Re: Unexpected docvalues type error using result grouping - Use UninvertingReader or index with docvalues

2015-07-24 Thread shamik
Thanks Eric. Here's the part which I'm not able to understand. I've for e.g. Source A, B, C and D in index. Each source contains n number of documents. Now, out of these, a bunch of documents in A and B are tagged with MediaType. I took the following steps: 1. Delete all documents tagged with

Re: Unexpected docvalues type error using result grouping - Use UninvertingReader or index with docvalues

2015-07-24 Thread shamik
I didn't use the REST API, instead updated the schema manually. Can you be specific on removing the data directory content ? I certainly don't want to wipe out the index. I've four Solr instances, 2 shards with a replica each. Are you suggesting clearing the index and re-indexing from scratch ?

Unexpected docvalues type error using result grouping - Use UninvertingReader or index with docvalues

2015-07-23 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
results back if I don't use result grouping. Any pointers will be appreciated. - Thanks, Shamik

Combining two MLT queries

2015-07-22 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
, Shamik

Re: Issue with German search

2015-05-19 Thread shamik
Anyone ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Issue with German search

2015-05-19 Thread shamik
Thanks Doug. I'm using eDismax Here's my Solr query : http://localhost:8983/solr/testhandlerdeu?debugQuery=trueq=title_deu:Software%20und%20Downloads Here's my request handler. requestHandler name=/testhandlerdeu class=solr.SearchHandler lst name=defaults

Re: Issue with German search

2015-05-19 Thread shamik
Thanks a ton Doug, I should have figured this out, pretty stupid of me. Appreciate your help. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Issue with German search

2015-05-18 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
Sie, wie Sie eine Vorgängerversion Ihrer Autodesk-Software erhaltenSprachoptionenHerunterladen der lizenzierten Software in einer anderen Sprache oder Erhalten eines Sprachpakets. /field field name=authorBob/field /doc Any pointers will be appreciated. -Thanks, Shamik

Re: Grouping Performance Optimation

2015-04-23 Thread shamik
You should look at CollapsinQParserPlugin. It's much faster compared to a Grouping query. It has a limitation though, check the following JIRA if it might affect your use-case. -- View this

Re: Unable to update config file using zkcli or RELOAD

2015-04-03 Thread shamik
Ok, I figured the steps in case someone needs a reference. It required both zkcli and RELOAD to update the changes. 1. Use zkcli to load the changes. I ran it from the node which used the bootstrapping. sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost zoohost1:2181 -confname myconf -solrhome

Re: Unable to update config file using zkcli or RELOAD

2015-04-03 Thread shamik
Thanks Shawn for the pointer, really appreciate it. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Unable to update config file using zkcli or RELOAD

2015-04-02 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
/collection1/newhandler I got a 404. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Do I need to run the zkcli script on each node? I'm using Solr 5.0. Regards, Shamik

Uneven index distribution using composite router

2015-03-26 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
will be appreciated. Regards, Shamik

Re: Uneven index distribution using composite router

2015-03-26 Thread shamik
Thanks for your reply Eric. In my case, I've 14 languages, out of which 50% of the documents belong to English. German and CHS will probably constitute another 25%. I'm not using copyfield, rather, each language has it's dedicated field such as title_enu, text_enu, title_ger,text_ger, etc. Since

Uneven data distribution with composite router

2015-03-25 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
will be appreciated. Regards, Shamik

Problem with Terms Query Parser

2015-03-24 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
'/strint name=code400/int/lst What am I missing here ? I'm using Solr 5.0 version. Any pointers will be appreciated. Regards, Shamik

Solr 5.0 -- IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE on result grouping

2015-03-12 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
the error on any group by query -- SolrDispatchFilter null:java.lang. IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE for field 'ADSKDedup' (expected=SORTED). Use UninvertingReader or dex with docvalues. Does this mean that I need to re-index documents to get over this error ? Regards, Shamik

Re: Solr 5.0 -- IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE on result grouping

