Re: 2D facial textures rig on softimage

2014-11-27 Thread Greg Maguire
Hi Dave,

I've done this in the past using just the FX tree. You can drive the
translate 2D node in the FX tree with locators in 3D. Translating the eye
locators (normalised to a parent) exporting that to a compositing sequence.
All alphas etc where cut in the FX Tree. I had several locators in the 3D
scene to change the shape of the eye. Then projected it back onto the 3D
face pre-render. Sorry, can't help with the details was a number of years
ago but definitely possible.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 4:54 AM, David Rivera wrote:

 Hi everyone, I´ve been trying to setup a 2d facial rig onto a 3d face
 (just a simple sphere) to accomplish something like this:

 texture Based Facials Prototype

 [image: image]

 texture Based Facials Prototype
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo

 So I´ve attached the setup I got so far (see attachment) and what I´m
 basically doing is:
 1. create a sphere and uv unwrap it.
 2. Create 3 separate files (one for the left eye, one for the right eye
 and one for mouth) with transparency on .png format
 3. Create a shader in the shader tree connecting all 3 of them using a
 constant node for each into a Color1, Color2, Color3 layers
 on an Mix 8 Color node for the shader on alpha as it´s blending mode.
 All working fine until now.

 But here´s what I can´t get straight:

 How can I manipulate the eye´s position like in the video?
 - I already tried to setup 2 subTexture projections from the UV editor,
 but they slide all other textures (eyes and mouth). Even if I make enough
 subdivisions on the face (the sphere) to separate them from each other, the
 texture would still slide as I move either subTexture projection.
 I´ve tried tearing the polygon segment for the sub texture projection but
 as I resize the subtexture projection on 3d view and then match it inside
 the UV editor, it also distorts the texture.

 I can see on the video the eyes are an image sequence, rigged with the
 visual panel on the top right.
 I was told that doing a case by case setup for the 2d texture (either left
 or right eye) via FXtree it´s way too heavy if I got 20+ textures for each
 (There´s a video or RayFigs explaining how to set this up on the FX tree).
 And so, I was recommended that I do the texture swapping via ICE with
 ID_Attribute. But I´m getting confused; because I don´t exactly know how to
 mix 3 different files (eyes and mouth.png) on the ICE tree and display them
 all together working on the viewport.

 The softimage viewport isn´t helping on all of this, since it will only
 display the last texture plugged into the shader tree. The FX tree setup
 *DOES* display the image and the viewport correctly. But I don´t know how
 to put the pieces together to make the shader tree work on ICE scenario.

 Could you guys lend me a hand on this kind of setup, please?
 Thanks! :)

 *David Rivera*
 *3D Compositor/Animator*
 VFX Reel


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: humanize maya, SOFT top 5

2014-03-26 Thread Greg Maguire
 remember when that came-out,
 being around when XSI also came-out, and I was really aww-ed :)

 And then on the words *you'll be given love..*, said when giving life
 to a robot,
 I recall thinking how that really applied to what we were doing.. cause
 not unlike a good song,
 anything well thought-out in every subtlety, or made with 'love' 
 can indeed qualify as having soul that you can feel.

 And soul is something you couldn't buy with billions of dollars.
 As it has to be real for it to be, otherwise it's just not.

 And I think that's what made DS so intimidating to Avid,
 and XSI so intimidating to Autodesk, especially with the advent of ICE.

 So how about Soul as bullet-point feature request ;)

 And I think I will end on that,

 On 03/25/14 13:52, Alastair Hearsum wrote:

  Jean louis

 You beat me to it. I was just about to say that.


  Alastair Hearsum
  Head of 3d
 [image: GLASSWORKS]

  On 25/03/2014 17:49, Jean-Louis Billard wrote:

 Hi Shuting,

 That's not the same thing at all I'm afraid. In Softimage *every* menu has 
 it's own memory of the last command accessed. So you can middle click any 
 menu and repeat its last command (as long as there has been one used within 
 the session)


 Jean-Louis Billard

 Digital Golem
 BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
 UK: +44 (0) 7973 660 
 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
 1030 Brussels


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: A confession

2014-03-20 Thread Greg Maguire
I've worked with Maya since alpha versions and I was also on the board of
advisors for Sumatra, although I didn't use XSI until a few years later. I
cut my teeth on VAX, TDI Explore, Wavefront and Soft 3D. I'm very familiar
with proprietary software and in-house tools at large studios. I now spend
some of my time teaching 3D computer animation through Maya at university.

