Perhaps this should be filed in the "You must be dreaming" file, however, I
was wondering if it isn't time someone developed a scale, so to speak, on
which a particular society's "governmental need" could be assessed.  For
example, developing country's, without infrastructure, or with minimal
infrastructure and with epidemic level public health issues would obviously
need governments strong in public works projects, public health task forces
combined with long term project teams, focusing on both prevention and
hospital/clinic building.  Countries entangled in civil war would seem, to
me anyway, to be better recipients of the American "big stick" military,
than simply countries who happen to be parked over H2S laden black gold.  I
am getting a bit off-track here, and yes I, really was going somewhere with
all this.  For the countries with so many programs, policies, p.a.c.'s,
governMENTAL agencies, politicians, departments, houses, members of senate,
parties, and our all time favorite, corporations, we could never, in a
million years, hope to remember even half of them, could our fantasy scale
be applied to actually see what is needed in the way of a government?

I have had some fun with this, but my actual question, or idea if you like,
is real.  I am not sure there is an answer, but that's half the fun of
asking.  In case, as is sometimes the case with my writing, I have lost
anyone, here's my question.  First, do you think it is possible to develop a
"scale" (sliding, graduated, etc.) that could be used to identify a
countries (ultimately, it would be need to be able to be used for any and/or
all countries) governmental needs?  By governmental needs, I mean the actual
size, right down to the number of department heads, employees in each
department, yearly budget, operating costs, etc.  This would all be
estimated of course, with a close margin of error given, but that would also
be something that we would have to understand before we could ethically use
it.  This is purely hypothetical, as I am not aware of any governments that
are going to jump at the oppurtunity to be "downsized" to more appropriate
dimensions, which brings up my final question.  If a working "scale" could
be created, do you think anyone would find it useful, or merely more

Mike Krafka
Minnesota USA

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