Congress' "anti-extremist" bill targets online thoughtcrime  Posted by Declan 
    Congress is about to approve the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown 
Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This is not necessarily a good thing for 
Internet users. 
  I say that because VRAHTPA establishes a new federal commission tasked with 
investigating Americans with "extremist belief systems" and those who may 
engage in "ideologically based violence." This effort is expected to cost $22 
     Excerpt from the Alabama Department of Homeland Security's definition of 
antigovernment groups.

  It's possible, of course, that nothing will come of VRAHTPA. Technically no 
new laws are being proposed except those creating the so-called National 
Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism. 
  But creating a homeland security commission staffed primarily by Washington 
types with security clearances, which will be run by Washington antiterror 
types, which meets mostly in secret, and which will present a classified report 
to the president about "extremist belief systems"--well, that has the potential 
to turn ugly. 
  Here's an actual example of censorial mission creep from Alabama's Department 
of Homeland Security, which believes domestic terrorists are those Americans 
who say the "U.S. government is infringing on their individual rights, and/or 
that the government's policies are criminal and immoral." 
  I guess that would make Al Gore a domestic terrorist, especially after his 
speech last year saying "the executive branch of our government has been caught 
eavesdropping on huge numbers of American citizens and has brazenly declared 
that it has the unilateral right to continue." Presidential candidate Ron Paul, 
of course, is even guiltier, as are those pesky ACLUers, EFFers, and 
  You can get a feel for where this commission is heading in this excerpt from 
the legislation to create it, which has already cleared by the House of 
Representatives by a 404-6 vote and is now headed to the Senate: 
  The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically 
based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by 
providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda 
to United States citizens.  Meanwhile, around the same time as the House vote, 
congressional committees were holding hearings titled "Using the Web as a 
Weapon: the Internet as a Tool for Violent Radicalization and Homegrown 
Terrorism." One witness warned: "In many ways the Internet favors the religious 
extremist. It allows anyone to set himself or herself up as an authority 
  Now, I know this is mostly an attempt by the Democratic leadership to seem 
tough on terror in the run-up to an election and all that -- VRAHTPA's 
sponsored by Democratic Rep. Jane Harman -- but even symbolic political 
measures can take on a life of their own. 
  Nowhere in the limited powers awarded the federal government by the U.S. 
Constitution do I see authorization to police "extremist belief systems." 
That's coming close to punishing thoughtcrime. 

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