2015-03-12 Thread shamik
Wow, optimize worked like a charm. This really addressed the docvalues issue. A follow-up question, is it recommended to run optimize in a Production Solr index ? Also, in a Sorl cloud mode, do we need to run optimize on each instance / each shard / any instance ? Appreciate your help Alex. --

Re: Solr 5.0 -- IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE on result grouping

2015-03-12 Thread shamik
Well, I think I've narrowed down the issue. The error is happening when I'm trying to do a rolling update from Solr 4.7 (which is our current version) to 5.0 . I'm able to re-produce this couple of times. If I do a fresh index on a 5.0, it works. Not sure if there's any other way to mitigate it.

Re: Solr 5.0 -- IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE on result grouping

2015-03-11 Thread shamik
Looks like it's happening for any field which is using docvalues. java.lang.IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE for field 'title_sort' (expected=SORTED). Use UninvertingReader or index with docvalues. Any idea ? -- View this message in context:

Re: Solr 5.0 -- IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type NONE on result grouping

2015-03-11 Thread shamik
Thanks for your reply. Initially, I was under the impression that the issue is related to grouping as group queries were failing. Later, when I looked further, I found that it's happening for any field for which the docvalue has turned on. The second example I took was from another field. Here's a

Re: How to start solr in solr cloud mode using external zookeeper ?

2015-03-05 Thread shamik
The other way you can do that is to specify the startup parameters in Example : SOLR_MODE=solrcloud ZK_HOST=zoohost1:2181,zoohost2:2181,zoohost3:2181 SOLR_PORT=4567 You can simply start solr by running ./solr start -- View this message in context:

Re: Does DocValues improve Grouping performance ?

2015-02-05 Thread shamik
Joel, To give you some context, we are running queries against 6 million documents in a Solr cloud environment. The grouping is done to de-duplicate content based on an unique field. Unfortunately, due to some requirement constraint, the only way for us to run the de-duplication is during query

Include stopwords in phrase search

2015-02-04 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
devic I'm in Solr 4.7, so not sure if enablePositionIncrements=true is making any difference. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Include stopwords in phrase search

2015-02-04 Thread shamik
Well, I somehow made it work by using CommonGramsFilterFactory. filter class=solr.CommonGramsFilterFactory words=stopwords.txt ignoreCase=true/ Just wondering if it's the right approach ? -- View this message in context:

Issue with Solr multiple sort

2015-01-21 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
I'm missing here, any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Issue with Solr multiple sort

2015-01-21 Thread shamik
Thanks Hoss for clearing up my doubt. I was confused with the ordering. So I guess, the first field is always the primary sort field followed by secondary. Thanks again. -- View this message in context:

Re: Conditions in function query

2015-01-15 Thread shamik
This one worked. if(termfreq(Source,'A'),sum(Likes,3),if(termfreq(Source,'B'),sum(Likes,3),0)) -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Does DocValues improve Grouping performance ?

2015-01-15 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
wondering if anyone have tried DocValues for Grouping and saw any improvements ? -Thanks, Shamik

Conditions in function query

2015-01-14 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
. For e.g. if Source=A or B or C, then sum(Likes,4) if Source=D then sum(Likes,3) if Source=E the sum(Likes,2). Is it possible to do this using a function ? Any pointers will be appreciated. Regards, Shamik

Re: Conditions in function query

2015-01-14 Thread shamik
Thanks Eric, I did take a look at the if condition earlier, but not sure how that can be used for multiple conditions. It works for a single condition : if(termfreq(Source2,'A'),sum(Likes,3),0) But for multiple, I'm struggling to find the right syntax. I tried using OR in conjunction but hasn't

Re: Have anyone used Automatic Phrase Tokenization (AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory) ?

2014-12-12 Thread shamik
Anyone ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Have anyone used Automatic Phrase Tokenization (AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory) ?