We had a tough time with the decisions that Maya developers made during
it's alpha development. We drew their attention to the 180-axis-flipping of
drawn bones to them immediately but they refused to change it because they
didn't consider it broken as it was just the way the algorithm works. It
had nothing to do with usability. Still to this day, users still write
scripts to get around this shortcoming.

On the other hand, the Maya devs jumped through hoops to re-create
splineIK, a method I designed and implemented in Soft 3D. Personally, I'd
prefer a stable set of small tools that work consistently, than a lot of
'powerful' tools that are only half implemented.

Viewing it through this particular lens, I believe Maya was written with
the computer in mind and not the user. Luc Eric has suggested that
parenting and constraint selection makes sense and I do see his point of
view. However, Maya at it's core, feels like it was written with a terse a
syntax as unix's 'dc' (desk calculator). i.e. in reverse polish notation
instead of the more human readable infix notation.

1) Reverse Polish Notation:
 1 1 + = 2
 value value operator
 select select command

2) Infix Notation:
 1 + 1 = 2
 value operator value
 select command select

Watching the development of Maya over the next few years, the developers
definitely had XSI in their rear view mirror. They tried to implement
features from XSI into Maya. However, this was done extremely poorly and
resulted in a tick box exercise. One result of this has been Trax. Trax's
core issue is that it maps nodes to indices. i.e. it's version of Actions,
Clips, isn't name-based but it's based on order of initial selection. So,
it works immediately in a demo but doesn't in production when rigs are
evolving. The work around for this is a lot of scripts... scripts to record
and store selections and selection order. Scripts to rebuild clips, scripts
to rebuild timelines etc. Trax, eventually went in for an overhaul and we
were looking forward to it becoming a useful tool but alas it's core issue
was never tackled and it remains under utilised. But more importantly, Maya
users have never been exposed to a really great tool that actually works.
They now all assume non-linear editing is a broken toy.

Until, Maya devs focus on human usability, Maya will always be a struggle
for a lot of users.

*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Zoogloo Rigging Tools

2014-03-16 Thread Greg Maguire
Thanks Eric,

I certainly hope it's useful in pushing a cross platform solution forward.


On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Eric Turman wrote:

 Thank you Greg and Andy,

 Back in 2007, my friend Michael Werckle was saying very good things about
 the ZooGloo system. I have not downloaded it yet, but if half of what I've
 heard holds up, I'm certain that it will benefit the community greatly.
 Also, as I am looking to adapt my rig components and modular, non-linear
 auto-rig system --that Greg Punchatz referred to recently in another
 thread-- to the Fabric engine, it is helpful to do a sanity-check against
 other workflows. Thank you so much for your and Andy's generosity and of
 open sourcing this.

 -=Eric Turman

 On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 6:58 AM, Greg Maguire wrote:

 Woops, Hit send too quickly. cc'ing in Andy Buecker.

 On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Greg Maguire g...@inlifesize.comwrote:

 Hi guys,

 I'm enjoying the discussion regarding Fabric and the cross-DCC rigging
 project. I didn't want to hi-jack the thread so started this one. Apologies
 if it's redundant.

 I've been involved in building several rigging systems. So, much so that
 I co-founded Zoogloo with Andy Buecker in 2006 to rig for studios. We
 worked on 25 different projects over a three year period including,
 Spiderman3, Where The Wild Things Are, Happy Feet, Thundercats and more.
 Because we worked on animated features, episodic television, games and
 visual effects features and in Maya and in Softimage, we developed an
 in-house rigging system that took a different approach to any rigging
 system at the time and any that I have seen since.

