[freenet-support] Re: [Freenet-list] Freenet: Kaffe (free software) compatibility: Was: R freesite

2003-02-05 Thread AARG!Anonymous

> >> is happy to run on build 552; it is slow because run on a
> >>  slow system; the memory profile and resource use of kaffe
> >>  is far better respect sun jre.
> >> Take care of this compatibility; IMHO is more important
> >>  then that the mean Freenet developer think.
> >
> >It crashes in minutes on my machine. The developers have been somewhat
> >nonresponsive, the bugs seem to be deep magick and the Project Leaders
> >have determined that we don't need to spend money making Kaffe work with
> >Freenet.
> This statement is very important; IMHO the Freenet Project 
>  need an explicit position on that question.
> Project Leaders, can we hear you ?
> Releasing the main code under GPL is ineffective, if the
>  .jar need proprietary software; in my understanding
>  the use of the GPL licence is incorrect; I think in
>  this case LGPL is the right type of licence.
> Anyway, till Freenet remains in java, dropping the Kaffe
>  compatibility IMHO is a fundamental mistake, both from
>  the point of view of free software and from the security.
> The only other way to solve this problem is IMU, to 
>  release a C (or other freely compilable/runnable language)
>  version

Totally agree with Marco: this shows my old sensation, Freenet is a good
project but not its developer group :-(

support mailing list

Re: Freenet: Kaffe (free software) compatibility: Was: Re: [freenet-support] freesite

2003-02-05 Thread Greg Wooledge

> Anyway, till Freenet remains in java, dropping the Kaffe
>  compatibility IMHO is a fundamental mistake, both from
>  the point of view of free software and from the security.

What exactly do you mean by "Kaffe compatibility"?  If Matthew & co.
write code which conforms to the specifications of the Java language,
but it crashes Kaffe, then clearly this is a bug in Kaffe.  Attempting
to find workarounds which avoid Kaffe bugs might be helpful for you
and me in the short term, but it's a fundamental waste of time for
the project in the long term, if efforts could instead be focused
on improving Freenet itself.

As for the license issue that you mentioned  The GPL says:

  "Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
  covered by this License; they are outside its scope."

Can Freenet be copied?  Yes.
Can Freenet be distributed?  Yes.
Can Freenet be modified?  I believe so.

Then, the GPL goes on to cover the detailed conditions which apply
to these three fundamental activities.

  "1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
  source code [...]"

No problem here.

  "2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
  of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
  distribute such modifications [...] provided [...]:

"a) [statement that you changed the files, and when]
"b) [all third parties are licensed to use it at no charge]
"c) [must print disclaimer of warranty if it's interactive]"

Again, no problem here, except possibly 2c, but that only applies
to freenet.client.cli.* which most people don't use anyway.  And it's
trivial to fix if anyone actually cares.

  "3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
  under Section 2) in object code or executable form [...] provided
  that you also do one of the following:

"a) [provide source code]
"b) [offer to provide source code at minimal cost]
"c) [pass along someone else's offer to provide source code]

Now here's the important part:

  "The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
  making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
  code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
  associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
  control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
  special exception, the source code distributed need not include
  anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
  form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
  operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
  itself accompanies the executable."

Whenever I see a discussion of the GPL, this paragraph is the one that
usually causes the most trouble.  In the context of placing Freenet
under the GPL, however, it *does not matter whether Freenet can be
run on a free Java virtual machine*, because the GPL does not concern
itself with the use of the program -- only with copying, distributing
and modifying the program.

The real issue is whether Freenet can be *developed* with free tools.
The answer to this, IMHO, can take a couple different forms:

 1) If Sun's Java Software Development Kit is considered "the operating
system on which the executable runs", then the non-free javac
(compiler) can be considered a normally distributed major component
of that operating system.  This is an open question.

 2) If Freenet can be developed entirely with alternative tools, which
could (at least in theory) be distributed along with Freenet, then
this paragraph is also satisfied.  I compile Freenet using jikes
and ant.  Jikes is in Debian's main repository, meaning it's
Free Software according to Debian's guidelines.  Ant, however, is
in the "contrib" section, which is a trickier matter.  Software
in contrib is free, but depends on something which isn't.  I don't
feel like tracking down all of ant's dependencies and license
clauses at the moment.

I believe (but I may be mistaken) that Freenet can also be developed
without using ant.  Jikes and make might be sufficient.  If that's
the case, then everything should be fine -- just include a written
offer to provide jikes (since make is clearly a normal component
of every Unix-like system).  I can't foresee anyone actually taking
you up on the offer, when they could download jikes directly from
IBM far more quickly -- but even if they did, sending them a copy
of jikes should't drain the Freenet treasury too greatly.  (You
can always request a few more donations.)

FYI, jikes-1.14.tar.gz is 609,341 bytes and is in Freenet at

I don't believe the remaining clauses of the GPL are relevant to
the current discussion, so I'll spare you any further analysis.  As
far as I ca

Re: *****SPAM***** [freenet-support] PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME

2003-02-05 Thread John McCain
The link has never worked.

