Journal article on Magnetic stimulation of an area of the brain to soothe/mediate Depression etc . . .

2022-10-30 Thread Douglas Haack | | | | | | | | | | | Modulation of frequency and duration of repetitive magnetic stimulation ... Abstract. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which is produced by strong non-static magnetic fields, is a ... |

the Jabbed who DIE -- Are destroyed human beings. Autopsy: Organs & brains are destroyed . . .

2022-10-30 Thread Douglas Haack A GERMAN PEER REVIEWED article in: A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19 byMichael Mörz Institute of Pathology ’Georg Schmorl’, The Municipal Hospital

CDC KNEW jab caused Myocarditis in males aged 8-21 – covered up (within 3 months of Vax release)

2022-10-27 Thread Douglas Haack
‘Criminal Neglect’: CDC Knew COVID Vaccine Could Cause Myocarditis in Young Males Months Before Telling the Public Two months after COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the public, a statistically significant safety signal for myocarditis in males ages 8 to 21 appeared in the Centers for

Who is Dr Robert Malone md.substack

2022-10-27 Thread Douglas Haack

Must-read, if you've been JABBED -- GET Free PDF: Disarm the deadly JAB mRNA Spike Protein . . .

2022-09-18 Thread Douglas Haack
Firstly its NOT a real VAX -- mRNA has never been successful, all animals died . . . Pfizer etc all their safety tests are bogus, they tried to  hide all test results for 75 years -- the corrupt US FDA agreed and one honest judge said NO! Now they ahve to release 50K pages a month and the

Similar to RADIATION type Surgery -- Not contagion from JABBED persons. via Graphene Oxide --

2022-09-17 Thread Douglas Haack
| | | - Forwarded message - From: Douglas Haack Sent: Saturday, 17 September 2022 at 08:11:14 pm AESTSubject: No CONTAGION from JABBED persons. Jabs have Graphene Oxide, this SPREADS & IRRADIATES There is no transmission from vaccinated persons as we have all been thinking and misled into thin

Undertakers busy with more Aussies dying and it's not just from Covid

2022-09-20 Thread Douglas Haack
Undertakers busy with more Aussies dying and it's not just from Covid | | | | | | | | | | | Undertakers busy with more Aussies dying and it's not just from Covid David Southwell Australians are dying in abnormally high numbers, which is creating a boom for undertakers but leaving


2022-09-12 Thread Douglas Haack
Live in the San Diego area and was delighted and amused by hummers feeding at feeders hanging at our breakfast area windows 17 Strange and Beautiful Hummingbird Species | | | | | | | | | | | 17 Strange and Beautiful Hummingbird Species With over 300 types of hummingbird

Have they threatened us with the Monkey Pox next . . . ???

2022-09-07 Thread Douglas Haack
Rediscovered Native American remedy kills POX virus . . . . a Herbal remedy for the POX virus --  have they threatened us with the Monkey Pox next . . . ??? Have fun !!! Thought I'd do a bit

Embalmers-finding-numerous-long-fibrous-clots-lacking NORMAL-post-mortem-characteristics

2022-09-08 Thread Douglas Haack
VAX DEATHS --  have NEVER SEEN Before -- Embalmers-finding-numerous-long-fibrous-clots-lacking NORMAL human BLOOD-post-mortem-characteristics

Shhh . . . Remember 40% excess JAb Insurance claims -- Forty percent is like DEATHS in a war . . .

2022-09-08 Thread Douglas Haack
. . . .  "Forty percent is like a war. It’s not something that happens in the normal course of business” said Dowd. Before the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, they were primarily in the older age cohort, but after the vaccine roll-outs in the second half of 2021, deaths became inflated in the

Climate Scam forcing to Electric cars -- we can't keep power up to Industry and domestic homes . . .??

