RE: [freenet-support] man, traffic picked up tonight.

2002-10-28 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of Mike
> Sent: 28 October 2002 21:56
> Subject: [freenet-support] man, traffic picked up tonight.
> I was running from 1% usage and 35%
> now, for the last hour i have 100%
> here are my stats thus far.
>   a.. Current routingTime: 4772ms.
>   b.. Active pooled jobs: 22264 (188.57143%)   [Rejecting incoming
> connections and requests!]
>   c.. Available threads: 289It's normal for the node to sometimes reject
> connections or requestsfor a limited period. If you're seeing rejections
> continuously the node is overloaded or something is wrong (i.e. a bug).
>   d.. Current estimated load: 100.0%.
> and at this point im very active on my node. :P
> guess thats what i get for sharing so much resources.. lol

LOL, you can still get statistics?

=>C:\DOCUME~1\WILLIA~1>telnet localhost 
=>Connecting To localhost...Could not open connection to the host, on port
=>No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused

Bah humbug.

support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Re: [freenet-chat] slightly off topic: fat32 methods of keeping my store folder size

2002-10-28 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
The negative effects are when you need to store large files,
essentially the file needs to be broken up into smaller chunks, and so takes
longer to store/retrieve. I don't think the size of your FAT table matters
anymore, way back when it was limited and so you were limited by disk size
vs cluster size vs FAT table size.

Or something like that.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of Josh Steiner
> Sent: 28 October 2002 14:38
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Re: [freenet-chat] slightly off topic:
> fat32 methods of keeping my store folder size
> good idea, hadnt thought about just making a freenet datastore
> partition, what are the negative effects of using smaller cluster sizes?
>  (there must be some, otherwise they would default to 16 :)  perhaps its
> just addressing, if you have smaller clusters you have *more* clusters
> and therefore have to address more clusters... if this is all, then it
> should matter as i'd be having at most a partition of a gig or two for
> freenet...
> i'm not sure i'm going to do this though since i dual boot to linux
> about 50% of the time i use my computer, so i was planning on setting up
> a node on my linux box that shares the same datastore...
> -joschi
> ___
> Josh .. Yoshi .. Joschi ..
> >>>so (unfortunately) i am forced to use fat32 on my windows
> machine where
> >>>i run my freenet node... right now here is the size info:
> >>>
> >>>Size:  391 MB (410,077,960 bytes)
> >>>Size on disk:  506 MB (531,529,728 bytes)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>I would recommend putting the freenet datastore on a separate
> >>partition if possible.  Partition Magic (commercial software, but well
> >>worth the money) can do this for you without destroying your existing
> >>files.
> >>
> >>When formatting the new filesystem, try to give it as large a cluster
> >>size as possible, and you will cut down on lost space.  (Or format it
> >>as NTFS, if that's an option).
> >>
> >>
> >
> >no, sorry. make the clusters as SMALL as possible, so the last
> used cluster by a file is filled up more effectively.
> >the clusters that do not fill completely contain the wasted space:
> >cluster 256 bytes, data 64 bytes = 192 bytes wasted
> >custer 4096 bytes, data 64 bytes = 4032 bytes wasted
> >
> >
> >
> >The information transmitted is intended only for the person or
> entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential
> and/or privileged material. Any
> >review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking
> of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
> entities other than the intended
> >recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please
> contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >support mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ___
> Josh .. Yoshi .. Joschi ..
> ___
> support mailing list

support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Problems with freenet

2002-10-28 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
It's that darn outlook express/signed email thing again,
Here's what matthew said...

What do you mean by the main portal? The Freedom Engine? This contains
lots of slow-loading images. Stop it loading first, and then other links
will probably work.