2014-12-12 Thread shamik
Ted, Here's the query I'm using and the debug info. It's still returning all 5 results back as if it's simply looking for either of the term with q.op set as OR (default). http://localhost:8983/solr/autophrase?q=text:seat+cushionswt=xmldebugQuery=true Debug lst name=debug str

Re: Have anyone used Automatic Phrase Tokenization (AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory) ?

2014-12-12 Thread shamik
Jim, Thanks for your response. I've tried including AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory as part of the query analyzer, but didn't make any difference. fieldType name=text_autophrase class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100 analyzer type=index tokenizer

Re: Have anyone used Automatic Phrase Tokenization (AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory) ?

2014-12-12 Thread shamik
Ted, Thanks a lot, I had gone through your blogs but the white space issue slipped out of my mind. replaceWhitespaceWith addressed the issue. I think it's a great filter to have, surely takes care of an important use case. Appreciate your help. -Shamik -- View this message in context

Have anyone used Automatic Phrase Tokenization (AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory) ?

2014-12-11 Thread shamik
. -Thanks Shamik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Has anyone used Automatic Phrase Tokenization (AutoPhrasingTokenFilterFactory) ?

2014-12-10 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
com.lucidworks.analysis.AutoPhrasingQParserPlugin supports the edismax features which is my default parser. I'll appreciate if anyone provide their feedback. -Thanks Shamik

Highlighting simple.pre and values getting ignored

2014-11-10 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
the value from solrconfig and defaulting it to em. Can someone provide any pointer ? I'm using Solr 4.7. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Highlighting simple.pre and values getting ignored

2014-11-10 Thread shamik
Looks like this has to do with the selection of fast vector and breakIterator as boundary scanner. I'm using them to make sure that the highlighted snippet starts from the beginning of a sentence and not from the middle. str name=hl.usePhraseHighlighterfalse/str str

Re: Highlighting simple.pre and values getting ignored

2014-11-10 Thread shamik
Found the issue, to use FastVectorHighlighter, the pre and post tag syntax are different str name=hl.tag.pre/str str This worked out as expected. -- View this message in context:

Re: Boost Query (bq) syntax/usage

2014-10-01 Thread shamik
Thanks a lot Jack, it makes total sense. I check the config and default q.op was set to OR, which was influencing the query. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Boost Query (bq) syntax/usage

2014-09-30 Thread shamik
Hi, I'm little confused with the right syntax of defining boost queries. If I use them in the following way: http://localhost:8983/solr/testhandler?q=Application+Managerbq=(Source2:sfdc^6 Source2:downloads^5 Source2:topics^3)debugQuery=true it gets translated to -- arr

Boost Query (bq) syntax/usage

2014-09-30 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
Hi, I'm little confused with the right syntax of defining boost queries. If I use them in the following way: http://localhost:8983/solr/testhandler?q=Application+Managerbq=(Source2:sfdc^6 Source2:downloads^5 Source2:topics^3)debugQuery=true it gets translated to -- arr

Re: Boost Query (bq) syntax/usage

2014-09-30 Thread shamik
Thanks a lot Jack, makes sense. Just curios, if we used the following bq entry in solrconfig xml str name=bqSource2:sfdc^6 Source2:downloads^5 Source2:topics^3/str will it always be treated as an AND query ? Some of local results suggests otherwise. -- View this message in context:

Solr query field (qf) conditional boost

2014-09-29 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
in the lines boost ProductLine^5 if Author:Tom. I've been using a similar filtering in appends section, but not sure how to do it in qf or whether it's possible. lst name=appends str name=fqAuthor:(Tom +Solution:yes) /str /lst Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

RE: Solr query field (qf) conditional boost

2014-09-29 Thread shamik
Thanks Markus. Well, I tried using a conditional if-else function, but it doesn't seem to work for boosting field. What I'm trying to do is boost ProductLine field by 5, if the result documents contain Author = 'Tom'. -- View this message in context:

RE: Solr query field (qf) conditional boost

2014-09-29 Thread shamik
Thanks Markus, let me play around with the functions and see if I can achieve the results. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

