[freenet-support] (no subject)

2006-02-20 Thread n/a n/a

>From: "boyonedar" 
>Reply-To: support at freenetproject.org
>Subject: [freenet-support] (no subject)
>Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:06:56 -0500
>I downloaded freenet. I went to main page and sometimes I can get into
>links and other times it times out. When I can get into links and get
>to files it rarely get through download without timing out. any help
>here... Thanks

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RE: [freenet-support] (no subject)

2006-02-20 Thread n/a n/a

From: "boyonedar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: support@freenetproject.org
Subject: [freenet-support] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:06:56 -0500

I downloaded freenet. I went to main page and sometimes I can get into
links and other times it times out. When I can get into links and get
to files it rarely get through download without timing out. any help
here... Thanks

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RE: [freenet-support] Re:Segfaults infreenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyInputStreamImpl.close()

2005-08-29 Thread n/a n/a
Dont get me wrong, i do admire what they are trying to do, and i wish them 
the best of luck however i do not free it possible to make it trully 
anonymous, it only ramains so because of the current laws, big brother is 
nearly here, they are already trying to pass a bill that lets the monitor 
itnernet conversations, what is there to stop them from opening their own 
nodes and monitoring everyone? soon enough they wont need to figure otu who 
it going to, just that its passign through your system and it will be enough 
for them to get you, im afraid there is little to stop them, short of 
judgement day, if the bill does pass i for one will no longer touch the 
internet, im not down with big brother. Freedom is but an illusion as is 

as for java, im not sure what they were thinking, im a programer, java is 
the most hirrible language ive ever had the displeasure to use, it is slow, 
unstable and unreliable, there are many far more powerful languages they 
could have used.

anyways, power to you, i hope they achive what they sat out to do, im just 
not sure that it is possible.

Reply-To: support@freenetproject.org
To: support@freenetproject.org
Subject: [freenet-support] 
Re:Segfaults	infreenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyInputStreamImpl.close()

Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 22:33:48 + (UTC)

n/a n/a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> honestly i think its more trouble then its worth, from everything ive 
> it is completly un-secure which means everyone and their mother is 

No it isn't. The current network does have known attacks sure, but so does 

current anonymous/psuedo-anonymous network that uses the Internet, and they
always will to some extent - all you can do is make attacks so difficult 
expensive they're unfeasible in practice. Which is what the devs are trying 

do. Even on the current network it's a lot harder to track Freenet than the
"regular" p2p you seem to be comparing it to like Gnutella2 or ed2k. 
There's a
reason why nobody running freenet has ever got a subpoena from the RIAA's 
goons or a DMCA takedown notice, or more to the point why (as far as I 

nobody has been prosecuted for trading highly illegal material over it.

> it is painfully slow and un-reliable,

Compared to a well-seeded torrent it's usually slow, sure. (See below for 
But in my experience reliability is better than your average torrent or 
other p2p - big files might take days, but once they start you can 
depend on getting it all in the end. In contrast torrent seeds / p2p peers 
just disappear and leave you with an incomplete file forever, and quite 
often do.

> not to mention that needlessly huge
> file you gotta download when u install it that it never actually lets 

> finish downloading,

Huh? What file? You mean Java, or what the windows webinstaller downloads?
The windows installer / configurer is somewhat dodgy, partly for this 
reason 0.7

is aiming to simplify it a lot and do as much as possible inside the node.

> for what its worth you might as well save yourself the
> headache and use any other p2p.

Well, you are making the fundamental error of comparing it to mature,
non-anonymous p2p apps. Freenet is still a very experimental, beta (or even
alpha depending who you ask ;) network which quite often has to come up 
with the
theory as it goes along because nobody has done it before. Its primary goal 

anonymity, not performance, and it turns out that the two things are
unfortunately diametrically opposed quite often. For example it would be 

if it did more path folding, but that would make it less anonymous.

That said, the core developers are well aware that performance is not as 
good as
it could and should be. There are good reasons to hope that the 0.7 rewrite 
be better in this regard when it gets to release quality. Even then though 

must realise that the ultimate aim of Freenet is *not* blazing-fast popular
warez^Wfile downloading like the completely non-anonymous Bittorrent, but 
for secure and anonymous grass-roots distribution of content that may be 
illegal/suppressed in some countries or otherwise against the interests of 
authorities. As in people could be *tortured and killed* if they were 

THAT kind of anonymity.

> with the experience ive had with freenet its my opinion that it has been
> utterly compremised, there is no anonymity.

A JVM crash does NOT mean freenet has been in any way "compromised", it 
there are bugs in the JVM, like there are in all complex software. These 
are not Freenet's fault, it's Suns (or Blackdown's for some people.) In 
fact the

security sandboxing of the JVM is why you get a nice stack trace like those
posted above, the virtual machine has crashed but it was self-contained an

RE: [freenet-support] Segfaults infreenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyInputStreamImpl.close()

2005-08-28 Thread n/a n/a
honestly i think its more trouble then its worth, from everything ive read 
it is completly un-secure which means everyone and their mother is watching, 
it is painfully slow and un-reliable, not to mention that needlessly huge 
file you gotta download when u install it that it never actually lets you 
finish downloading, for what its worth you might as well save yourself the 
headache and use any other p2p.

with the experience ive had with freenet its my opinion that it has been 
utterly compremised, there is no anonymity.

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[freenet-support] something odd

2005-02-15 Thread n/a n/a
I had to remove freenet from my system, i tried to install it yesterday but 
it cept failing hlaf way through the seednode.ref file, much like its doing 
now, very agrivating. But that is not what my post is about, since 
yesterday, the seednode.ref file has increased in size by almost 2 megs, 
what does this signify? a hacked seednode file? or perhaps increased law 
enforcement presence? eg they spawn lots of nodes so most people connect 
through them and then they can monitor and track them.

i could be totaly off mid you, well let me know what u think
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[freenet-support] wich is safer?

2005-01-24 Thread n/a n/a
which is safer anonymity wise, frost or the freenet gateway? and really just 
how anonymous is freenet? i read alot of things and everything says 
something different, is there a way they can see what you download or view? 
has anyone been busted for using this? thanks

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[freenet-support] temp files from gateway

2005-01-18 Thread n/a n/a
When surfin through the freenet gateway, the websites you view get stored on 
your system along with all the images etc. you view, where are they located? 
please let me know

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