[spectre] Two exhibitions - Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts

2006-02-09 Diskussionsfäden meroni davide
Two exhibitions David Haines Joyce Hinterding Two works for Wilhelm Riech Haines Hinterding, Two works for Wilhelm Riech, 2006 Sydney-based artists, David Haines Joyce Hinterding, are widely known for their dramatic audiovisual installations. Working independently, but often in

[spectre] Disinformation, Live at Goldsmiths

2006-02-09 Diskussionsfäden joe banks
SENSE DATA AND PERCEPTION concert Saturday 11 Feb, 7pm, Great Hall UKISC Sound Practice Goldsmiths College, London Concert features Donald Bousted, John Levack Drever, Rob Godman, John Lely, and material from the new Disinformation project Sense Data and Perception (last presented at FACT,

[spectre] Public Confession Installation with Confession-Podcast

2006-02-09 Diskussionsfäden Markus Pottmann
MEDIA ART: Public Confession Installation with Confession-Podcast A complex, curious but also critical new media art installation called CONFESS.OR (part of a ReReligion work cycle) is currently offered on eBay for rental and sale - worldwide. The interactive installation also offers a daily

[spectre] Kritikos V.3, February 2006

2006-02-09 Diskussionsfäden Nicholas Ruiz
Kritikos V.3, February 2006 Looking to the Left: Politics in the Art of Barbara Kruger and Jenny Holzer...(j.drozdek) http://garnet.acns.fsu.edu/%7Enr03/drozdek.htm Scarring the New Flesh: Time Passing in the Simulacrum of Videodrome...(j.sperb)