2022-09-08 Thread Douglas Haack
MG4: The Bargain Of The Century?? | | | | | | | | | | | MG4: The Bargain Of The Century?? | | | VW Beetle converted to electric in a day | | | | | | | | | | | VW Beetle converted to electric in a day | | |

Fauci: 'We Don't Have Time' to Run Clinical Trials for Updated Boosters

2022-09-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Fauci: 'We Don't Have Time' to Run Clinical Trials for Updated Boosters | | | | | | | | | | | Fauci: 'We Don't Have Time' to Run Clinical Trials for Updated Boosters Dr. Anthony Fauci is claiming that there was not enough time to wait for clinical trial data before ... | | |

the unusual and Bizarre . . . just for fun . . . Beware if you are sensitive . . . to medieval porn . . .

2022-09-11 Thread Douglas Haack
20 bizarre, crude and downright weird sketches in Medieval manuscripts | | | | | | | | | | | 20 bizarre, crude and downright weird sketches in Medieval manuscripts Top image: A grotesque image of an ogre shooting an arrow into another creature’s rear from the Rutland Psalter,... |


2022-09-11 Thread Douglas Haack

Clinate SCAM continues - - Eight Year Trend in Global Cooling Shown by Satellite Record

2022-09-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Eight Year Trend in Global Cooling Shown by Satellite Record | | | | | | | | | | | Eight Year Trend in Global Cooling Shown by Satellite Record Chris Morrison Global pause, plateau or cooling – or, if you are reading the political climate narrative in mainstream media, a... | |

400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

2022-09-11 Thread Douglas Haack
400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths | | | | | | | | | | | 400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due t... Will Jones Over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34

No CONTAGION from JABBED persons. Jabs have Graphene Oxide, this SPREADS & IRRADIATES

2022-09-17 Thread Douglas Haack
There is no transmission from vaccinated persons as we have all been thinking and misled into thinking this. It is IRRADIATING Electro Radiation -- the JAB contains Graphene Oxide -- has the ability to absorb/store/carry -- IRRADIATE and transmit . . . ELECTRO Radiation IN-to your body/tissue

. . . is the SPIKE-P binding metals in our cells? Chelating the metals to USELESSNESS towards our immunity. . .

2022-09-18 Thread Douglas Haack

No Doctor will tell you this -- been known/researched since 1970 --76, suspected since the '30s

2022-09-18 Thread Douglas Haack
 We are BEINGS of LIGHT -- EVERY thing has been done to hide this by BIG-Pharma and BIG Medicine Industry . . . Chemical Medcine is totally wrong and seldom heals . . . . I've had a book on the subject for 10 years -- Looks to be RESEARCH is almost forbidden . . .  instead we get harmful mRNA


2022-09-18 Thread Douglas Haack
We are SUPER Heroes say's French Gneral of Anti-VAXERS who RESISTED

. . . is the-blood-supply-contaminated with K0v!d SpikeProtein? . . . S.Palters your DNA . . .!!!!

2022-09-23 Thread Douglas Haack

European EXCESS Mortality/DEATHS @16% --video --WHY? Remember Insurance excess Payouts !!

2022-09-23 Thread Douglas Haack
Record excess deaths in Europe | | | | | | | | | | | Record excess deaths in Europe | | |

2019, 2020, 2021 -- Precise DOLLAR DEATH Payouts by US 5th biggest Life Insurance company

2022-09-24 Thread Douglas Haack
for your records:. . . .  !!! Year 2020/21 the years of K0v!d would U THINK . . . !!!???

We'd all like Mr Bourla to take "HIS 8-mouse-ONLY Tested Bivalent Booster" . . . Good Luck!!

2022-09-24 Thread Douglas Haack
 . . . Go On Mr Bourla, CEO of Pfizer "take your 8- mouse-ONLY Tested Bivalent Medicinal BOOSTER JAB", the one you have "cobbled together", with such care and scientific Know-How . . .

K0v!D DEATHS -- Adults Aged 35–44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate --Death Pyouts by Insurance companies are for REAL . . .