How to query certain fields filtered by a condition

2014-09-29 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
query time. Appreciate your feedback. -Thanks, Shamik

Re: How to query certain fields filtered by a condition

2014-09-29 Thread shamik
Thanks Jack for your reply ... I'm sorry but I'm not too clear on the solution you proposed. Can you please provide a sample on what you suggested ? -- View this message in context:

Re: Czech stemmer

2014-09-11 Thread shamik
with CzechStemFilterFactory. I know there'll be trade-offs with various stemmers, but not sure which one fits the bill. Being an alien to Czech language doesn't help the cause either. Thanks, Shamik -- View this message in context:

Czech stemmer

2014-09-09 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
=solr.CzechStemFilterFactory/ /analyzer /fieldType Any pointers will be appreciated. - Thanks, Shamik

Re: solr query gives different numFound upon refreshing

2014-09-04 Thread shamik
I've noticed similar behavior with our Solr cloud cluster for a while, it's random though. We've 2 shards with 3 replicas each. At times, I've observed that the same query on refresh will fetch different results (numFound) as well as the content. The only way to mitigate is to refresh the index

Re: SOLR-6143 Bad facet counts from CollapsingQParserPlugin

2014-07-10 Thread shamik
Are there any plans to release this feature anytime soon ? I think this is pretty important as a lot of search use case are dependent on the facet count being returned by the search result. This issue renders renders the CollapsingQParserPlugin pretty much unusable. I'm now reverting back to the

Re: Does solrj support partial update for solr cloud?

2014-07-10 Thread shamik
Yes it does and pretty straight forward. Refer to following url : -- View this message in context:

Re: How to get related facets using Solr query ?

2014-07-04 Thread shamik
Thanks for the pointer Eric. You are right, I forgot to include IJK under AB. Also, facet field names are different. Unfortunately, I'm using Solrcloud and facet pivot doesn't seem to work in a distributed mode. I'll get back some result if I use distrib=false, but then it's not the right data.

Re: MLT weird behaviour in Solrcloud

2014-07-03 Thread shamik
Anyone ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

How to get related facets using Solr query ?

2014-07-03 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
Facet:XYZ 3. Doc C -- Facet:AB,CD Facet:IJK, XYZ Now, I want the result organized as : AB MNO,XYZ CD IJK,XYZ Is there a way to do this ? Thanks, Shamik

MLT weird behaviour in Solrcloud

2014-07-01 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
. Is this a known issue with solrcloud ? Any pointer will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: MLT weird behaviour in Solrcloud

2014-07-01 Thread shamik
Sorry, that's a typo when I copied the mlt definition from my solrconfig, but there's comma in my test environment. It's not the issue. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing

Can we do conditional boosting using edismax ?

2014-06-11 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
, as well as, boosting on source. What I'm trying to see is if there's a way to change the the weights based on Source.E.g. for source Blog, I would like to have the following boost text^3 title^2 while for source Videos , I prefer text^2 title^3. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Can we do conditional boosting using edismax ?

2014-06-11 Thread shamik
Thanks Ahmet, I'll give it a shot. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Problem with French stopword filter

2014-05-28 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Problem with French stopword filter

2014-05-28 Thread shamik
Turned out to be a weird exception. Apparently, the comments in the stopwords_fr.txt disrupts the stop filter factory. After I stripped off the comments, it worked as expected. Referred to this thread :

Re: Problem with French stopword filter

2014-05-28 Thread shamik
I found the issue. It had to do with edismax qf entry in request handler. I had the following entry : str name=qfname_fra^1.2 title_fra^10.0 description_fra^5.0 author^1/str Except for author, all other fields are of type adsktext_fra, while author was of the type text_general, which uses

Question on 3-level composite-id routing

2014-05-19 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
i.e. app level. This is required because the usage of the router as 2 or 3 level isn’t implicit. Specifying ’8′ bits for the component highlights the use of ’3′ level router*. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Question on 3-level composite-id routing

2014-05-19 Thread shamik
Awesome, thanks a lot Anshum, makes total sense now. Appreciate your help. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: What are the best practices on Multiple Language support in Solr Cloud ?