 Having worked at ILM and witnessed the size of the team that had to be
 hired to translate between maya and ILM's proprietary tools, we decided to
 go further up the chain and develop a higher level rigging tool. We would
 not translate between softwares, we would instead issue each package
 instructions that would be built natively.

 i.e. a node based editor to build connections between blocks of body
 parts. A block would have characteristics built in, a 3-bone spine, or a
 9-boneIKFK spine or a Disney-foot or an ILM-head. Each block then passed
 their data to a python script built for maya or softimage natively. i.e. we
 had to write Disney-foot in python for Maya and python for Softimage.

 btw. You can tell from my poor explanation above which one of us did the
 majority of the coding! (thanks Andy, you rock!)

 It addressed the following issues:

  1. Developing rigs for Maya, Softimage and any other software (Fabric?)
 2. Developing rigs for games, animated features, episodic television and
 2. Naming convention mapping between all objects, controls for different
 3. SQLite for storing, geom, transforms, weights.

 Anyway, to cut what could be an incredibly long story short we Opened
 Sourced the tools some time ago but didn't tell anyone. I thought some
 of our work might be of use to you guys:

 Two years amount of work here, it might speed things up.

 Warmest regards.


 *Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
 Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |


 *Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
 Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |




*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Zoogloo Rigging Tools

2014-03-15 Thread Greg Maguire
Woops, Hit send too quickly. cc'ing in Andy Buecker.

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Greg Maguire wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I'm enjoying the discussion regarding Fabric and the cross-DCC rigging
 project. I didn't want to hi-jack the thread so started this one. Apologies
 if it's redundant.

 I've been involved in building several rigging systems. So, much so that I
 co-founded Zoogloo with Andy Buecker in 2006 to rig for studios. We worked
 on 25 different projects over a three year period including, Spiderman3,
 Where The Wild Things Are, Happy Feet, Thundercats and more. Because we
 worked on animated features, episodic television, games and visual effects
 features and in Maya and in Softimage, we developed an in-house rigging
 system that took a different approach to any rigging system at the time and
 any that I have seen since.

 Having worked at ILM and witnessed the size of the team that had to be
 hired to translate between maya and ILM's proprietary tools, we decided to
 go further up the chain and develop a higher level rigging tool. We would
 not translate between softwares, we would instead issue each package
 instructions that would be built natively.

 i.e. a node based editor to build connections between blocks of body
 parts. A block would have characteristics built in, a 3-bone spine, or a
 9-boneIKFK spine or a Disney-foot or an ILM-head. Each block then passed
 their data to a python script built for maya or softimage natively. i.e. we
 had to write Disney-foot in python for Maya and python for Softimage.

 btw. You can tell from my poor explanation above which one of us did the
 majority of the coding! (thanks Andy, you rock!)

 It addressed the following issues:

 1. Developing rigs for Maya, Softimage and any other software (Fabric?)
 2. Developing rigs for games, animated features, episodic television and
 2. Naming convention mapping between all objects, controls for different
 3. SQLite for storing, geom, transforms, weights.

 Anyway, to cut what could be an incredibly long story short we Opened
 Sourced the tools some time ago but didn't tell anyone. I thought some
 of our work might be of use to you guys:

 Two years amount of work here, it might speed things up.

 Warmest regards.


 *Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
 Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: webinar

2014-03-10 Thread Greg Maguire
St. Patricks Day at 5pm? I'll be watching with a Guinness in my hand.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 4:45 PM, adrian wyer

   starting soon if i'm not mistaken;


 Adrian Wyer
 Fluid Pictures
 75-77 Margaret St.
 W1W 8SY
 ++44(0) 207 580 0829

 Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
 Company number:5657815
 VAT number: 872 6893 71


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Luxology Modo 50% off for this mailing list - A new word from Brad Peebler

2014-03-07 Thread Greg Maguire
+1 on webinar


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Paint weights across multiple envelopes? And symmetry mapping errors....