2022-09-09 Thread Douglas Haack
Have  you been asking? Why there are so many jobs vacant --  here is the answer . . . Adults Aged 35–44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests


2022-10-01 Thread Douglas Haack

Denmark -- No JAB mandate, just offered, and only 50 years of age and over

2022-09-30 Thread Douglas Haack
Denmark takes the lead, no one under 50 years of age will be offered COVID injection vaccines, no one, Danish Health Authority website updated as of 13 SEP 2022; NO mandate! No mandate, just offered, and only 50 years of age and over Denmark takes the lead, no one under 50 years of age

EXPOSED -- Two researchers "HID a SPIKE Protein Women's Health Scandal"-- US NIH is involved

2022-09-29 Thread Douglas Haack
New study vindicates Jiang and Mei | Dr Ah Kahn Syed | Sep 29 | | A new preprint from NIH and NIAID authors released on the 27th September confirms that spike protein translocates to the nucleus. This was denied by every single COVID vaccine (gene therapy) advocate to date. More

The JAB caused dangerous BLOOD Clotting, HEART ATTACKS and STROKES -- BELOW the reasons . . .

2022-10-13 Thread Douglas Haack
The JAB caused dangerous BLOOD Clotting, HEART ATTACKS and STROKES -- here the reasons . . . all to do with the said "UNTESTED mRNA SPIKE PROTEIN" . . . essentially harmful to HUMANS and animals . . . . . .  a BALD FACED lie . . . they have experimented/SOLD to the Verinary industry  - - mRNA

Israeli report -- mRNA experimental Pfizer VAX killed about 40 times more (elderly) people . . .

2022-10-06 Thread Douglas Haack
Who would have thought that the (apparent) close-knit jewish community would have this done to their fellow religious adherents . . . by both 'big pharma and their govt. The elderly were sacrificed everywhere . . . and we do knkow why!! May they all rest in peace . . . There are researchers

UK Cardiologist's ALARM UK -- DEMON VAX killing citizens -- UK authorites WON'T be Forgiven!!

2022-10-06 Thread Douglas Haack
VIDEO included and below VIDEO attached -- via 2nd Smartest Guy in the World . . . Dr Aseem Malhotra@DrAseemMalhotra "I was under the impression that the vaccine would prevent transmission. We now know that is completely false & we don’t even know if it was true in the beginning’

SPIKE P's/mRNA found almost in ALL HUMAN tissues -- Jap study found SPIKE P's in BRAIN . . .

2022-10-06 Thread Douglas Haack
The worry is that brain cells might be targeted and killed by cytotoxic T cells. Sadly, mRNA has been found in almost all human tissues. It has been found in heart, lung, liver and testicles. Japanese study showed that the vaccine does end up in the brain. I Reckon the Covid Jab Has Lowered the

CDC director Rochelle Walensky continues TRUMPET "NO bad time to get a COVID VAX" . . .

2022-10-06 Thread Douglas Haack
Even the obfuscated/FDA HIDDEN Pfizer human study subjects had Pregnant women loosing 100 plus babies . . . Dr Mercola: CDC director Rochelle Walensky continues to claim claim "TRUMPET" 'there's no bad time to get a COVID vaccine,' but this new study proves otherwise. "TRUMPET" is my

British Medical Journal --18 Months too late !!-- Pfizer's Vax HUMAN trials FAILED multiple flaws

2022-10-08 Thread Douglas Haack
Bombshell dropped by 'The BMJ' - Pfizer's vaccine trials failed with multiple flaws | | | | | | | | | | | Bombshell dropped by 'The BMJ' - Pfizer's vaccine trials failed with mul... SoulAsk Clinical trials of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine have been multifaceted, the medical

Other US states will follow -- Florida recommends AGAINST mRNA Vaccines for Males Ages 0-40!