2014-05-05 Thread shamik
Thanks Nicole. Leveraging dynamic field definitions is a great idea. Probably work for me as I've a bunch of fields which are indexed as String. Just curious about the sharding, are you using Solr Cloud. I thought of taking the dedicated shard / core route , but then, as using a composite key (for

What are the best practices on Multiple Language support in Solr Cloud ?

2014-04-30 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
pointer on this will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Solr 4.7 not showing parsedQuery / parsedquery_toString information

2014-04-24 Thread shamik
/ parsedQueryString information if I use the earlier version. Do I change something in the configuration ? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik -- View this message in context: Sent

Solr 4.7 not showing parsedQuery / parsedquery_toString information

2014-04-24 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
/ parsedQueryString information if I use the earlier version. Do I change something in the configuration ? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: CollapsingQParserPlugin returning different result set

2014-03-18 Thread shamik
for you to look. Regards, Shamik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: CollapsingQParserPlugin returning different result set

2014-03-17 Thread shamik
Hi Joel, Thanks for taking a look into this. Here's the information you had requested.*ADSKDedup:*I've attached separate files for debug information for each query.Let me know if you need any information.Regards,Shamik CollapsingQParserPlugin_Query_Debug.txt

SolrCloud - inconsistent result for the same query

2014-03-17 Thread shamik
. I'll appreciate if someone can provide their feedback. Regards, Shamik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

CollapsingQParserPlugin returning different result set

2014-03-14 Thread shamik
different ? Any pointers will be appreciated. -Thanks, Shamik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Weird behavior of stopwords in search query

2014-02-18 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
I'm missing here, any pointers will be appreciated. - Thanks, Shamik

Re: Weird behavior of stopwords in search query

2014-02-18 Thread shamik
Jack, thanks for the pointer. I should have checked this closely. I'm using edismax and here's my qf entry : str name=qf id^10.0 cat^1.4 text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 manu^1.1 title^10.0 description^5.0 keywords^5.0 author^2.0 resourcename^1.0 /str As you can see, I was

Re: Fault Tolerant Technique of Solr Cloud

2014-02-18 Thread shamik
As Shawn had pointed, if you are using CloudSolrServer client, then you are immune to the scenario where a shard and its replica(s) go down. The communication should be ideally with the zookeepers and not the solr servers directly, One thing you need to make sure is to add the shard.tolerant

Weird issue with q.op=AND

2014-02-12 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
. I'm using a SolrCloud environment with 2 shards having a replica each. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: Weird issue with q.op=AND

2014-02-12 Thread shamik
Thanks a lot Shawn. Changing the appends filtering based on your suggestion worked. The part which confused me bigtime is the syntax I've been using so far without an issue (barring the q.op part). lst name=appends str name=fqSource:TestHelp | Source:downloads | -AccessMode:internal |

Re: Weird issue with q.op=AND

2014-02-12 Thread shamik
Thanks, I'll take a look at the debug data. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Indexing question on individual field update

2014-02-11 Thread shamik
remove stale content. Let me know if I'm missing something here. - Thanks, Shamik -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Indexing question on individual field update

2014-02-11 Thread shamik
Ok, I was wrong here. I can always set the indextimestamp field with current time (NOW) for every atomic update. On a similar note, is there any performance constraint with updates compared to add ? -- View this message in context:

Re: Indexing question on individual field update

2014-02-11 Thread shamik
Thanks Eric and Shawn, appreciate your help. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Indexing question on individual field update

2014-02-10 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
, which will keep the value if its already present in the index for a given id ? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: SolrCloud Result Grouping vs CollapsingQParserPlugin

