A fresh uploaded video on the website of 'The guardian' ( Australia)


The Undercurrent: why are we being fed by a poison expert? Monsanto and Roundup

The Undercurrent delves into the world of mass agriculture to ask how one company has such huge control over the world's food supply. The name Monsanto was once synonymous with Agent Orange, but in today's world it's the dominance of the widespread pesticide Roundup which helps keep the company on top of the pile. But is the World Health Organisation's claim that Roundup 'probably' causes cancer, cause for concern? And what about the company's stance on patenting which sees farmers in developing countries unable to hold on to their seeds for the next season? Guardian Australia has joined forces with The Undercurrent – an online news show billing itself as an antidote to the five-second soundbite – for a four-part series over June and July. Brisbane creators Jen Dainer and Dan Graetz say it is the show they wish existed – so they created it themselves

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