2022-10-08 Thread Douglas Haack

Oz -- Govt SILENCES K0v!d Doctor Anti-Vax OPPOSITION -- ‘FIRST, do NO harm . . . !!!

2022-10-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Oz -- Govt SILENCES K0v!d Doctor Anti-Vax OPPOSITION -- breaches codes and oaths to ‘first, do no harm’ and ‘I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties . . .

WHY JABS don't impart PROTECTION IMMUNITY -- mRNA IN Jabs FOUND not to be intact nor stable . . .

2022-10-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Content Of COVID Shot Vials Are Inconsistent | NaturalHealth365 Inconsistency of mRNA technology in COVID shots could easily explain their ineffectiveness, safety concerns | | | | | | | | | | | Content Of COVID Shot Vials Are Inconsistent | NaturalHealth365 Sara Middleton, staff

UK's Shocking figures published by Government on COVID Vaccine Deaths -- VAXES helped nobody . . .!!

2022-10-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Anti Vaxxers had best chances of surviving . . . Kov!d -- now called "pure bloods" . . . the Red Cross is mixing Spike Protein blood into regular blood supply  . . . without any permission or scientific longer term study . . . you should ensure/ask for "NO Spike Protein blood please" . . . if

UK official-GOV-data-CONFIRMS-K0v!d VAX deaths-Kids -- 44 times more than UNVAXXED Kids)

2022-10-09 Thread Douglas Haack
2nd Smartest Guy etc . . . UK official-GOV-data-CONFIRMS-K0v!d VAX deaths of Kids -- 4423 % (44 more times than UNVAXXED Kids) . . . go to UK Gov. site . . . take your time, data is somewhat obfuscated . . .

BOMBSHELL: NSW vaccine reports confirm increased risk of K0v!d death after booster doses

2022-10-10 Thread Douglas Haack
4 to 5% of US population are accepting Boosters -- they ahve woken up , , ,!!! BOMBSHELL: NSW vaccine reports confirm increased risk of COVID death after booster doses

Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Runs the World -- video in article

2022-09-29 Thread Douglas Haack
September 14, 2022, Politico published a special report based on four dozen interviews with U.S. and European officials and global health specialists, who admit Bill Gates is running the global COVID response Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Runs the World | | | | | | | | | | |

. . . . at last some sanity -- do NOT VAX Children . . . all who pushed and pushed are GUILTY !!

2022-10-07 Thread Douglas Haack
Top doctor calls for review into Covid vaccine for children | | | | | | | | | | | Top doctor calls for review into Covid vaccine for children Aidan Wondracz The former deputy chief medical officer said Australia should reconsider its stance on giving the dose to childr... | |

ONLY world "Big Business" telling the TRUTH of De-Pop-Ulation . . . they can't be POP-u-LAR . . .

2022-08-07 Thread Douglas Haack
. . .  the current INSURANCE industry's 40% EXCESS DEATHS payOUT -- the ONLY world  "Big Business" telling the TRUTH of De-Pop-Ulation . . . they can't be Pop-u-LAR . . . When will the remaining world population STOP SLEEP Walking . . . ??? Now this has no link to the Insurance Industry:

Carbon DiOxide as a pollutant -- what GREEN RECYCLED rubbish !!!

2022-08-08 Thread Douglas Haack
CLIMATE SCAM continues and is hotting up -- The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims To Believe . . . The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims To Believe | | | | | | | | | | | The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims To Believe Is there anything wrong with CO2 emissions? No, we

End of MERCURY dental fillings is now near --

2022-08-07 Thread Douglas Haack
End of MERCURY dental fillings is now near, as nations around the world have banned mercury fillings for children and pregnant women . . . this email writer has not used mercury amalgam for 30 years . . . Celebrates 25 Years of Health Freedom | | | | | | | | | | |

This might work !! -- Free booklet by registering -- Censored C0V1D & VAXX-injury treatments . . .

