[Biofuel] Un-Spinning the Spin Masters on Genetically Engineered Food

2006-01-13 Thread Keith Addison
See also: http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg37484.html [biofuel] Seeds of Deception 19 Aug 2004 http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg51348.html [Biofuel] Legal move to make EU publish GM test results 12 Jun 2005 ... for instance. -

[Biofuel] Rammed down our throats (GMOs)

2006-01-13 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.seedsofdeception.com/Public/Newsletter/Sept05Rammeddownourt hroats/index.cfm Sept 05 Spilling the Beans, September 2005 Jeffrey Smith travels this month to South Africa. Here is a reprint of a hard hitting interview with him by noseweek, an influential South African investigative

Re: [Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-13 Thread Keith Addison
Thankyou Bob, you're right, as usual. Though Barnum also had no need to fool all the people all of the time, any more than politicians or PR men do: There's a sucker born every minute was enough for Barnum. I think Churchill also repeated the fools quote though. Well done Keith! Oh - I'm not an

[Biofuel] Fwd: [lost-arts] Help Stop the USDA

2006-01-13 Thread Garth Kim Travis
Greetings, This is from my lost arts list. And for those of you that don't think this will affect you, please google PAWS, the pet owner aspect of the NAIS. Cats and dogs will be included. For those of you in Texas, you have until July1, 2006 to comply with NAIS. Bright Blessings, Kim As

Re: [Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-13 Thread Michael Redler
Keith,Thank you for the history lesson. I mean that sincerely.Churchill's statement, "I am strongly in favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes." has a lot to say (IMO). Besides the obvious, he uses a label to legitimize his position and portray a group of human beings as

Re: [Biofuel] Rammed down our throats

2006-01-13 Thread Andy Karpay
Um Monsanto in the news again? I followed the BGH story fairly close, when the reporters were fired for trying to air a show about the Growth hormone fed to cows (made by Monsanto) http://www.foxbghsuit.com/ It was found that companies who put Contains no hormones or other words to imply that

[Biofuel] California Passes Long-Term Solar Energy Plan

2006-01-13 Thread chris davidson
http://www.renewableenergyaccess.com/rea/news/story?id=41631January 12, 2006 San Francisco, California [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] On Thursday, California regulators approved the California Solar Initiative (CSI), the largest solar energy policy ever enacted in the U.S. and

Re: [Biofuel] Nuclear War against Iran

2006-01-13 Thread fox mulder
--- Rexis Tree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, actually we dont have to worry about aftermath of a nuclear war, because we wont be there to worry about if there is a nuclear war happened. I just wish that if there is ever a nuclear war, I will have a clear view to see the beautiful

Re: [Biofuel] Nuclear War against Iran

2006-01-13 Thread Keith Addison
Well, actually we dont have to worry about aftermath of a nuclear war, because we wont be there to worry about if there is a nuclear war happened. I hear what you're saying, and I can't help agreeing, especially since you only say it's the aftermath we don't have to worry about. But really we

[Biofuel] The new red, white and blue

2006-01-13 Thread AltEnergyNetwork
http://www.ran.org/news/newsitem.php?id=1747area=news The New Red, White and Blue January 6, 2006 By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN As we enter 2006, we find ourselves in trouble, at home and abroad. We are in trouble because we are led by defeatists - wimps, actually. What's so disturbing about

[Biofuel] Minnesota Quality Problems

2006-01-13 Thread jhundert
Biodiesel Groups Recommend Action Plan for Minnesota Quality Problems http://www.greencarcongress.com/2006/01/biodiesel_group.html#more Keith / Lyle, Do you see this as an example of various BIG interests moving production rights further into the hands of large-scale producers, therefore,

Re: [Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-13 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Mike How about this? A contemporary American view, from a post to the Biofuel list, 12 May 2004: All I can add in our defense, is that much more good has come from our use of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives who inhabited it previously. Yes, you too have benefited

[Biofuel] IR solar cell record set

2006-01-13 Thread AltEnergyNetwork
http://www.photonics.com/todaysheadlines/article.asp?id=6070 IR Solar Cell Record Set EWING, New Jersey, Jan. 12, 2006 -- Global Photonic Energy Corp. (GPEC), a developer of organic photovoltaic technology for high-power solar cells, announced that its research partners at Princeton

Re: [Biofuel] Nuclear War against Iran

2006-01-13 Thread bob allen
Without doubt, the scariest nuclear war scenario was the movie The Day After. There was very little of the explosive destruction kinds of stuff. Rather it portrayed the inevitable grinding collapse of society. Truly frightening.

Re: [Biofuel] Minnesota Quality Problems

2006-01-13 Thread Mike Morrill
Have to agree with you that this looks like a grab by the big producers. I would love to see their evidence of off-spec bio being the cause of the gelling problems. They even admit that they think other factors may be the root of the problem, but blame off-spec as the culprit in the same

Re: [Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-13 Thread Bob Molloy
Hi all, There I was, sipping nectar in paradise, minding my own business, wondering at the passing parade and thinking good of all mankind when suddenly - out of the blue, mind you, not in response to any dastardly deed of mine - I was ambushed by Keith's acutely accurate pen;a reminder

[Biofuel] Help, my world is going nuke!

2006-01-13 Thread Bob Molloy
Hi Keith, Here in the clean and green where hydro, wind, thermal and tidal energy options are coming out of our ears the nuclear crazies have suddenly resurfaced. They look sane, they even wear suits and ties, carry laptops and talk in full sentences. Among other things they've

Re: [Biofuel] Nuclear War against Iran

2006-01-13 Thread Rexis Tree
So many wargames people playing and feel fun, superweapon nuke shoot like no tomorrow. Maybe cybergames is the thing to save the world, so people will only do virtual war, and then the real war never happen.Very true the deadliest war weapon is for peace, and very true that when every single life

Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: [lost-arts] Help Stop the USDA

2006-01-13 Thread Appal Energy
And the rationale behind this? At least the official rationale? I can think of one. How about start with the animals and get the system down pat. Then with the stroke of a pen go for the humans? Todd Swearingen Garth Kim Travis wrote: Greetings, This is from my lost arts list. And for

Re: [Biofuel] Churchill didn't say it.........

2006-01-13 Thread Michael Redler
Hi Bob, You said: "In short, he was a gung-ho Tory product of his time, doing what his patrician and public school upbringing had trained him to do." I'm not sure anyone is challenging that. I'm sure that at least part of his training helped develop a brilliant military mind. That