Re: [sqlite] Possible bug

2009-04-08 Thread brettg
Hello.  The EzTools office is closed for 1 week holidays.  Will be open again 
around 17 April.  If you have purchase a product, we will process your order 
then.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

EzTools Support

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Sqlite 2

2009-04-08 Thread brettg
Hello.  The EzTools office is closed for 1 week holidays.  Will be open again 
around 17 April.  If you have purchase a product, we will process your order 
then.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

EzTools Support

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Sqlite, vb6 and date time field

2009-04-08 Thread brettg
Hello.  The EzTools office is closed for 1 week holidays.  Will be open again 
around 17 April.  If you have purchase a product, we will process your order 
then.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

EzTools Support

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Hello I am a newbie : for SQLite : Create db : VB6

2008-04-29 Thread brettg
Hello.  I happened to see this thread (I'm EzTools suppport).  The Sqlite open
function automatically creates a new file if the file doens't exist.
SqlitePlus does the same thing (since it just passes through to Sqlite).
However, I have added an additional, optional parameter that will cause the
SqliteDb.Open method to fail if the file doesn't exist.  But it is false by
default, so calling open with a filename that doesn't exist should create the
file.  Maybe its being created in a different folder than your .exe?  Its
possible its in a place you don't expect if you aren't passing a full path.
Anyway, here is a good way to call SqliteDb.Open from a VB app:

   db.Open App.Path & "my_database.db", 0, false

Let me know via my eddress if you still have problems


Quoting palmer ristevski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> That is Great OLAF
> That is all that I am looking for.
> I just want to be able to create new files,
> then create tables and populate them and
> do simple queries.
> If I can do that with your stuff, that would be amazing
> for me. I have had great great difficulty trying to find
> wrapper for VB6!
> Thanks once again.
> I will try it out, and if I run into problems i will email you.
> Thanks once again.
> Pablopico
>> To:
>> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 03:17:30 +
>> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Hello I am a newbie : for SQLite : Create db : VB6
>> palmer ristevski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi Palmer,
>> > I am new to this type of Forum.Here is my question :
>> > My development platform is VB6. I am using "SQLitePlus
>> > COM-DLL" from have code to access
>> > and query an existing ".db" file, but I wish to know
>> > how to make a function call to create new SQLite
>> > database files on harddisk.How would you do this using
>> > VB6?What is the function call that you would have to make.
>> > I know how to do this with SQLite at the command
>> > line, and I could use VB6 to execute these commands
>> > at the command line, but I want a more direct way to create
>> > new database files.Hope someone can help me out.
>> Sorry, no experience with the SQLitePlus-COM-wrapper
>> (maybe you should ask their technical support).
>> In case you want to try out something, working
>> similar to "ADO/DAO-style"...
>> The following example is Code for my COM-wrapper,
>> which is available here:
>> It consists of three Binaries, placed in the
>> Public Domain:
>> dhRichClient.dll (COM-Dll - ADO-like WrapperClasses)
>> sqlite35_engine.dll (StdCall-Dll, based on SQLite 3.5.7)
>> DirectCOM.dll (Std-Dll, allows regfree COM-instancing)
>> Small example how to use it, including the
>> creation of a new DB, in case the file doesn't
>> exists yet:
>> Dim Cnn As cConnection, Cmd As cCommand, Rs As cRecordset
>> Dim i As Long, FileName As String
>>   FileName = "c:MyFile.db"
>>   Set Cnn = New cConnection 'create a Cnn-Object
>>   On Error Resume Next
>> Cnn.OpenDB FileName 'attempt, to open a DB-file
>> If Err Then 'DB-File doesn't exists...
>>   Cnn.CreateNewDB FileName ' we create one
>> End If
>>   'Ok, let's create a table
>>   Cnn.Execute "Create Table If Not Exists " & _
>>   "Tbl(ID Integer Primary Key, Txt Text)"
>>   'now we insert a few records over a Command-Object
>>   Set Cmd = Cnn.CreateCommand("Insert Into Tbl Values(?,?)")
>>   For i = 1 To 5
>> Cmd.SetText 2, "SomeText_" & i
>> Cmd.Execute
>>   Next i
>>   'and finally we request a Resultset...
>>   Set Rs = Cnn.OpenRecordset("Select * From Tbl")
>>   Do Until Rs.EOF 'loop over it...
>> Debug.Print Rs!ID, Rs!Txt '...and print its contents
>> Rs.MoveNext
>>   Loop
>> Olaf Schmidt
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
> _
> Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] garbage mail messages

2008-03-11 Thread brettg

   OK Dan, you have the solution.  The count was including the
terminating NULL char.  Making it not include the NULL char fixed
the problem.