2022-08-07 Thread Douglas Haack
- Forwarded message - From: Jonathan Otto To: "" Sent: Monday, 8 August 2022 at 04:55:17 am AESTSubject: Censored C0V1D & vaxx-injury treatments that WORK And Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about them! | | | | | | | | | | Hi DFH NOvax ,  

WE should Limit Use Of Aspirin To Prevent Heart Attacks Or Stroke, Medical Panel Rules

2022-08-16 Thread Douglas Haack
Medical times ahve changed . . . they were wrong . . . . Americans Should Limit Use Of Aspirin To Prevent Heart Attacks Or Stroke, Medical Panel Rules - Dr. Rath Health Foundation | | | | | | | | | | | Americans Should Limit Use Of Aspirin To Prevent Heart Attacks Or Stroke... An

Normalising "homo-sexuality" promoted by "One-World-Govt" via Schwab's "W..EF via DAVOS"

2022-08-15 Thread Douglas Haack
What is the connection of "LGBTQ", the Normalising "homo-sexuality" via Klaus SCHWAB'S DAVOS World Economic Forum & former Agenda 21 . . . . NOW . . .  Agenda 2030 ? and their normalising and "pushing Decarbonization = Depopulation. LGBTQ+ 'Agenda' = Depopulation. WEF/UN/WHO/IMF/Etc. =

PROVEN Research -- Those jabbed (especially twice) are SHEDDING dangerous SPIKE Proteins etc

2022-08-15 Thread Douglas Haack

German Data -- deaths and injuries -- of jabbed . . .

2022-08-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Vaccine adverse events, German data German Paul Erlich Institute: Vax data of injuries and Deaths | | | | | | | | | | | Vaccine adverse events, German data | | | | | | | Dossier Coronavirus

Tuft's Food Compass -- Score 100 for Spinach and 008 for Maca's cheese burger

2022-08-18 Thread Douglas Haack
‘Healthy’ food that’s worse than eating ice cream | | | | | | | | | | | ‘Healthy’ food that’s worse than eating ice cream It may be time to ditch your morning granola as a new study suggests the supposedly “healthy” item isn’t as good... | | |

The Climate CRISES of 1540 -- averaged 5°C to 7° C above average temperatures pf the day . . .

2022-08-18 Thread Douglas Haack
. - Forwarded message - From: Douglas Haack Sent: Monday, 8 August 2022 at 04:20:31 pm AESTSubject: Carbon DiOxide as a pollutant -- what GREEN RECYCLED rubbish !!! Sent out a few days ago . . . CLIMATE SCAM continues and is hotting up -- The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims

Finland REFUSES to Recommend Bivalent Boosters for Working-Age People

2022-11-01 Thread Douglas Haack
Finland REFUSES to Recommend Bivalent Boosters for Working-Age People | | | | | | | | | | | Finland REFUSES to Recommend Bivalent Boosters for Working-Age People Igor Chudov THL: Boosters Weaken Immunological Response! | | |

They start on us at a very young age . . . Faking it . . . "is Santa Real , , , ??

2022-12-24 Thread Douglas Haack
They start on us at a very young age . . . Faking it . . . "is Santa/Tooth Fairy Real  ?? And then does this lead to everyone faking it for their own convenience/purposes --  especially Governments, Big Pharma, the AMA, Schools -- goes on and on . . . Where does it stop . .  !!! Getting us

US Govt's. Twitter -- FBI, Pentagon, all Govt Dept's, Conspired -- KEEPing Citizens in Darkness!

2022-12-24 Thread Douglas Haack
This is how the son, Hunter Biden's LapTop Story was covered UP and daddy Biden was ELECTED -- no wonder the K0v!d disaster has been . covered-up by America's -- the land of the FREE -- totally captured PROPAGANDA media keeping citizens in the "SPIKE Protein JAB" Injury DARKNESS . . . . The

HPV -- another useless VAX -- you trade a few dangers for many many others . . .