2014-01-15 Thread shamik
Thanks Joel, really appreciate your help. I'll keep an eye on the 4.6.1 release. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

SolrCloud Result Grouping vs CollapsingQParserPlugin

2014-01-14 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
and confined to a dedicated shard. Just wondering if this applies to CollapsingQParserPlugin as well ? Will result name=response *numFound=6* start=0 be incorrect if the collapsed field is distributed ? I'll really appreciate if someone can provide pointers on this. Thanks, Shamik

Re: SolrCloud Result Grouping vs CollapsingQParserPlugin

2014-01-14 Thread shamik
Joel, Thanks for the pointer. I went through your blog on Document routing, very informative. I do need some clarifications on the implementation. I'll try to run it based on my use case. I'm indexing documents from multiple source system out of which a bunch consist of duplicate content. I'm

Re: Questionon CollapsingQParserPlugin

2014-01-14 Thread shamik
Thanks Joel, I found the issue. It had to do with the schema definition for adskdedup field. I had defined it as a text_general which was analyzing it based on -. After I changed it to type string, it worked as expected. Thanks for looking into this. -- View this message in context:

Questionon CollapsingQParserPlugin

2014-01-13 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
Hi, I'm looking for some clarification on CollapsingQParserPlugin feature. Here's what I tried. I downloaded 4.6, updated solr.xml under exampledocs folder and added the following entry. I've added a new field adskdedup on which I'm planning to test field collapsing. As you can see, out of

Re: Solr grouping performance porblem

2013-11-15 Thread shamik
Thanks for the update Shawn, will look forward to the release. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Solr grouping performance porblem

2013-11-11 Thread shamik
Thanks Joel, appreciate your help. Is Solr 4.6 due this year ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Solr grouping performance porblem

2013-10-30 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
about CollapsingQParserPlugin as an alternate to grouping, but that seemed to be available in 4.6. Just wondering if it can be an alternate in my case and whether if its possible to apply as a patch in 4.4 version. Any pointer will be appreciated. - Thanks, Shamik

Re: Grouping performance problem

2013-10-30 Thread shamik
Bumping up this thread as I'm facing similar issue . Any solution ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: shards.tolerant throwing null pointer exception when spellcheck is on

2013-10-23 Thread shamik
Thanks for the information. I think its good to have this issue fixed, specially for cases where the spellcheck feature is on. I'll check out at the source code and take a look, even a quick suppressing of the null pointer exception might make a difference. -- View this message in context:

shards.tolerant throwing null pointer exception when spellcheck is on

2013-10-22 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
-around to address this issue ? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks, Shamik

Re: SolrCloud Performance Issue

2013-10-17 Thread shamik
Thanks Primoz, I was suspecting that too. But then, its hard to imagine that query cache is only contributing to the big performance hit. The setting applies to the old configuration, and it works pretty well even with the query cache low hit rate. -- View this message in context:

Re: SolrCloud Performance Issue

2013-10-17 Thread shamik
I tried commenting out NOW in bq, but didn't make any difference in the performance. I do see minor entry in the queryfiltercache rate which is a meager 0.02. I'm really struggling to figure out the bottleneck, any known pain points I should be checking ? -- View this message in context:

SolrCloud Performance Issue

2013-10-16 Thread shamik
, can this contribute ? Sorry about the long post, but I'm struggling to nail down the issue here, especially when queries are running fine in a master-slave environment with similar hardware and network. Any pointers will be highly appreciated. Regards, Shamik -- View this message in context

SolrCloud Performance Issue

2013-10-16 Thread Shamik Bandopadhyay
the issue here, especially when queries are running fine in a master-slave environment with similar hardware and network. Any pointers will be highly appreciated. Regards, Shamik

RE: How to achieve distributed spelling check in SolrCloud ?

2013-10-08 Thread shamik
James, Thanks for your reply. The shards.qt did the trick. I read the documentation earlier but was not clear on the implementation, now it totally makes sense. Appreciate your help. Regards, Shamik -- View this message in context:

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