The guy I got this from claims the yeast is

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V100 #385

2000-06-06 Thread Veronica Honthaas
At 10:47 PM 6/5/00 -0700, you wrote: The best thing for your gut is regular and small amounts of sauerkraut. Once a week. About a quarter of a cup. This takes over and gives you superior friendly bacteria.Al n order for the sauerkraut to work on the flora in you gut it must be fresh


2000-05-30 Thread Veronica Honthaas
In that case he has a death wish. Until he gets rid of the death wish, there may be nothing one can do to help him. For all practical purposes a death wish will overide anything done. If you cure the cancer, he will find another way to kill himself. It is a waste of time to go against the

Re: CSRe: Candle Wax

2000-05-29 Thread Veronica Honthaas
Importanat notice to all: Never do ear candles alone. It takes two people. It is very dangerous to do alone!1 At 06:21 PM 5/28/00 EDT, you wrote: In a message dated 5/28/00 10:21:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: Does anyone have any advice on how to

Re: CSear candling WORKS

2000-05-28 Thread Veronica Honthaas
I do quite a bit of ear candling and find that when it adversely effects hearing it is usually due to plugs of wax being moved about. Immediately doing another candle will ususally remove this plug and you should feel great and hear better. At 11:30 AM 5/28/00 EDT, you wrote: In a message dated

Re: CSmarsha with ear problem...

2000-05-27 Thread Veronica Honthaas
My elderly neighbor was going deaf and had terrible ringing in his ears. I an now doing candles in his ears each week plus using straight helicrysm essential oil. He can now hear the birds sing n the morning and the ringing is greatly reduced. I want to to use garlic oil in his ears

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V100 #348

2000-05-17 Thread Veronica Honthaas
Thoughts on hydrochloric acid; Some folks say that if you supplement with hcl your body will then even produce less...and the cycle goes on and on. Enzymes, ACV and fermented foods are supposed to help. At 04:48 AM 5/17/00 EDT, you wrote: In a message dated 05/17/2000 12:14:26 AM Eastern

Re: CSQuestion about storage of CS

2000-04-13 Thread Veronica Honthaas
One more question on storage. A friend recently bought some CS at the health food store and it said on the bottle not to refridgerage. Why is that? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message

Re: CSAllergies!

2000-04-02 Thread Veronica Honthaas
When I was a kid and they did the allergy tests on me I test positive to everyone one of the things they tested for! The Doc looked at my Mom and said there was nothing they could do for someone who was allergic to everything! The Doc was wrong. You just need to get your body cleansed, change