   Another question:  For an empty result, should I return 0 or -1? 
And should the string be NULL or "" ?  Bear in mind that its an empty
result - not a NULL result.

   Thanks a million

   Quoting Dan Kennedy >

>   I'm trying to get the concat operator to work with my
> function.  This works fine:
>   SELECT UPPER(FirstName) || ' ' || UPPER(LastName) FROM  Employees
>   But this doesn't work:
>   SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time) || ' ' || FORMAT_TIME(login_time)
> FROM Sessions
>   I get only the formatted date - missing the formatted time.
> FORMAT_DATE is my own user-defined function that returns text data
> type.
When you call sqlite3_result_text() to return the result, does your
result string include a nul-terminator character? If so, that byte
should not be included in the "number of bytes" parameter passed
to result_text(). i.e. if you were doing:

sqlite3_result_text(pContext, "abc", 4, ...)
you might get the result you are describing.

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Can't get concat operator to work

2008-03-10 Thread brettg

   Yes, this works fine.  I get three columns: login date, empty
column, login time

Quoting Stephen Oberholtzer :

> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 7:36 PM,   wrote:
>>    I'm trying to get the concat operator to work with my
>>   function.  This works fine:
>>    SELECT UPPER(FirstName) || ' ' || UPPER(LastName) FROM 
>>    But this doesn't work:
>>    SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time) || ' ' ||
>>   FROM  Sessions
>>    I get only the formatted date - missing the formatted time.
>>   FORMAT_DATE is my own user-defined function that returns text
>>   type.
>>    Can someone *please* check into this.  I must get this
>>    Thank you
>>   -brett
> What about this?
> SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time), ' ', FORMAT_TIME(login_time) FROM
> That will make sure that FORMAT_DATE(login_time) is working
> --
> -- Stevie-O
> Real programmers use COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Can't get concat operator to work

2008-03-10 Thread brettg

   Sorry, I forgot to answer your question about using other Sqlite
built-in functions for date and time.  I need my own custom version
because my database dates can be stored as either a double value (OLE
Date scheme) or as text representation.  My custom functions can also
accept a format template allowing great flexibility as to the
formatted output.

   But aside from that, if this is a Sqlite bug, we need to get it
fixed anyway.


Quoting BareFeet :

> Hi Brett,
>>   I'm trying to get the concat operator to work with my
>> function.  This works fine:
>>   SELECT UPPER(FirstName) || ' ' || UPPER(LastName) FROM 
>>   But this doesn't work:
>>   SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time) || ' ' || FORMAT_TIME(login_time)
>> FROM  Sessions
>>   I get only the formatted date - missing the formatted time.
>> FORMAT_DATE is my own user-defined function that returns text data
>> type.
> I know I'm stating the obvious, but have you tried?:
> SELECT FORMAT_TIME(login_time) FROM  Sessions
> since that's the part that does seem to be working.
> If it's giving you a blank then it's your function, not the concat
> operator.
> What do your custom functions do? Have you looked at the date and
> functions built into SQLite? I expect that they'll cater for what
> you're after directly.
> Tom
> BareFeet
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Can't get concat operator to work

2008-03-10 Thread brettg

  Here is what the code does.  I set up the UDF after I open a file,
like this:
      � sqlite3_create_function( pDb, "format_time", -1,
SQLITE_UTF16, 0, format_time, 0, 0 );
The format_time function formats the time according to a template and
calls sqlite3_result_text16, like this:
      sqlite3_result_text16( context, pMem, nLen,
UdfCleanupCallback );
The memory is allocated to pMem and the text data copied into it. 
Then the function returns.  That's all.
One thing I noticed is that the nLen must be the number of bytes
allocated in pMem - not the number of wide chars in pMem.  This is
unexpected, since we're calling the wide char (*16) version of

  Thanks for the help.

   Quoting John Stanton :

The problem appears to be in your function.  Post the code for it.


