Re: [sqlite] Re: sqlite_open

2006-12-01 Thread Craig Morrison

Dave Dyer wrote:

At 08:04 PM 11/30/2006, John Stanton wrote:

Those are Macintosh issues, not Sqlite, and you need to handle them in your 

Yes indeed.  I'm only suggesting that sqlite would be a better
substrate if it provided a supported way to tell me "I can't open
the database" rather than "there is no table named xx".  

Jon Postel said:

"Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others."

Checking the existence of a file is a mere stat() away and querying the 
master table list is simple:

SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='%q';

sqlite is lean and mean, feature creep detracts from that.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] Right() function

2006-11-29 Thread Craig Morrison

Cécilia Vigny wrote:


Does SQLite supports the right(string, len) function ?

For instance :

SELECT myfield, right(myfield,5) FROM mytable
where myfield = "aaa";

I've got an error near '(' when executing this request.


Return a substring of input string X that begins with the Y-th character 
and which is Z characters long. The left-most character of X is number 
1. If Y is negative the the first character of the substring is found by 
counting from the right rather than the left. If SQLite is configured to 
support UTF-8, then characters indices refer to actual UTF-8 characters, 
not bytes.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] Accommodating 'Insert' and 'Update'

2006-11-28 Thread Craig Morrison

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Craig Morrison wrote:

Another method is to have a field declared UNIQUE and use the syntax:


The UNIQUE constraint will trigger the REPLACE constraint if it 
already exists and the row will get updated instead of inserted.


  What I'm working on now is the general project database description. The
schema for table 'model' is:

CREATE TABLE model (model_name text not null primary key, model_desc text,
model_type text, keName text, agent INTEGER);
CREATE INDEX model_name_idx on model (model_name);

  The index is, I believe, redundant as the column is the primary key so
it's both unique and indexed.

I believe you are correct. I must admit I'm a bit behind on indexes as 
most of the sql operations that I do are simple lookups on small datasets.

Maybe one of the other gurus can chime in here and offer more insight.

  Do I need to specify each field as unique for this to work? Perhaps part
of my problem is that I'm not getting the database connection to work
properly so I cannot test it in real time. One step at a time.

No, you don't.

What you have to make sure of though is that your `model_name' doesn't 
get changed during the edit because that will change the `uniqueness' of 
the record and thus the UNIQUE constraint never fires.

Since model_name is your index and it is the unique or defining 
characteristic of each row its contents must not change after being 
inserted for an update to occur. If you must change the model_name, then 
you are delegated to "delete and reinsert" the record.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] Accommodating 'Insert' and 'Update'

2006-11-28 Thread Craig Morrison

Rich Shepard wrote:

  What is the most efficient approach to test whether a record has a value
in a field that's different from the one displayed? The only approach that
occurs to me is to retrieve each field from the table and compare values
with those in the form when the "Save" button is clicked. If the field is
blank, then use an 'insert' statement; if the field has an existing value,
use an 'update' statement. Seems kludgy to me.

Kludgy but works.

Another method is to have a field declared UNIQUE and use the syntax:


The UNIQUE constraint will trigger the REPLACE constraint if it already 
exists and the row will get updated instead of inserted.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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[sqlite] OT: filenaming conventions -- was: Re: [sqlite] Saving tables

2006-11-28 Thread Craig Morrison

P Kishor wrote:

On 11/28/06, John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you use an extension greater than 3 chars you violate rules for some
existing file systems and reduce portability.  You can also make it
difficult to parse the extension when it is used to type the file.

we are going a bit off-thread here, but violating the file system rule
(in this case, Windows) is precisely why I use an extension greater
that 3 chars. For example, .db extension is used by several other
programs -- Windows itself uses .db extension for thumbnails it
generates for pictures inside a folder. I want to get above that
riff-raff. The stupid system just lists my databases as "SQLITE File."
Good enough for me.

As far as portability is concerned -- my world revolves around Unixes,
in particular Mac OS X, some Linux variants, and Windows. I have never
had any portability issues with foo.sqlite.