2014-02-17 Thread Greg Maguire
This is my preferred method too. ILM had a really cool concept I'd like to
see in Soft. Instead of painting with the radius of a circle, make the
brush three dimensional like a ball. Wings can be tricky, I generally chop
the top or bottom part of a wing off and Gator everything. However a 3D
ball would remove that need.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Mirko Jankovic

 You dont even have to merge them, gator will manage just fine for example:

 paint weigh on full body mesh

 duplicate body mesh and delete all non seen polys, you dont need them, but
 you can jstu skip this and just keep full body mesh if you dont mind having
 not seen polygons, maybe even better if cloth materials have

 then GATOR shirt, pants.. any other cloth or prop object.
 It iwill follow full body mehsh just fine
 Tweak here or there if needed but in mosta case it works pretty fine

 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Peter Agg peter@googlemail.comwrote:

 Yep, I do as Mirko does for this stuff, the envelope tools are fairly
 limited for a lot of this fiddly kind of things.

 If you're merging existing geo together make sure everything is welded -
 Polygon Islands are a pain to deal with as well. Ideally you want some kind
 of single mesh body-glove for the 'master' envelope.

 On 17 February 2014 10:34, Mirko Jankovic mirkoj.anima...@gmail.comwrote:

 Not sure how others deal with it but when having character that will
 have cltoth weighted and simulated I like to have an mesh with full body,
 and then 2nd mesh with only visible parts, hands, neck, head etc...
 Then painting weights on full body  mesh only, GATOR-ing everything else
 and then for animationa nd everything els using only cloth and partialy
 bodu mesh, and full body mesh is left out of model not used for anything
 esle but for painting and GATOR-ing weights to all other meshes on

 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Siew Yi Liang soni...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hi all, sorry for another silly question, but I've just spent the
 better part of 3 hours trying to find a solution: is there actually a way
 in XSI to paint across multiple envelopes at the same time, assuming they
 have the same deformer influences? I've been searching around for a way to
 do so but it doesn't seem like I can, and the best I can hope for is to
 GATOR over the points I want?

 The problem is that I have a character split up into several parts, so
 weighting the areas where neck meets shirt, torso meets pants etc. is a
 little annoying when I can't paint across them seamlessly. I've actually
 never had to deal with this before in XSI, so I have no idea if this is
 actually possible?

 Additionally, when trying to create a symmetry mapping template for a
 certain geometry, I'm getting:

 Application.CreateSymmetryMappingTemplate(, , , )
 # ERROR : 2057-GetSkeleton - Input object is not a skeleton object -
 [line 492 in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013

 The deformers affecting it are just implicit bones, so I'm not sure
 what exactly the error is referring to -  I tried manually creating the
 symmetry template myself and mirroring the weights, but nothing happened.
 No error message appeared, but the weights didn't mirror either.

 The scene file is available at: , I'd really
 appreciate it if anyone has run into this situation before and could spare
 a few minutes to take a quick look! The head geometry is the one giving
 problems (I thought it might have had something to do with the ICE facial
 rig, but I froze those operators and tried doing the symmetry template
 again and it still gave the same issue...)

 Yours sincerely,
 Siew Yi Liang


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: rigging in xsi vs maya

2014-01-07 Thread Greg Maguire
Jordi's past 3 emails. Awesome. +

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Jordi Bares wrote:

 Following where I left it with my iPhone…

 It is the perception that is cheaper that is the problem, I have proved
 myself and the company I work for now that it is not the case, super-senior
 people are indeed cheaper as they can get the job done much faster, the
 trick is simply to make sure there is as little downtime during the job and
 prioritise all you can so they are never waiting for others (that IS

 The results are there for you to see, the last 3 jobs we have done over
 the last year were big challenges with such complexity and deadlines they
 would have backfired if it wasn't for our approach, a tiny team of
 super-seniors (all 17+ years doing CG, 2 of them 25+ years doing CG). They
 do know what they are doing to a degree is difficult to explain.

 The same happens with Softimage artists, they tend to come from the
 previous generation and are much more frugal, efficient and simply know
 what is happening under the bonnet and pretty much all the tricks, they
 become in my eyes much more valuable even if the daily rate is double or
 quadruple the rate of a junior because they can deliver 4-5x faster and
 nail it first time, they don't need an army of producers (also freelancers)
 poking artists around as if they were cows and building a huge amount of
 stress on the way.

 my 2 cents part 2

 Jordi Bares

 On 7 Jan 2014, at 08:32, Jordi Bares wrote:

  The advantage is a logistic and economic one as having a rigger doing
 the same job in 3 times the time is easier to find and you can stack people
 up if necessary.
  Also the constant flow if students makes it cheaper (not true)
  On this I have a lot to say...
  Sent from my iPhone
  Sorry maybe the Industry Standard has other benefits above Softimage.
  I don't know what they are except that it is easier to get a job and it
 has a nice viewport


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Softimage Rental?