   I'm trying to get the concat operator to work with my


function.  This works fine:

   SELECT UPPER(FirstName) || ' ' || UPPER(LastName) FROM 


   But this doesn't work:

   SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time) || ' ' ||


FROM  Sessions

   I get only the formatted date - missing the formatted time.
FORMAT_DATE is my own user-defined function that returns text data

   Can someone *please* check into this.  I must get this


   Thank you

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sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Can't get concat operator to work

2008-03-10 Thread brettg

   Thanks Tom.  Yes, I have tried that.  The function definitely
returns a valid string.

Quoting BareFeet :

> Hi Brett,
>>   I'm trying to get the concat operator to work with my
>> function.  This works fine:
>>   SELECT UPPER(FirstName) || ' ' || UPPER(LastName) FROM 
>>   But this doesn't work:
>>   SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time) || ' ' || FORMAT_TIME(login_time)
>> FROM  Sessions
>>   I get only the formatted date - missing the formatted time.
>> FORMAT_DATE is my own user-defined function that returns text data
>> type.
> I know I'm stating the obvious, but have you tried?:
> SELECT FORMAT_TIME(login_time) FROM  Sessions
> since that's the part that does seem to be working.
> If it's giving you a blank then it's your function, not the concat
> operator.
> What do your custom functions do? Have you looked at the date and
> functions built into SQLite? I expect that they'll cater for what
> you're after directly.
> Tom
> BareFeet
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

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sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Can't get concat operator to work

2008-03-10 Thread brettg

  I'm trying to get the concat operator to work with my user-defined
function.  This works fine:

  SELECT UPPER(FirstName) || ' ' || UPPER(LastName) FROM  Employees

  But this doesn't work:

  SELECT FORMAT_DATE(login_time) || ' ' || FORMAT_TIME(login_time)
FROM  Sessions

  I get only the formatted date - missing the formatted time. 
FORMAT_DATE is my own user-defined function that returns text data

  Can someone *please* check into this.  I must get this working.

  Thank you


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sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] User defined functions and SQL Expressions

2008-01-08 Thread brettg
Hello.  I've written a UDF named ENCRYPT.  I want to do something like this:

  UPDATE Employees SET EncryptedName = ENCRYPT(LastName + ', ' + FirstName)

The UDF gets called, but not with my data - rather something like "0.0".  Kind
of weird.  Does Sqlite handle SQL expressions inside the parentheses?  I also
tried this but without success:

  UPDATE Employees SET EncryptedName = ENCRYPT(LastName) + ', ' +


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Re: [sqlite] Semantic Database Design

2007-07-01 Thread brettg

FYI, here is a good article describing how to serialize .NET data (as BLOB) to
Sqlite database:


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[sqlite] Is it a bug?

2007-06-13 Thread brettg

I have a user-defined function named DECRYPT, which decrypts column data
encrypted by my other UDF named ENCRYPT.

The UDF callback function (which does the decrypting) calls sqlite3_result_blob
after decrypting the data.  Sqlite does return the data OK...BUT!  It doesn't
provide the data type for the column when I call sqlite3_column_decltype for
the column.  The return value is NULL.  I must have the column data type, else
my code can't properly interpret the value.   This must be a bug, right?


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Re: [sqlite] Memory DB to disk DB

2005-02-17 Thread brettg
Very good Keith.  I think this will work fine for me.