In medecine the Hippocratic Oath requires "First, do no harm".  Not a
bad principle for IT design also.

I think, in good health, the first principle should be, don't expose
yourself to ills. By making my extension illegible to anything but
SQLite, I am not even getting in the fray.

Since we're already off-topic. :-D

I'm sure you are already aware of this, just pointing it out in context 
so those that aren't have a heads up.

Just a bit of warning, as it has bitten a few in the bum, about >3 
character extensions under the NT+ variants.. They can and will bite 
you, for instance:

dir *.sql

Will list not only *.sql files, but *.sqlite too.


del *.sql

Deleting all your *.sqlite files. Whoopsie..

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] C++ SQLite

2006-11-28 Thread Craig Morrison

sebcity wrote:
Thanks, Could you supply an example? 

I'm not going to be as nice as everyone else, go here:

Do some research and then come back instead of asking for handouts.

We've all been where you are now, the difference is that we tried on our 
own and _then_ came here asking questions when we got stuck. Trying to 
do a little work on your own will do you a world of good.

Clay Dowling wrote:

sebcity wrote:

How would one go about using c++ (Visual Studio.NET) to call and display
SQLite tables. C++ wrappers?

You could just use the API directly.  Myself, I've put a wrapper around
it, but there's nothing saying that you have to.

Simple Content Management

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Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [sqlite] Date and time

2006-11-07 Thread Craig Morrison

Lloyd wrote:

 select datetime(1162961284,'unixepoch','localtime');

 2006-11-08 10:18:04

The result is correct.

I would like to know how sqlite is performing the localtime correction. 

timestamps are in relation to UTC.. When you use the localtime modifier, 
you are instructing the code to adjust the timestamp display in 
accordance with your local settings. IOW, the offset from UTC of your 
system is used in the calculation of the displayed date.

Google: "strftime", "asctime" and "localtime" for a better explanation.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] Date data type

2006-11-07 Thread Craig Morrison

Lloyd wrote:

Thanks gg and Craig Morrison for your informative reply.

I would like to know one more thing, can I use these date and time
functions with comparison operators? Will they return the correct result
or as per the string comparison rules?

Same rules apply, if it smells like a string.. :-)

You can always cast() the result and then do your comparison.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] Date data type

2006-11-07 Thread Craig Morrison

Lloyd wrote:

  How can I manage date and time using sqlite? [Do I have to do it
outside sqlite?]

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

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Re: [sqlite] unsupported file format

2006-08-08 Thread Craig Morrison

Py Olivier wrote:


After compiling I'm testing the C example program provided in the quick start 
page, just to get into the C/C++ interface for SQLite.
./exprog testdb 'select * from tbl1' 
The database file opens normaly, but I get an error coming from the sqlite3_exec method : SQL error: unsupported file format.

As if there was a problem with the table names or query.
The same SQL query on the same database works fine with the command-line 
sqlite3 program.

What am I misunderstanding ?

Not trying to be a jerk, but please search the archives for the past 
week or so. This subject has been beat to death..

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Major projects using SQLite

2006-07-14 Thread Craig Morrison

Jon García de Salazar Bilbao wrote:

Could you give examples of some major software projects using SQLite?
Thanks, Jon.

FireFox 2.0..

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] How do you find out the names of the fields within a table?

2006-07-13 Thread Craig Morrison

John Newby wrote:

Hi Fred, I am using 2002.  I am not sure about dynamic arrays, I am
looking into it now

URLs may wrap

For dictionaries:

For dynamic arrays:

Google is your friend..

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] How do you find out the names of the fields within a table?

2006-07-13 Thread Craig Morrison

John Newby wrote:
Hi Craig, I have looked into the dictionary that you suggested, but 

this be the same as the array as I would still need to know how many times
to go through the while loop to add the names of the fields?  Also I 
need to
get the names of the fields back out to populate a comboBox, which I 

know how to do with an array.

item = myDict("hash")

Its pretty simple.

Use your favorite search engine to look for "scripting.dictionary" and 
you will find a wealth of information on VBScript's dictionary object.