2013-09-09 Thread Greg Maguire
This rental approach looks interesting. However, I hope they adopt a more
appstore approach for the UK and don't just swop the $ for a £ sign.

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Rob Wuijster wrote:

  not seeing Softimage on that list



 On 9-9-2013 17:18, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 So are we going to be getting a rental option?

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*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Maya LT in education

2013-09-02 Thread Greg Maguire
The menus look pretty much the same to me. A few missing here and there.
The entire entertainment collection is £150ish for the whole year with a
£25/year maintenance. That includes Maya, Softimage, 3D Studio, Mudbox, 
Motionbuilder. I can't see MayaLT Edu being much of a better deal than
that. + why restrict your students anyway with an artificial ceiling?

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Angus Davidson

  Hi Jon

  Having a version that caters directly to our games design courses is a
 very useful thing. For one thing they are not overwhelmed by all the maya
 Menus as it has be pruned down to suit what is available for use in LT.

  So there is merit to using it even when you have access to the full

  Kind regards


   From: Jon Swindells
 Date: Monday 02 September 2013 8:51 AM
 Subject: Re: Maya LT in education

   aren't they still doing the student full version ?

 On 2 September 2013 09:34, Angus Davidson

  Anyone know if there are plans for a edu version / licence of Maya LT.
  We weoudl look at it for our Games Design courses.

  Kind regards


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*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: How to read .MEL script in Softimage

2013-08-29 Thread Greg Maguire
More like Maya LT will be offered on $50/Month. With Quarterly, and Annual
rental options that will also be available.

No scripting and no set-driven keys is a deal-breaker for me.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Luc-Eric Rousseau luceri...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Nicolas Esposito
  Looking at the removed features I think that they want to sell it just
 as a modeling/UV/animation baking toolset to work with game engines on
 mobile ( thats why the 25k polys FBX export limit ), so thats what you get
 out of the box ( even because rendering is completely removed, not even
 watermarks like the SI Mod Tool )
  I don't know...I mean, 800$, considering other 3d softwares seems a bit
 too much, considering that nowdays you can create a lot inside a game engine

 The Maya LT model is really rental, it's between 33$ to 40$ per month


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: OT: my 10 year old wants to make games

2013-08-26 Thread Greg Maguire
I run a 3D Dojo in Belfast every Saturday morning. We primarily use Blender
because of its availability to the students. The class is delivered to the
kids by the kids. I've had kids as old as 11 teach the class. A few of them
are making games, primarily first person shooters in Unity 3D.

Scratch is probably the most common platform out there for teaching but
whatever you do, do not underestimate their abilities. ;)

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Ognjen Vukovic wrote:

 Rob that seems quite cool for young children to get into programing.

 On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Rob Wuijster wrote:

  Hi Paul,

 I recently came across this:

 Apparently from 8 and up



 On 26-8-2013 14:47, Paul Griswold wrote:

  My 10 year old daughter has expressed an interest in making her own
 games.  As a typical 10 year old she doesn't have the patience to sit and
 type code out of a book to make a tic-tac-toe game.  I think she's still at
 the age where she needs to see more immediate (and cool) results.

   So, does anyone know of any online, kid-friendly, game building apps
 that might at least teach her some basic concepts?

  The one I'm leaning towards is Scratch, but there are just hundreds of
 other options out there and I have no idea what's good and what sucks.

  Anyone have a favorite they'd recommend?



  P.S. if it makes any difference, her favorite game is Minecraft.

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*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Why did I pay support?? Why did I buy a suite ? I want my moneyback!

2013-08-01 Thread Greg Maguire
Well articulated Andy. Presses 'Like' button.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Andy Moorer wrote:

 I recall watching my grandfather work for hours on end silversmithing,
 using both hands to manipulate 3d objects with gestures both coarse and

 All of these demos tend to forget to take a few minutes to look at how
 artisans who actually use their hands with real life 3d objects avoid
 fatigue. They don't stretch their arms out towards a screen.

