Hi Keith,
              Here in the clean and green where hydro, wind, thermal and
tidal energy options are coming out of our ears the nuclear crazies have
suddenly resurfaced. They look sane, they even wear suits and ties, carry
laptops and talk in full sentences. Among other things they've launched a
media campaign to rethink a New Zealand decision of many years ago to ban
the use of nuclear energy, including the admission of nuclear-powered ships
to our waters.
They seek the construction of a nuclear power station, slap bang in an urban
area in an island nine by seven housing more than half our population. Their
bona fides are impeccable (top academics, energy consultants, corporate
heads etc) and their arguments smoothly plausible. They will win eventually
unless opposed with better and more persuasive argument.
Years ago I fought a five-year campaign against a nuclear powerstation in
South Africa and lost. That was before Chernobyl. The chickens of cost are
only now coming coming home to roost for the South African idiocy. Shortly
the aging plant near Cape Town - built on the coast of what was once
described as the fairest Cape in all the earth - will have to be mothballed.
Apart from the fact that such a process will suck up billions of dollars
best used to eradicate poverty in a needy continent, it will when finally
decommissioned remain forever a target for terrorism and an excrescence on
the face of the planet.
During its lifetime it produced electricity at twice the cost of alternate
fuels. It also provided weapons material for the regime.
I'd hate to see it happen again, here in what Kipling called "last,
loneliest and loveliest" of lands. But I'm getting too long in the tooth now
to do the research though I'm happy to fire the bullets.
A disk crash wiped my archives, including some useful material you sent from
JTF. Canst please repeat the favour or perhaps point me to suitable sources?
If anyone else has anything to add in terms of solid, well-sourced and
dependable anti-nuclear energy background material I'd be most grateful.


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