2022-12-23 Thread Douglas Haack
Why Do Cervical Cancer Rates Keep Rising? | | | | | | | | | | | Why Do Cervical Cancer Rates Keep Rising? Between 2001 and 2018, cervical cancer rates have increased by 1.3% per year. What could be the primary cause? | | |

Site: Resources to LIVE -- AVOID Body INFLAMMATION causing Spike PROTEIN

2022-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack
Totally EXPERIMENTAL -- NEVER PROVEN to be SAFE or THERAPEUTIC . . . . NEVER EVER PROVEN to be SAFE . . . . Reasonable Questions Regarding COVID-19 How Can We Trust the CDC After Learning This? Vaccine Injury Cover-up Evidence Masks: A Deeper Look COVID Early Treatment Protocols An

Would Australia's TGA commit a serious crime?? DiD a 7yr old BOY Die via Heart attack after K0v!d JAB

2022-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack
Would TGA (our FDA) commit a serious crime?? DiD a 7yr old BOY Die via Heart attack after K0v!d JAB ??? Firstly young children are NOT in danger of an C0v!d infection -- generally recognised all over the medical world . . . by those not being paid OFF . . . or in Australia . . .  INTIMIDATED

The United NATIONS (who are boringly USELESS) CLIMATE SCAM attempt in 1989 -- . . .

2022-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack
Funny: U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked (1989 article) Kind of like the "Winter of Illness and Death" | | | | | | | | | | | Funny: U.N. Predicts Disaster if

This is a GREAT COUNTRY if you FOLLOW this RULE/Procedure Below

2022-12-30 Thread Douglas Haack
   Medicare Part G If you are an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself and need Long-Term Care, but the government says there is no Nursing Home care available for you, what do you do?  You may opt for Medicare Part G.   The plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun

VIDEO: Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID-19 Jab Manufacturers -- INDEPENDANT ANALYSIS

2022-12-30 Thread Douglas Haack
Here is another chemical and microscopic analysis pf the VAX -- this one will be the most informative, the video producer is one of the best anti-VAXXER exposers -- having done hundreds of videos. The Pathologist is first-class . . . . Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID-19 Jab Manufacturers

NEW !! VAXXED are going BLIND -- many EYE problems for all VAXXES . . .

2022-12-28 Thread Douglas Haack

Japan-launches-official-investigation into mass K0v!d Jab poison DEATHS

2023-01-05 Thread Douglas Haack

Germany: Anti-vaxxer-HERO nurse-JABs-8,600-ELDELY patients-with SALINE-walks-free from court

2023-01-05 Thread Douglas Haack

Why-eating-the-RAINBOW-is-a-brilliant-idea-especially-for-ALL . . .

2023-01-10 Thread Douglas Haack

Unvaccinated-blood-high-demand -- NZ ?

2023-01-10 Thread Douglas Haack

FBI Used Twitter to Track and Spy on Americans -- WHO is SPYING on AUSTRLIANS . . .????

2023-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack
FBI Used Twitter to Track and Spy on Americans

55 Years Climate Scam -- there is a problem of ULTRA Pollution on land/OCEANS, SSSHHHH !!

2023-01-02 Thread Douglas Haack
2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions | | | | | | | | | | | 2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predic... Modern doomsayers have been predicting imminent climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They


2023-01-02 Thread Douglas Haack
Have YOU survived K0v!D Do EAT OLIVE and COCONUT OIL -- they have been demonised !!! SOY & CANOLA -- BAD OILS U EAT in ALL processed foods --      Genetically "ROUND-UP Soured" One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods | | | | | | | | | | | One of the Most Harmful

Are WE all being manipulated by OUR Govts -- as if directly by the Chinese COMMUNIST Party

2023-01-02 Thread Douglas Haack
In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefield: Dr. Robert Malone In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefield: Dr. Robert Malone | | | | | | | | | | | In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The

Siblings Charge Tesla 6 Times in 1 Day as Frigid Temperatures Quickly Drain Battery

2023-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack
EV's are expensive & junkie at this time . . . Report: Siblings Charge Tesla 6 Times in 1 Day as Frigid Temperatures Quickly Drain Battery | | | | | | | | | | | Report: Siblings Charge Tesla 6 Times in 1 Day as Frigid Temperatures Qu... Ethan Letkeman Siblings said they had to

Jab Spike Proteins BURN in a THIRD DEGREE Manner -- causing Internal INFLAMMATION LONG TERM !!

