Happy holidays all

In a few days, all America will be celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving, or 
as it is known outside the United States, "Thursday."

Families separated for months or years will reunite, and shortly afterwards 
they will remember why they separated. In a darkened gymnasium, Richard Simmons 
will run his revenue projections and consider buying a small Caribbean island. 
Throughout the nation, those wretched souls condemned to the public school 
system will breathe a bit easier, eager in their anticipation of four days 
surcease from education. (The students are pretty happy about it, too.)

Yet running through this gaiety is an undercurrent of bewilderment. In this 
decadent age we live in, far too many of our unlettered countrymen think 
Plymouth Rock a music style from the '70s, or the Mayflower a potpourri 
ingredient. Accordingly, in the best traditions of journalistic public service 
and overweening arrogance, my column this frosty morn shall be dedicated to 
answering your questions about Thanksgiving.

Q. Gosh, you're right. I, the average reader, am dumb as a post. What exactly 
are the origins of Thanksgiving?

A. Thanksgiving is, of course, a holiday invented by grocers and farmers to 
allow them to sell huge quantities of disgusting "traditional" foods that no 
one in his right mind
would eat otherwise, such as squash. The average squash is a triumph of 
minimalism wherein Nature manages to convert mud into a plant without bothering 
to change its taste and texture. Attempts to improve the mud-like flavor of 
squash by the addition of delicate seasonings and spices have produced dishes 
that taste, at best, like delicately
seasoned and spiced mud. A master chef, faced with the necessity of making a 
palatable squash dish, would throw in his funny hat and become a short-order 
cook at Denny's.

Q. That's quite a conspiracy theory. Where do the Black Helicopters fit in?

A. They transport the squash.

Q. I should have guessed. But seriously, what are the origins of Thanksgiving?

A. The first Thanksgiving was a celebration of gratitude by a group of early 
English settlers known as the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were Separatists who had 
come to the New World to practice their religion without government 
interference, and since the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms did not 
exist at the time, they were allowed to do so.

Unfortunately, the Pilgrims neglected to acquire a few skills (such as 
elementary agronomy) before setting off on their voyage, and as a result they 
nearly starved. The local Indians, who at the time were practicing their 
ancient sustenance methods of hunting and fishing, took pity on the Pilgrims 
and taught them to farm the native flora. In a display of appreciation, when 
the first harvest was taken in, the Pilgrims held a huge feast and invited the 
Indians over for dinner, after which they all fell asleep on couches
while watching football.

Q. OK, but when did Thanksgiving become a national holiday?

A. Thanksgiving Day was adopted as an annual holiday by New York State in 1817, 
marking the first official celebration of Thanksgiving as a regular event, and 
the last time a New Yorker said "thank you" for anything. In 1863, President 
Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving, and every subsequent 
president has followed suit.

Q. Speaking of turkeys, is it true that Ben Franklin thought the turkey should 
have been our national bird instead of the eagle?

A. Ben Franklin was indeed a proponent of the turkey as our national bird. 
Since he was a member of the Hellfire Club at the time, though, his motives 
were somewhat suspect.

It must be kept in mind that the modern domestic turkey bears little 
resemblance to its feral ancestors. The wild turkey is a cunning and elusive 
survivor, a challenging
quarry for the most skilled of hunters. Farm turkeys, on the other hand, have 
been selectively inbred for generations in an attempt to improve flavor and 
increase breast meat production. These efforts have had numerous side effects 
on the birds in question, including reduced intelligence, difficulty in 
maintaining balance, and the creation of the
Spice Girls.

Q. Is there a final message you would like to give to your readers on this 
Thanksgiving Day?

A. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner. You can have my squash.

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