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of Mike
> Sent: 28 October 2002 13:46
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Problems with freenet
> sorry, matthew, but your replies come to me as garbeled attachments. my
> server stips attachments, as a virus security precaution.  can
> you re reply
> to this thread.  thanks.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Matthew Toseland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 12:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Problems with freenet
> ___
> support mailing list

support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] freenet 0.5rc1 windows installer packaged

2002-10-24 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of Mathew Ryden
> Sent: 24 October 2002 04:12
> Subject: [freenet-support] freenet 0.5rc1 windows installer packaged
> I've bundled up the rc1 installers. The webinstaller has almost 
> no changes -
> just some strings modified to point to the new direcotries. The full
> installer on the other hand has quite a few changes to bring it 
> up to where
> the web installer was last night.
> Have at them since I'm not planning on making any major changes to them
> until either we hit another freeze or 0.5 is released.

freenet-0.5rc1.exe installs fine for me,
if i have a chance later I'll try the webinstaller.


support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Getting an Error Resolving Host name during Install 0.5rc1

2002-10-24 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
Reminds me of the various fails I've gotten from the installer,
I wonder if it's an XP thing?

retrying the installation usually fixes the problem.

Call: 0
detailprint: Download failed: creating socket
MessageBox: 0,"Download of
failed. Aborting installation..."

Call: 0
detailprint: Download failed: connecting to host
MessageBox: 0,"Download of
failed. Aborting installation..."

Call: 0
detailprint: Download failed: connecting to host
MessageBox: 0,"Download of
failed. Aborting installation..."

-Original Message-
[mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of Gary Miller
Sent: 24 October 2002 14:18
Subject: [freenet-support] Getting an Error Resolving Host name during
Install 0.5rc1

This is the log file...

Could this be a security setting or something in Explorer preventing the jar
file from downloading.

The error resolving hostname message doesn't sound like it though!

Would I get this message if too many users were trying to download?

File: overwriteflag=0, name="Freenet.cnt"
File: wrote 535 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs\Freenet.cnt"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="FREENET.HLP"
File: wrote 23397 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs\FREENET.HLP"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="Readme.txt"
File: wrote 4222 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs\Readme.txt"
CreateDirectory: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1" (1)
File: overwriteflag=0, name="cfgclient.exe"
File: wrote 32768 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\cfgclient.exe"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="findjava.exe"
File: wrote 19968 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\findjava.exe"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="freenet.exe"
File: wrote 49152 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\freenet.exe"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="fserve.exe"
File: wrote 36864 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\fserve.exe"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="NodeConfig.exe"
File: wrote 65536 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\NodeConfig.exe"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="UpdateSnapshot.exe"
File: wrote 32024 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\UpdateSnapshot.exe"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="COPYING.txt"
File: wrote 18344 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\COPYING.txt"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="FLaunch.ini"
File: wrote 1106 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\FLaunch.ini"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="freenet.ini"
File: wrote 331 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\freenet.ini"
WriteINIStr: wrote [Freenet Node] storeSize=0 in C:\Program Files\Freenet
created uninstaller: 569, "C:\Program Files\Freenet
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\freenet.ini.install"
does not exist, jumping 88
IfFileExists: file "C:\Documents and Settings\Gary A. Miller\My Documents\My
Downloads\lib\freenet.jar" does not exist, jumping 98
CreateDirectory: "C:\DOCUME~1\GARYA~1.MIL\LOCALS~1\Temp\Freenet" (1)
File: overwriteflag=0, name="nsisdl.dll"
File: wrote 12800 to
CreateDirectory: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1" (1)
Call: 0
detailprint: Download failed: resolving hostname
MessageBox: 0,"Download of
failed. Aborting installation..."
Aborting: ""
MessageBox: 260,"Do you want to remove the failed installation"
DeleteRegKey: -2147483646\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstal
DeleteRegKey: -2147483646\Software\Freenet
RMDir: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1"
RMDir: RemoveDirectory("C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs")
RMDir: RemoveDirectory("C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1")
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\flaunch.old" does not
exist, jumping 179
Delete: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\"
Delete: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\"
RMDir: "C:\DOCUME~1\GARYA~1.MIL\LOCALS~1\Temp\Freenet"
RMDir: RemoveDirectory("C:\DOCUME~1\GARYA~1.MIL\LOCALS~1\Temp\Freenet")
logging set to 1
IfFileExists: file "C:\WINDOWS\System32\Mfc42.dll" exists, jumping 63
CopyFiles "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\flaunch.ini"->"C:\Program
Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\flaunch.old"
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\freenet.ini" does not
exist, jumping 0
Jump: 68
detailprint: Copying Freenet files
CreateDirectory: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs" (1)
File: overwriteflag=0, name="Freenet.cnt"
File: wrote 535 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs\Freenet.cnt"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="FREENET.HLP"
File: wrote 23397 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs\FREENET.HLP"
File: overwriteflag=0, name="Readme.txt"
File: wrote 4222 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\docs\Readme.txt"
CreateDirectory: "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1" (1)
File: overwriteflag=0, name="cfgclient.exe"
File: wrote 32768 to "C:\Program Files\Freenet 0.5rc1\cfgclien