From an earlier message of yours:

   ' select all field names from the selected table
   sqlite_cmd.CommandText = (strSQL)
   ' Now the SQLiteCommand object can give us a DataReader-Object:
   sqlite_datareader = sqlite_cmd.ExecuteReader()
   i = 0
   While sqlite_datareader.Read()
   fieldNames(i) = sqlite_datareader("name")
   'atch es As Exception
   '  MessageBox.Show(es.Message)
   End Try
   i += 1
   End While


You are already getting the field names on the fly, why do you insist on 
 knowing how many fields there are?

After you populate the dictionary, you can get the count of items 
(fields) by doing:

itemCount = myDict.Count

To attempt to stave off any more questions:

set fieldNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
sqlite_cmd.CommandText = (strSQL)
sqlite_datareader = sqlite_cmd.ExecuteReader()
i = 0
While sqlite_datareader.Read()
fieldNames.Add i, sqlite_datareader("name")
i += 1
End While
fieldCount = fieldNames.Count

Your problem is *not* sqlite, but rather a command of VB itself. You 
might want to spend some time getting up to speed on VB.

Or better yet, why don't you just pass a reference to the list box and 
add them directly to it?

I'm not going to comment further on this topic as it is now QUITE far 

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] How do you find out the names of the fields within a table?

2006-07-13 Thread Craig Morrison

Martin Jenkins wrote:

John Newby wrote:

Yeah I can get the names, but I need to put them in an array, and to put
them in an array I need to know the size of the array to store them 
in, so I
need to get a count first, then store this number as the size of the 

before I store the values into the array.

Are you sure there no dynamic container objects in VB that support an 
"append" method? Lists?

If not (and I find that hard to believe) you could hack around it by 
appending the names to a string, then parsing the string and then 
dimensioning your array, or you could build a linked list but ... surely 
VB has more intelligent containers than statically sized arrays?


Yup, they are called dictionaries..

set myDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

myDict.Add "Hash", "Data"

I'll leave the rest up to the OP as this is straying from the topic at 

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Problems with multiple threads?

2006-06-07 Thread Craig Morrison

Bill King wrote:

It would be nice if SQLite told us this. However, SQLite detects the 
reserved lock and returns SQLITE_BUSY, telling niether transaction 
much other than to try again. If a reserved lock is detected when 
trying to promote an existing read lock, this is a deadlock situation 
and should perhaps return an error code of SQLITE_DEADLOCK instead?


According to DRH this scenario shouldn't happen. Begin should set a 
flag, and the second begin will bug out because the flag is set. This is 
what looks like happening in my scenario, and is definately wrong 
behaviour. begin should be just that begin, mutually exclusive, unless 
Dr Hipp want's to implement versioning based transaction schemes. Not, 
begin "maybe i'm read, maybe i'm write, i'll decide later and woe betide 
any one else who tries to write".

It may be wrong behavior, but that's how SQLite works. Sometimes you 
just have to learn the quirks of the system and then deal with them.

File a bug report or submit a patch with the "correct" behavior and I am 
sure DRH will be more than happy to review it.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] OT: SQL Help

2006-06-07 Thread Craig Morrison

Jarrett, Zachary wrote:

I misread what you wanted to do.  Now that I've re-read your post, I realize
that the proper statement for what you want to do uses NOT IN rather than

WHERE filestamp NOT IN
(SELECT filestamp FROM snapshot);


Thanks Zack, works a treat!

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

[sqlite] OT: SQL Help

2006-06-07 Thread Craig Morrison

With all the other discussions going on with more important matters 
please excuse this brief interruption..

I have two tables that are created thusly:

CREATE TABLE files (filehash VARCHAR(48) UNIQUE, filestamp INTEGER, 
filename VARCHAR(2048));
CREATE TABLE snapshot (filehash VARCHAR(48) UNIQUE, filestamp INTEGER, 
filename VARCHAR(2048));

I suck at SQL, so I plead for your advice..