On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 16:06, bdonlan wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 05 February 2003 04:51 pm, juin14 wrote:
> >
> > ___
> > support mailing list
> > http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support
> Didn't you read the notice you got sent when you subscribed? The 
> List-Unsubscribe header? Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with 'unsubscribe' in the subject, or follow the link at the botton of every 
> email.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+QYrmx533NjVSos4RAph4AKCpY1UlibPt3p5uCWsZxGCoejI83QCffbts
> aBpVV0chVK5d6+LRannytac=
> =V9Zb
> ___
> support mailing list
> http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

support mailing list

[freenet-support] this ml

2003-02-05 Thread Sascha Wüstemann

I would like to behave all mailinglist users (this includes the
developers, too !) to act as follows, when answering mails:

- cut off quotings you are not answering to
- configure your email client to have quotings left beginning with ">"
- put your answer to the bottom of the mail, or, at least, put empty
  lines between quotings and your answer when answering in between the

This would help reading the ml for readers which recieve a lot of mails
a lot to keep this ml being reader-friendly.

Thank you very much for your time reading, understanding and folling

FYI: Not all of you have a graphical monitor with a high resolution, 
and finding the nescessary information at the very top few lines is 
reader-friendly and saves time and keeps being happy when reading it.
Besides of that, it would save a lot sending/recieving mails for there
are modem-user, too.

Again, thank you very much.


which was standard, when usenet what up-to-date and which should be
standard for ml-lists nowadays.


GNU Linux | I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves
2.4.19-cr | running around.  
on a  |  
i586  | 

support mailing list

Re: *****SPAM***** [freenet-support] PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME

2003-02-05 Thread bdonlan
(BHash: SHA1
(BOn Wednesday 05 February 2003 04:51 pm, juin14 wrote:
(B> ___
(B> support mailing list
(B> http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support
(BDidn't you read the notice you got sent when you subscribed? The 
(BList-Unsubscribe header? Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(Bwith 'unsubscribe' in the subject, or follow the link at the botton of every 
(BVersion: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
(Bsupport mailing list

[freenet-support] PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME

2003-02-05 Thread juin14
(Bsupport mailing list

[freenet-support] version pour os classic

2003-02-05 Thread LUC

Je souhaite obtenir une version de freenet pour un iMac avec OS 9.0.4.

Le lien disponible sur le site freenetproject.org me renvoie au site suivant

A partir de cet endroit je ne sais plus ou trouver la version a telecharger

Pouvez-vous m'aider ?

Mercu d'avance.


David LUC
Résidence la Tournelle
3, place Lamartine
Bâtiment 3
Appartement 201

support mailing list

[freenet-support] Healing feature

2003-02-05 Thread marcoc1

It would be nice that during a FEC download, aborting
 the healing phase automatically save the file.

Now if you abort the healing the download is lost.

JM2C.   Marco

+ il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco+
* the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit*
*   Marco A. Calamari[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.marcoc.it*
* PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698   *
+ DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B +

support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Heisenbug

2003-02-05 Thread Niklas Bergh
Right, I just hadn't looked enough. Unfortunately a loglevel minor log
doesn't give any help, it seems to have happened quite spontaneously at
different times... Guess we'll have to wait for it to happen another

Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8287):
QueryRestarted @ 8a14dfc5c625dbfa <-
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8521):
QueryRestarted @ 8a14dfc5c625dbfa ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8492): Void @
dd9df34cf0fffd28 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8346):
DataRequest @ 8225f182be0d3d8d ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8429):
QueryRejected @ f562934eb0614c23 <-
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8346):
QueryRestarted @ f562934eb0614c23 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8272):
InsertRequest @ 79e04e9e84437253 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8346):
NodeAnnouncement @ f562934eb0614c23 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.message.VoidMessage, QThread-8240): YOUR
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.message.NodeMessage, QThread-8240):
PANIC! Just recreated heisenbug! ID: 428c8435428c8435
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8240): Void @
428c8435428c8435 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8240):
QueryRestarted @ 673f907ba85f4ac4 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8240):
DataRequest @ 673f907ba85f4ac4 ->
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8478):
DataRequest @ 43fcefae90844c81 <-
Feb 2, 2003 6:42:06 PM (freenet.ConnectionHandler, QThread-8522):
QueryRejected @ 43fcefae90844c81 ->


support mailing list

[freenet-support] The announcedTo counter in diagnostics

2003-02-05 Thread Niklas Bergh
Is it supposed to do something? I have never seen a single entry in it
(3 months of running freenet nodes). The log files indicates that
announcing is being done.

Windows XP+2000, suns JVM 1.4.1_01, all builds tried since november


support mailing list

Freenet: Kaffe (free software) compatibility: Was: Re: [freenet-support] freesite

2003-02-05 Thread marcoc1
At 01.57 05/02/03 +, you wrote:
>> is happy to run on build 552; it is slow because run on a
>>  slow system; the memory profile and resource use of kaffe
>>  is far better respect sun jre.
>> Take care of this compatibility; IMHO is more important
>>  then that the mean Freenet developer think.
>It crashes in minutes on my machine. The developers have been somewhat
>nonresponsive, the bugs seem to be deep magick and the Project Leaders
>have determined that we don't need to spend money making Kaffe work with

This statement is very important; IMHO the Freenet Project 
 need an explicit position on that question.

Project Leaders, can we hear you ?

Releasing the main code under GPL is ineffective, if the
 .jar need proprietary software; in my understanding
 the use of the GPL licence is incorrect; I think in
 this case LGPL is the right type of licence.

Anyway, till Freenet remains in java, dropping the Kaffe
 compatibility IMHO is a fundamental mistake, both from
 the point of view of free software and from the security.

The only other way to solve this problem is IMU, to 
 release a C (or other freely compilable/runnable language)

JM2C.   Marco

+ il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco+
* the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit*
*   Marco A. Calamari[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.marcoc.it*
* PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698   *
+ DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B +

support mailing list