is this where i go for responces? i ll find out...i am in chiapas mexico,
and am looking high and low for fare prices for methenal. i have been
making biodiesel for three years in seattle, and am excited to have an
oprtunity to teach biodiesel in some atonomous communities. so, the
qustion is: is it worth it for folks here to make biodiesel for diesel
genoraters/H2O pumps by pressing their own oils from corn, penits, or
coconuts. not to mention getting a supply of methenal y sodioum hydroxide?
OR forgeting that all together and making the pumps/generators run from
WVO, or presed oil from thier crops? i supose it is for them to decide.
though any ideas from any of you lovely people would be greatly accepted.
viva la biodiesel

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