RE: [freenet-support] 522???

2002-10-22 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
> On On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:31:44 -0700 Der Vagabund
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >At 19:13 22.10.2002, you wrote:
> >> > -Original Message-
> >> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > block 23: State DONE reached.
> >>
> >>Build 522 fixes this for me...
> >
> >I agree, the build 522 is working fine.
> >Thank's to Matthew !
> >
> YEee H
> Me too!
> For Matthew's a jolly good fellow
> For he's a jolly good fellow
> For he's a jolly good flllw
> Freenetters can agree.

I do, thanks matthew!

support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] 522???

2002-10-22 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 22 October 2002 10:05
> Subject: [freenet-support] 522???
> Hi,
> Right now the tarball is 521 and freenet-latest.jar is 520, and
> when i startup the browser i see the latest is 522??
> with 520 and 521 im still getting the zero length meta data error
> on the insert
> block 23: State DONE reached.

Build 522 fixes this for me...

Inserting a split file can consume a lot of resources. Use the link below if
you want to stop the insert cleanly.

Cancel Insert

Inserting SplitFile: htdig

Processing segment 1 of 1.
Creating 4 262144 byte check blocks.
Be patient. This can take a long time...
Done FEC encoding segment.
Inserting 12 blocks into Freenet.
block 0: State PREPARED reached.
block 1: State PREPARED reached.
block 2: State PREPARED reached.
block 0: State REQUESTING reached.
block 3: State PREPARED reached.
block 2: State REQUESTING reached.
block 1: State REQUESTING reached.
block 4: State PREPARED reached.
block 5: State PREPARED reached.
block 6: State PREPARED reached.
block 3: State REQUESTING reached.
block 7: State PREPARED reached.
block 2: Insert URI -
block 2: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 8: State PREPARED reached.
block 9: State PREPARED reached.
block 4: State REQUESTING reached.
block 6: State REQUESTING reached.
block 9: State REQUESTING reached.
block 8: State REQUESTING reached.
block 7: State REQUESTING reached.
block 1: The query was restarted somewhere on Freenet after a node failed to
reply, waiting another 168 seconds before I give up
block 7: Insert URI -
block 7: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 5: State REQUESTING reached.
block 0: Insert URI -
block 0: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 9: Insert URI -
block 9: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 5: Insert URI -
block 5: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 8: Insert URI -
block 8: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 6: Insert URI -
block 6: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 4: Insert URI -
block 4: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 862 seconds for the
block 3: Insert URI -
block 3: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 1: The query was restarted somewhere on Freenet after a node failed to
reply, waiting another 168 seconds before I give up
block 1: Insert URI -
block 1: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 862 seconds for the
block 1: State DONE reached.
block 10: State PREPARED reached.
block 10: State REQUESTING reached.
block 10: The query was restarted somewhere on Freenet after a node failed
to reply, waiting another 168 seconds before I give up
block 10: Insert URI -
block 10: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 862 seconds for the
block 5: The query was restarted somewhere on Freenet after a node failed to
reply, waiting another 168 seconds before I give up
block 5: The query was restarted somewhere on Freenet after a node failed to
reply, waiting another 154 seconds before I give up
block 5: The query was restarted somewhere on Freenet after a node failed to
reply, waiting another 139 seconds before I give up
block 5: Insert URI -
block 5: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 803 seconds for the
block 2: State DONE reached.
block 11: State PREPARED reached.
block 11: State REQUESTING reached.
block 11: Insert URI -
block 11: The insert has been accepted; waiting up to 890 seconds for the
block 7: State DONE reached.
block 0: State DONE reached.
block 4: Sta