2023-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack

White-House-K0v!d-advisor-ACCIDENTLY-drops-TRUTH-BOMB -- Masks DON'T really WORK !!

2022-12-29 Thread Douglas Haack
The UNVAXXED have KNOWN this TWO Years . . . Assemble and ACTIVATE NUREMBURG II (TWO) -- House COVID Advisor Accidentally Drops Truth-Bomb About Mask Efficacy | | | |

The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics

2022-12-04 Thread Douglas Haack
The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics | | | | | | | | | | | The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics Dr Ah Kahn Syed Australia's mortality statistics for 2022 are worse than the ABS is admitting to, so why are they tweaking the d... | |

Video TRUTH, only TRUTH re injuries via deadly Jab -- Oz Parliament -- BRAVE Q'ld Sen. RENNICK

2022-12-11 Thread Douglas Haack
TRUTH, nothing but TRUTH re injuries via deadly Jab -- Oz Parliament -- BRAVE Sen. RENNICK What a Liberal hero . . . | | | | | | | | | | | Australia's Female Senators Make Fun of

Covid/Sars-2 "Gain of Function" modified "NOVEL" Furin cleavage"? or LAB ESCAPEE . . .!!!

2022-12-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Covid/Sars-2 -- modified " 'NOVEL' Furin cleavage" -- "Gain of Function" ? i.e. More DANGEROUS likely to kill humans . . . Bioweapons Expert Shares His Theory of COVID-19 Origins | | | | | | | | | | | Bioweapons Expert Shares His Theory of COVID-19 Origins In this interview,

De Robert Malone -- What of the largest experiment in human history is a failure

2022-12-09 Thread Douglas Haack
What of the largest experiment in human history is a failure -- where the US Insurance industry payouts represent a 600 ft TIDAL Wave of DEATH PAYOUTS -- Yes! 600 FEET . . . that is 40 % higher than average . . . The say it can't be the VAX JABS . . . ! Surely . . . !!! What if the largest

Site below might have the answer WHY Ukraine is at war with Russia, a war they can't win!!

2022-12-09 Thread Douglas Haack Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine | | | | | | | | | | | Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine American soldiers are already “boots on the ground” | | |

Japanese-emeritus-professor-at-kyoto-Umi/BLOWS-UP re his Govts Covid dangerous RESPONSE

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack
There will be Nuremberg trials -- over Covid's Killing Fields yet . . .  be patient Japanese Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University, Dr Masanori Fukushima, Blows Up Over the Covid-19 Vaccines and His Government's Covid-19 Response. | | | | | | | | | | | Japanese Emeritus

1) CDC LIED -- HOW dangerous MYOCARDITIS is -- 2) HOW/EVALUATE-RISK-vs-benefit-if being JABBED

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack

Fw: CDC pushing hard: everything is now FLU .. people won't be taking the K0v!d Jab any more . . .

2022-12-06 Thread Douglas Haack
OF COURSE THEY might just mix the K0V!D jab with the FLU jab ... everything is now FLU .. people won't be taking the Jab any more . . .  The usual FEAR-PORN is rampant . . . .

13 % Excess deaths in Australia ‘incredibly high’ -- Govt does NOT want KNOW WHY

2022-12-06 Thread Douglas Haack
 -- it's OBVIOUS -- the JAB . . ..  same in USA at 14 to 16 % -- unheard of in world INSURANCE records -- Big Pharma is killing lots of folk . . . Excess deaths in Australia ‘incredibly high’ | | | | | | | | | | | Excess deaths in Australia ‘incredibly high’ The Australian


2022-12-16 Thread Douglas Haack

Washed in Vinegar . . .