 People have spent endless hours manipulating stuff using both hands since
 the first time we slapped a couple of flint rocks together, but after a
 single lifetime of manipulating a computer mouse we can't conceive of
 working all day using 10 fingers lol.

 I believe the ancient technique to avoid fatigue is called propping the
 elbows. We have a manipulation space where we can comfortably perform
 gestures in 3d space for hours on end, it is where the averaged normal of
 one's chest and face intersect, and is often where we find one's magazine,
 cellphone, vinyl toy under inspection, or lunch. The major concern for
 future computing may not be fatigue but competition for use of this limited
 and precious volume. ;)

  leap thing may look cool.. for first coupe minutes.. let me see you
 holding your hands up in the air for longer than 15 minutes alone.. not to
 mention couple hours...
  completely useless waste of time and money if you ask me


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Awkward center of object after freeze transform

2013-05-13 Thread Greg Maguire
I don't have an late enough version of Soft installed. Can you send as a

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Szabolcs Matefy szabol...@crytek.comwrote:

 Correct me if I’m wrong, but freezing a transform should put the center
 into the origin. Apparently, there are cases, when the center is not
 positioned properly, moreover, when I switch on the visibility of the
 center, and I’m in Local transform, they are not aligned at all. These
 objects are fubar, I have to merge those objects, and the extract them
 again, but this way I lose all coordinate data which is crucial for us, in
 our game engine.

 ** **

 Anyone met this issue, and if yes how it is resolved? I ask for support,
 but meanwhile I’d like to have a quick solution. Remodeling is not an
 option, due to the tight deadline…

 ** **

 ** **


 ** **

 ** **

 ** **


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*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: ** Job Posting ** looking for ICE talent to work on an Animated Feature Film

2013-03-08 Thread Greg Maguire
Sorry to hi-jack.

Sebastien, who's from Ireland?

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:

 (sigh) I don't ice, not at that level anyway. surely someone from London
 will pick this up though, and there are a few people in Ireland too, will
 ask around.

 On 8 March 2013 11:31, Rob Chapman wrote:

 Hi list , sorry for the noise,

 Walking the Dog, in Brussels Belgium are looking for a rare beast that is
 a Softimage ICE FX artist that ideally can also code.  If you are good at
 either of these skills and are available then please contact Sophia Raia if you are interested and they can take it from

 no remote work , will have to commute (some do from Lille!) or work from
 here in Brussels, Belgium. they can help with providing cheap accommodation
 to get you up and running.

 I know I am asking for unicorns... they do exist right?

 best regards



*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Interest/Opinions on a (possible) rigging workshop

2013-02-13 Thread Greg Maguire
I'll send one of my guys Raff if I don't do it myself as well! ;)

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:

 Cool,   I am double interested.

 2013/2/13 Raffaele Fragapane

 I would be for this workshop. definitely.

 On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:05 AM, Emilio Hernandez emi...@e-roja.comwrote:

 Sounds good.  Are you using Softimage as the main tool?



*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Rigging resources

2013-01-26 Thread Greg Maguire
Hi Manny,

Thank you so much for the 3DMastermind DVD's. I've skimmed through all the
Chapters and they are really great. Of course, I've learnt a few things
already just by doing that. :) Looking forward to going through them all in
more detail.

Warmest regards,

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Manny Papamanos wrote:

 Ah yes Jason... Those were the days ;)
 Whatever happened to Maude?

 The 3dmastermind training is still quite useful since the rigging tools
 and techniques haven’t changed much and also shows some good animation
 Couple that knowledge with modern toolkits like Gear or Species and you
 can get by just any character rigging/animation/lip-synch project with ease.
 If you know someone who’s trying to get initiated to rigging in Softimage
 let me know and I’ll give you a complimentary copy if you’re a member on
 the list.
 Send a message to


 Manny Papamanos
 Autodesk 3D Graphics Specialist : Softimage | MotionBuilder | Mudbox

 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Jason S
 Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 4:22 PM
 Subject: Re: Rigging resources

 Known Manny for a long while, even before the SI years, at a small comany
 called PRH
 Showed me a number of tricks, and even then he was da' man :)

 On 21/01/2013 3:09 PM, Luca wrote:
 Yeah, me too bought the DVD from Manny, about 4 or 5 years ago. I'd like
 to see something more. His tricks were nice...