I want to be able to delete all rows from 'files' that do *not* exist in 
'snapshot'. My efforts to date have done nothing but leave me with less 


Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Purging the mailing list roles. Was: Please Restore Your Account Access

2006-05-30 Thread Craig Morrison

Jay Sprenkle wrote:

On 5/30/06, Eric Scouten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree with Jay. I'd hate to have to respond to an e-mail ping every
so often just to continue reading the list.

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind terribly if I got placed on
"moderated" status (i.e. had to go through a verification step in
order to *post* to the list) if I were either (a) new to the list, or
(b) hadn't posted in a while.

As an alternative,  Maybe we should point people who only want to
read the list to a link to an email archive/aggregator and tell them
to search there if they want answers and only to subscribe/resubscribe
if they actively want to post.

Because this penalizes people who want direct delivery.

I don't know about you, but I have spent a lot of time tweaking my 
filters here to get mail delivered to me the way I want it. Trudging 
through someone else's archive is out of the question.

+1 for moderated posting status after  days, -10 for all of the 
other suggestions that will cause me to jump through hoops to stay 

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] "SQL logic error or missing database"

2006-05-23 Thread Craig Morrison

Ran wrote:

Indeed if I reset after the first step failed, and than prepare again, the
select works. But I guess this is not the usual way to do things right? I
mean - shouldn't the first prepare be aware of the fact that the database
was changed? Or maybe CREATE TABLE is a special case?

If I were to hazzard a guess, its because there was a second handle 
opened to the database that modified the schema which the first handle 
doesn't know about until it does its sanity check before operating on 
the database.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] scary warnings

2006-05-23 Thread Craig Morrison


If you do not care to see the warnings, there is probably
some way to turn them off in your compiler.

To the OP:

In VC7 and above.. Open the project settings for your project, navigate 
to: Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Disable Specific Warnings. Plug 
in the warning number(s) you don't want to see.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] maximum number of databases

2006-05-16 Thread Craig Morrison

Fitzpatrick, Bill (MS) wrote:
We are considering SQLite to manage our data which is distributed over 
a number of ordinary directories (about a 1000 and growing).

Is it feasible to create a separate SQLite database for each directory, 
totaling more than a 1000
databases each managed by the same SQLite server?  What is the maximum number 
of databases
managed a single server?

"About SQLite

SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, 
embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine"

Note: it says *engine* not server.

SQLite is not a DBMS in the true sense, it is a library that you link to 
your applications that allows you to manage tables of a database in one 
file. You can open as many database files as your environment will allow..

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] sqlite2 api question - updates

2006-05-16 Thread Craig Morrison

Jay Sprenkle wrote:
> If version 2 does not support parameters what's the correct way to 

> the data?

I don't know about parameters, but here is one way:

char *pszStatement;

#define STATEMENT "UPDATE question SET qtext = '%q' WHERE qnumber=%d;"
pszStatement = sqlite_mprintf(STATEMENT, qtext, qnumber);

sqlite_exec_printf(..); can also be used similarly..

Thanks Craig :)

I got it working finally. It does escape correctly if you use sqlite_step()
but I had problems using sqlite.exe and .READ.

I couldn't get parameters to work at all. I assume they're just not 

in 2.x sqlite.

Interesting.. I decided to take a little break from my project and look 
at shell.c (I currently use 2.8.13) to see what it does to process file 
input. Answer: Nothing much. :-)

All it does is slurp input, concatenate it into one long string and then 
feed it to sqlite_exec(..). So it seems in theory the normal escaping 
mechanisms should work.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] sqlite2 api question - updates

2006-05-16 Thread Craig Morrison

Jay Sprenkle wrote:

I'm trying to write a program using sqlite2.8.

I've tried using the following sql from the command line tool and it
does not escape
the data correctly:
   update question set qtext = 'this shouldn''t fail' where qnumber=1;
The escaped single quote is replaced by garbage.

I've tried writing a c program but the api documentation is not clear.
Should you build the sql this way:
  update question set qtext = ? where qnumber=1;
Then set the column data parameter (pazValue) to point to the text to
use for qtext?
When I do this I get updates to NULL.

If version 2 does not support parameters what's the correct way to escape
the data?

