Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-02 Thread Dennis Schafroth
I ran out of memory on some big indexes when using solr 1.4. Found out that increasing termInfosIndexDivisor in solrconfig.xml could help a lot. It may slow down your searching your index. cheers, :-Dennis On 02/06/2011, at 01.16, Alexey Serba wrote: Hey Denis, * How big is your

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-02 Thread Denis Kuzmenok
Hey Denis, * How big is your index in terms of number of documents and index size? 5 cores, average 250.000 documents, one with about 1 million (but without text, just int/float fields), one with about 10 million id/name documents, but with n-gram. Size: 4 databases about 1G (sum),

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-02 Thread Alexey Serba
Commits are divided into 2 groups: - often but small (last changed info) 1) Make sure that it's not too often and you don't have commit overlapping problem. 2) You may

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Denis Kuzmenok
My OS is also CentOS (5.4). If it were 10gb all the time it would be ok, but it grows for 13-15gb, and hurts other services =\ It could be environment specific (specific of your top command implementation, OS, etc) I have on CentOS 2986m virtual memory showing although -Xmx2g You have

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Denis Kuzmenok
Here is output after about 24 hours running solr. Maybe there is some way to limit memory consumption? :( test@d6 ~/solr/example $ java -Xms3g-Xmx6g-D64 -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/test/solr/example/multicore/ -jar start.jar 2011-05-31 17:05:14.265:INFO::Logging to STDERR via

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
Are you in fact out of swap space, as the java error suggested? The way JVM's work always, if you tell it -Xmx6g, it WILL use all 6g eventually. The JVM doesn't Garbage Collect until it's going to run out of heap space, until it gets to your Xmx. It will keep using RAM until it reaches your

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Denis Kuzmenok
So what should i do to evoid that error? I can use 10G on server, now i try to run with flags: java -Xms6G -Xmx6G -XX:MaxPermSize=1G -XX:PermSize=512M -D64 Or should i set xmx to lower numbers and what about other params? Sorry, i don't know much about java/jvm =( Wednesday, June 1, 2011,

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
There is no simple answer. All I can say is you don't usually want to use an Xmx that's more than you actually have available RAM, and _can't_ use more than you have available ram+swap, and the Java error seems to be suggesting you are using more than is available in ram+swap. That may not be

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Denis Kuzmenok
Overall memory on server is 24G, and 24G of swap, mostly all the time swap is free and is not used at all, that's why no free swap sound strange to me.. There is no simple answer. All I can say is you don't usually want to use an Xmx that's more than you actually have available RAM, and

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Markus Jelsma
PermSize and MaxPermSize don't need to be higher than 64M. You should read on JVM tuning. The permanent generation is only used for the code that's being executed. So what should i do to evoid that error? I can use 10G on server, now i try to run with flags: java -Xms6G -Xmx6G

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
Could be related to your crazy high MaxPermSize like Marcus said. I'm no JVM tuning expert either. Few people are, it's confusing. So if you don't understand it either, why are you trying to throw in very non-standard parameters you don't understand? Just start with whatever the Solr example

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Denis Kuzmenok
There were no parameters at all, and java hitted out of memory almost every day, then i tried to add parameters but nothing changed. Xms/Xmx - did not solve the problem too. Now i try the MaxPermSize, because it's the last thing i didn't try yet :( Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 9:00:56 PM,

Re: Solr memory consumption

2011-06-01 Thread Alexey Serba
Hey Denis, * How big is your index in terms of number of documents and index size? * Is it production system where you have many search requests? * Is there any pattern for OOM errors? I.e. right after you start your Solr app, after some search activity or specific Solr queries, etc? * What are

RE: Solr memory consumption

2011-05-31 Thread Fuad Efendi
It could be environment specific (specific of your top command implementation, OS, etc) I have on CentOS 2986m virtual memory showing although -Xmx2g You have 10g virtual although -Xmx6g Don't trust it too much... top command may count OS buffers for opened files, network sockets, JVM DLLs