 2013/1/21 Adrian Lopez
 Manny Papamanos released a rigging DVD for Soft a few years ago,  We
 purchased and enjoyed it, but it may be getting a bit dated by now..
  Still, alot of useful techniques from someone very close to the software.

 Unfortunately a second edition was not forthcoming...

 On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Jeremie Passerin wrote:
 A child cannot drive it's parent in Softimage. That might be a big problem
 for May riggers sometimes.
 I would love it to be possible actually.

 Another thing is the scaling hierarchy that is different in Softimage.
 Though, you can have it behaving like Maya in XSI. I'm actually frustrated
 that you an't have it behaving like Softimage in Maya :)

 Adrian Lopez
 Liquid Light Digital

 [Image removed by sender.]...superpositiviii...qualunque cosa accada!...


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: OT: Ergonomic chairs

2013-01-26 Thread Greg Maguire
I picked up a brand new Aeron at an ILM fire sale for $125. Great deal,
good chair. But my absolute favourite chair ever is beneath me now, the
Knoll Life Chair. Great controls and very comfortable. Good in heat and
cold. Experienced both in the heat of San Francisco and the winters in
Ireland. I got it at a Design fair in SF for $100.

I've been lucky with chairs. But allow me to gloat... I also picked up 2
Biomorph Maxo tables for $45 each, used by ILM artists since Jurassic Park.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:02 AM, Eric Lampi wrote:

 Hey all,

 Does anyone have recommendations for good, adjustable, ergonomic chair? We
 all spend a lot of time sitting, so I figure this is probably a good place
 to ask. A Herman-Miller Aeron Chair is a no-brainer, so if anyone has an
 alternate suggestion, I'd appreciate it!


 Freelance 3D and VFX animator


*Greg Maguire* | Inlifesize
Mobile: +44 7512 361462 | Phone: +44 2890 204739 |

Re: Mocap Connector (was: RE: Any interest in a Kinect for Windows and/or XBox controller capture driver?)

2012-10-05 Thread Greg Maguire

Just checking in to see if any progress was made on either of these


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Eric Cosky wrote:

 While it goes against the seemingly common practices of indie game dev, I
 really don’t want to spill the beans on it until I get a little closer to
 alpha. I just can’t bring myself to talk it up while it’s still essentially
 vaporware ;)

 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Marc-Andre
 *Sent:* Thursday, August 23, 2012 10:31 AM

 *Subject:* RE: Mocap Connector (was: RE: Any interest in a Kinect for
 Windows and/or XBox controller capture driver?)

 ** **

 Allright now you got us curious about your game. What is it. ;)

 ** **

 *From:* []
 *On Behalf Of *Eric Cosky
 *Sent:* Thursday, August 23, 2012 12:13 PM
 *Subject:* RE: Mocap Connector (was: RE: Any interest in a Kinect for
 Windows and/or XBox controller capture driver?)

 ** **

 I apologize for not communicating this earlier, but I was very close to
 committing to this project but after much thought and discussion I decided
 I need to stay focused on finishing up the game I am working on right now.
 The game has been over a year in the works and despite the appeal of
 turning the mocap connector into a proper product, I really can't let
 myself switch gears right now - I just have too much invested in the game
 and I need to get it done. I won’t release the mocap connector unless I can
 take the time finish it up properly and provide the necessary support for
 both the project itself and the people who would be using it, and I just
 can't do that right now. Hopefully I can revisit this project in the future
 because it isn’t really that far from where it needs to be, but I just
 can’t afford the time right now. I simply *must* to get this game done
 ASAP, really don’t have any choice in the matter. Sorry! I’ll review the
 state of similar products when my workload will afford it, and if it looks
 like it still makes sense to do I’ll bring it up again and see if anyone is
 still interested. 