I don't know about parameters, but here is one way:

char *pszStatement;

#define STATEMENT "UPDATE question SET qtext = '%q' WHERE qnumber=%d;"
pszStatement = sqlite_mprintf(STATEMENT, qtext, qnumber);

sqlite_exec_printf(..); can also be used similarly..

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Sqllite As server

2006-02-01 Thread Craig Morrison

Vishal Kashyap wrote:

Dear All,

We have an existing Sqlite application which till now was fine running
on single machine. Now we need flexibility of client server model. Is
this possible with Sqlite ? . Or alternatively is it possible to use
Sqlite db file from shared drives.

Don't know if this is of any use..

Look around the Wiki for SQLite, there's some good information there.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Compile SQLite

2006-01-30 Thread Craig Morrison

Merijn Vandenabeele wrote:
I know where I can download the sources, but there's no makefile or 
visual studio project or anything like that included. What should I do 
with this bunch of headers and c-files to create a dll?

Create a standard windows dll project, add all the *.c files to it 
create a file called sqlite.def (make sure you add it to the project), 
build it.

sqlite.def should look something like:


Where 'sqlite_function_call' is the name of the function you want to 
export, you'll need a line for each function you want access to in your DLL.

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Compile SQLite

2006-01-30 Thread Craig Morrison

Merijn Vandenabeele wrote:


I'd like to compile SQLite v3.3.2 using Visual Studio .NET 2003. I found a 
reference to a solution in the wike but I couldn't find a link to download the 
file. How should I compile SQLite from source?

Best regards,
Merijn Vandenabeele

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Re: Copy tables from one memory database to another with no disk access?

2006-01-26 Thread Craig Morrison

Igor Tandetnik wrote:

did you try the really obvious way?

create table db2.yourtable(...)

insert into db2.yourtable
 select * from db1.yourtable

For that to work, one first needs to attach one database to the other. 
ATTACH command requires a file name. Memory database does not have one.

':MEMORY:' ?

Craig Morrison
  Controlling pseudoephedrine purchases.
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] Multi-threading.

2005-07-15 Thread Craig Morrison

D. Richard Hipp wrote:

On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 16:41 +0530, Roushan Ali wrote:

Hello all,
 Can we use single sqlite_open handle(global) across threads(
if all database operations are serialized by using semaphore) ? Please

Opening a database connection in one thread and using it in another
will work on some operating systems but not on others.  You are 
advised not to do it.  See


Good sound advice, to a point.

Multiple threads accessing the same connection *can* be done, its a 
design time issue that needs to be addressed before even a single line 
of code is written.

I do it with my mail server using SQLite for logging purposes, I use 
mutex semaphores to handle the nitty gritty details.

Its the usual issue of knowing what you are stepping into before you 
step, because some of what you step into stinks.

Craig Morrison
  A Win32 email server that works for You.

Re: [sqlite] PHP5 && SQLite3

2004-10-19 Thread Craig Morrison
Keith Herold wrote:
Out of curiosity, how hard would it be to build a translation layer?  I
suppose it's easier to keep both versions around, and upgrade when
necessary, but as a technical problem, it's at least interesting?  Only
downwardly, of course, so there would be no expectation that 2.X could use
3.X, just the reverse.  It had sounded as if only the file format was the
problem; is it more than that?  

I'm not pushing, in any sense, just wondering if anyone has looked at this
issue with an eye to resolving it.
The PHP library IS the translation layer.
The crux of the issue is that the formats are NOT compatible, nor are 
the API's. What Dr. Hipp suggested is the best possible course. Link 
with both API's which _DO_ have separate naming conventions making it 
possible to support both formats concurrently. All new databases follow 
Sqlite3, legacy follow Sqlite2.

There are signatures in the database files to distinguish between the 
two. Use the tools that are available to add the layer of abstraction 
necessary. Don't force that on SQlite itself.

Its all summed up in one sentence, which is the first one that appears 

"SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, 
embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine."

The focus is there, anything beyond that is up to the implementation.
Craig Morrison
  A Win32 email server that works for You.