2022-12-16 Thread Douglas Haack

Climate SCAM -- now we are COLD worldwide -- Global Warming OUT of SEASONS UN SCAM !!

2022-12-17 Thread Douglas Haack
Climate SCAM -- now we are COLD worldwide -- Global Warming OUT of SEASON UN SCAM !! The Russians predicted 5 years ago we are entering/oncoming in a Mini-Ice Age . . .

Italian-researchers-vaccines-will-not-work-because-Sars-Cov-2 -- also-entering-Bodily bacteria/

2022-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack

NO SAFE & Effective Jab data -- JUST say NO . . . !!! -- FDA wants BABIES jabbed 3rd time . . .

2022-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack

K0v!d LIES -- with German Translations

2022-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack

Those Germans . . . like ALL PLAYERS in this HUMAN K0v!d disaster -- they all can't trusted . . .

2022-12-21 Thread Douglas Haack
This is a great GERMAN  LAB_LEAK_DISCLOSURE. I can actually remember reading some Christian Drosten Phd comments (very LEARNED !!) two years ago -- while looking and wanting to understand the term "mRNA . . .  this led to the Patent records and it all became clear . . . first mRNA patent issued

Is-depopulation-we-are-seeing-planned? World EXCESS DEATHS . . . SSShhhhhhh. . . . .

2022-12-21 Thread Douglas Haack

GP delivering-care/ethics/CAN-GP/physicians-decline/REFUSE-UNVACINATED-patients CARE ?

2022-12-21 Thread Douglas Haack

Dutch-protest-20-dutch-farmers-protest -- world will follow them except the cowardly Australians

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack
Dutch-protest-dutch-farmers-protest -- KLAUS SCHAWB"S WEF Deep State machinations -- world will follow them except the cowardly Australian PUBLIC DUTCH PROTEST 2.0: Dutch farmers protest Rutte’s forced farm buyouts | | | | | | | | | | | DUTCH PROTEST 2.0: Dutch farmers protest

Switzerland-considers-electric-vehicle-ban --Green ENERGY will NOT keep the lights ON !!!!

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack
Switzerland-considers-electric-vehicle-ban -- Green ENERGY will NOT keep the lights ON

US Virologist "US responsible 'Gain of function at Wuhan' -- subsequent virus leak -- US knew 2019 !!!

2022-12-03 Thread Douglas Haack

If Hunter Biden Pics/emails via Laptop exposure ALLOWED in media -- LANDSLIDE WIN by TRUMP !!!

2022-12-03 Thread Douglas Haack
Elon Musk Releases THE TWITTER FILES: How Twitter Collaborated With "The Biden Team" To Cover Up The Hunter Laptop Story: And all of the censoring of the crimes against humanity PSYOP-19 mandates, MK Ultra masking harms, DEATHVAX™, WEF/UN/WHO/CIA involvements, etc. & etc. that will also get


2022-12-03 Thread Douglas Haack
You will think we didn't know this -- CDC had been hiding this, also all GOVERNMENTS . . .

Klaus Schwab's Jacinta Adern will come to a bitter end . . . will be hated by most New Zealander's

2022-12-05 Thread Douglas Haack
Here's a real NZ hero Doc -- texted 600 patients and advised "don't go near the JAB" . . . Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand | | | | | | | | | | | Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand Igor Chudov Matt

Massive development in Higgins investigation

2022-12-08 Thread Douglas Haack
Massive development in Higgins investigation | | | | | | | | | | | Massive development in Higgins investigation The Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity will examine the police investigation into Brittany Higg... | | |

White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research "Killed Millions"

2022-12-13 Thread Douglas Haack

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