these polling changes are probably less attributable to the issues of
the day (health care debate, financial crisis), than to the fact that
we have had a very below normal temperature pattern for some twelve
months now.  while highly unusual and almost certainly due to the
strange effects of global warming, its counter-intuitive nature
doesn't associate as such in one's mind.  and it doesn't come with
massive heat waves which kill large numbers of elderly, infirm,
homeless, etc. (in fact, if anything, it's a net positive, since
people aren't getting hit in the pocketbook with high cooling bills).
same goes for other climate-related events:  overall lower incidence
of wildfires, and remarkably uneventful hurricane season thus far.  of
course, the rest of the world continues to be battered, with terrible
drought in e. africa and unbelievable typhoons in the pacific, but
these are, per usual, under-reported in the msm and, when given some
attention, there's never (or very rarely) any mention of global
warming.  the coverage of the recent tsunamis was much more
exclamatory than that of the typhoons.

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