RE: [freenet-support] small and big windows installer bugs

2002-10-20 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:support-admin@;]On Behalf Of
> Sent: 20 October 2002 14:18
> Subject: [freenet-support] small and big windows installer bugs

> another thing, but i'm not sure if this is just because of my
> chaotic installation:
> FProxy/Basic Settings/FProxy active is NOT enabled in the
> configurator, but fproxy is active. either the setting of the
> checkbox is not processed or the
> configurator does not parse the .ini file correctly

I've noticed this too on a fresh install to a virgin machine, but as you say
fProxy still works whether the checkbox is checked or not.

> then i pressed "cancel" to discard my settings - but, the windows
> stays open, giving me interresting gfx-garbage: regardless which
> tab i click on, the last
> page is
> always displayed, overwriting the page i wanted to see; giving me
> the fuzzy feellig of "oh-oh, dunno work, windows will break,
> everything is lost " :D

Cancel works fine for me, clicking OK tries to pop up a box telling me my
changes require a node restart,
but the focus isn't on the popup window and so I assumed my settings had
automatically taken effect.
Any chance of focusing & making that dialog a system-modal oh windows
configurator people?

support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Test

2002-09-23 Thread William_dw -- Sqlcoders

Hi frank,
You are clogging several mailboxes with your requests, I am now requesting
as a list member that you cease sending email to the list which is off

Please do the following:
1. check your email, a reminder email has been sent to you with your
2. open this page: by surfing
to the URL
3. in the last text box on the page (next to the edit options button) enter:
4. click 'edit options'.
5. in the top left inputbox (called 'password') type the password included
in the email mentioned in step 1.
6. click unsubscribe.
7. you are now unsubscribed.
8. repeat the entire process from step 1.

You should now be unsubscribed.
If you continue to email this list after receiving these instructions I will
assume that you have no interest in actually unsubscribing yourself, and
will therefore take the appropriate action to ignore all future emails from
you, classing your mail as Unsolicited Email.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of frank murray
> Sent: 23 September 2002 20:23
> To: Logsdon, Eric; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Subject: RE: [freenet-support] Test
> i do not believe that you are unsubscribed...
> unsubscribe me now, you slime pit spammers...i want no more of
> your nonsense infecting my mailbox...
> thanks,
> frank
> ---
> - Original Message -
> From: "Logsdon, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 10:13:11 -0400
> Subject: RE: [freenet-support] Test
> > I just went to the website (using the link inserted below) and
> followed the
> > instructions for unsubscribe.  It works fine for me.  It's real
> easy, enter
> > the e-mail address you subscribed with, your password and click
> > "unsubscribe".  I even had the listserv mail me my password,
> which worked
> > just fine.
> >
> > --
> > Eric Logsdon
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: frank murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:10 AM
> > To: Logsdon, Eric; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> > Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Test
> >
> >
> > is there no way offf this useless list??...
> >
> > unsubscribe me now...
> >
> > frank
> > -
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Logsdon, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 10:05:56 -0400
> > Subject: [freenet-support] Test
> >
> >
> > > Test
> > >
> > > --
> > > Eric Logsdon
> > > Product Manager
> > > Cooperative Technologies, Inc.
> > > (404) 315-4450
> > > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > support mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > __
> > Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at
> >
> >
> > ___
> > support mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> __
> Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at
> ___
> support mailing list

support mailing list