Quoting Keith Herold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am/was doing this in application, with 2.8.15 .  I simply attached
> the on-disk database to the memory, and then wrote a bunch of dump
> queries to drop the memory data to disk (from the memory db
> connection):
> ATTACH 'C:\my_database_on_disk.sqlitedb' AS diskdb ;
> Unfortunately, I don't think you can execute transactions on the
> attached database in 2.8.15, and I couldn't think of a way to attach
> to the memory database from the disk database.  I think you can
> execute transactions on the attached db in 3.x, though.
> It works ok, although since I was using the in-memory database as a
> preliminary db (multithreaded app), my dump queries got ugly, and
> quite slow on large sets, because I had to do the checks to ensure
> that the in-memory db wasn't dumping data that already existed in the
> database (I know, triggers, etc., but I hadn't tried those yet, and
> INSERT OR IGNORE scares me).  I eventually substituted writing text
> sql scripts to disk, and then executing those directly into the disk
> database, which saved me 25-30% of the insert time.
> --Keith
> On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 04:01:32 +0100, chorlya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I gues you could attach in-memory db to a newly created disk db and
> > then do something like
> >
> > CREATE TABLE newDiskTbl AS SELECT * FROM memoryTbl
> >
> > Take a look at for more details
> >
> > Regards,
> > chorlya
> >
> > On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 11:13:40 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have a situation where I start with an in-memory DB, then need to save
> the
> > > entire thing to a new disk DB.  Does anyone know the best way to do this?
> > > Would I attach the memory DB to a newly created disk DB?  Is this even
> > > possible?  I notice the COPY command is not supported in 3.x according to
> the
> > > documentation on the website, so even if I could attach it I would still
> need a
> > > way to copy the tables.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > > TIA
> > > -brett
> > >
> > > 
> > > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> **
> - Ever notice how 'big' isn't, compared to 'small'?
> - Sounds like a Wookie; acts like mad cow.
> - I'm not a professional; I just get paid to do this.
> - Rules for programming:
>1.  Get it working, right?
>2.  Get it working right.
> - Things I've learned about multithreaded programming:
> 123...   PPArrvooottieedcc ttm  ueelvvteeirrtyyhtt
> rhheiianndgge  dwi hnpi rctohhg eri aslm omscitanalgt
>  iowcbh,je engceltvo ebwrah lip,co hso srci abonlt ehb
> .ee^Nr waicscee snsoetd  'aotb jtehcet -slaomcea lt'il
> m^Ne from two or more threads
> **

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[sqlite] Memory DB to disk DB

2005-02-17 Thread brettg

I have a situation where I start with an in-memory DB, then need to save the
entire thing to a new disk DB.  Does anyone know the best way to do this? 
Would I attach the memory DB to a newly created disk DB?  Is this even
possible?  I notice the COPY command is not supported in 3.x according to the
documentation on the website, so even if I could attach it I would still need a
way to copy the tables.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [sqlite] db admin tool

2004-12-15 Thread brettg
Hello Sten.  Please see for an excellent tool, and also a COM
DLL wrapper that you can use from VB, C++ and .NET.

Quoting Sten Larsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is there any free or commercial DB admin tool that works with sqlite 3.08 and
> runs under Windows.
> (No webbased tool.)
> thanks!
> -sten

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Re: [sqlite] Whole word searches

2004-12-08 Thread brettg
Thanks Kurt.  I think glob looks promising.

best regards

Quoting Kurt Welgehausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > How do I search on whole words ...
> > find ... "main" and don't want ... "maintain"
> > I tried using brackets as specified in the SQL spec
> There are no brackets in the SQL spec; that's a Microsoft extension.
> SQLite's glob operator has similar syntax; it's an extension also.
> If your word separators are always spaces, you can use
>   col like '% main %' or col like 'main %' or col like '% main' or
>   col = 'main'
> If there can be other characters between words, you can use
> something like
>   col glob '*[ ,.]main[ ,.]*' or col glob 'main[ ,.]*' or
>   col glob '*[ ,.]main' or col = 'main'
> Regards

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[sqlite] Whole word search

2004-12-08 Thread brettg
I asked this question yesterday but got no answer, so here goes my second try.

How do I search on whole words within a text field.  For example, if I want to
find the whole word "main" and don't want records with "maintain", how can I do
that with Sqlite?  I tried using brackets as specified in the SQL spec but it
doesn't work - I get errors.

Here is some documentation from MS SQL Server:

[ ]
Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).

WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and
beginning with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen,
Larsen, Karsen, and so on.

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[sqlite] Whole word searches

2004-12-07 Thread brettg
How do I search on whole words within a text field.  For example, if I want to
find the whole word "main" and don't want records with "maintain", how can I do
that with Sqlite?  I tried using brackets as specified in the SQL spec but I get
errors.  Here is some documentation from MS SQL Server:

[ ]
Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).

WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and
beginning with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen,
Larsen, Karsen, and so on.

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite manager for Windows

2004-11-03 Thread brettg
SqlitePlus -

Quoting Edovia Technologies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> Anyone knows about a SQLite 3 manager for Windows? The only ones I've found
> so far seems to only be compatible with SQLite 2.
> Thanks!
> Luc Vandal
> Edovia Technologies Inc.

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