In Search of a Criminal: Donald Rumsfeld's Name Tops the List of 
Accused of War Crimes

2006 Year in Review

By Alexia Garamfalvi
Legal Times
December 25, 2006

No one thinks that Donald Rumsfeld will end his days in a German 
prison. Or that there is any real chance he will have to face trial 
in Germany over allegations that he authorized policies leading to 
the torture of prisoners at U.S. detention facilities in Iraq and 
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

But that doesn't mean that a complaint filed in Germany last month 
won't have some ripple effects. The complaint asks a federal 
prosecutor there to begin an investigation, and ultimately a criminal 
prosecution, of the former secretary of defense and other U.S. 
officials for their roles in the abuses.

"Rumsfeld is no longer untouchable," says Wolfgang Kaleck, the German 
lawyer who filed the complaint along with the New York-based Center 
for Constitutional Rights and the International Federation for Human 
Rights. "He is now deeply connected with claims of abuses and 
torture. We have taken the first step to begin the legal discussion 
on his accountability."

The complaint against Rumsfeld, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, 
former CIA director George Tenet, and other senior civilian and 
military officials, was filed in mid-November on behalf of 11 Iraqis 
who had been detained at Abu Ghraib prison and Mohammed al-Qahtani, a 
Saudi detained at Guantánamo. It alleges that the defendants ordered, 
aided, and abetted war crimes and failed to prevent the commission of 
war crimes by their subordinates. In international law, war crimes 
are defined as grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, including 
torture and inhuman treatment.

Rumsfeld has said the abuse that occurred at Abu Ghraib was the work 
of a few low-level soldiers and the prisoners affected were mostly 
not the subject of interrogations, but just "common criminals" who 
were also detained. "It's pretty clear that on the midnight shift, 
for a period of some weeks, there were people there who were behaving 
in a way that was fundamentally inconsistent with the president's 
instructions to treat people humanely [and] my instructions that they 
were to treat people humanely," Rumsfeld said in a Dec. 15 television 

But the plaintiffs claim that the torture that occurred at detention 
centers in Iraq and Guantánamo were not isolated incidents or the 
product of a few soldiers gone bad, but rather was widespread and 
systemic, having been ordered from the top levels of the military and 
the Defense Department. "The interrogational torture applied by the 
United States was not an accident, not a mistake, not a secret 
action," the complaint states. (Pentagon and Department of Justice 
spokesmen declined to comment for this article.)

Stymied in their call for high-level accountability in the United 
States, the groups thought their best shot was to bring a case in a 
country, like Germany, that has a strong universal-jurisdiction law, 
says Michael Ratner, the CCR's president.

The CCR has been involved in much of the litigation challenging the 
Bush administration's post-Sept. 11 policies on the treatment of 
detainees in the context of the war on terror, including the landmark 
case Rasul v. Bush, which challenged the indefinite detention of 
foreign nationals at Guantánamo.

German law recognizes the principle of universal jurisdiction, 
whereby some crimes, such as torture, war crimes, genocide, and 
crimes against humanity, are considered so heinous they can be 
prosecuted anywhere, regardless of where they took place or the 
residence or nationality of the victims or perpetrators.

But legal experts predict that the Bush administration is sure to 
vigorously oppose the case and that Germany will be reluctant to take 
it. Under Germany's universal-jurisdiction statute, the prosecutor 
has the discretion to decline to take a case.

"It's quite risky for Germany to do this," says Eric Posner, an 
international law professor at the University of Chicago. "The danger 
of backlash is quite real. Congress, even a Democratic Congress, 
could very well retaliate if a serious prosecution went forward."

Moreover, the filing could also strengthen the position of those in 
the government who oppose the International Criminal Court, says Lee 
Feinstein, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a 
former Defense Department and State Department official during the 
Clinton administration.

But human rights lawyers contend that even if the case doesn't result 
in the prosecution of a specific defendant, it could reopen a debate 
in the United States about Rumsfeld's responsibility. They also say 
filing cases abroad under universal-jurisdiction laws may catalyze 
domestic efforts to open investigations and push for accountability.


The Iraqis filing the complaint in Germany say they were severely 
beaten, deprived of sleep and food, sexually abused, stripped naked, 
hooded, and exposed to extreme temperatures.

A team of Philadelphia-based attorneys, led by Susan Burke, collected 
their stories. Burke's firm, Burke Pyle, opened a Baghdad office when 
the Abu Ghraib story surfaced in 2004. Burke and her team 
periodically travel to Jordan and Turkey to meet former detainees and 
have collected about 160 testimonies so far, Burke says.

But meeting with her is dangerous for former detainees, she says, 
because of both the travel involved and possible retaliation. "It's 
not a risk-free endeavor, but it's a real way for them to get their 
humanity back," says Burke. "They want to know that the world doesn't 
think that it's OK."

Burke and CCR lawyers are also co-counsel in civil lawsuits filed 
against military contractors Titan Corp. and CACI International Inc. 
Those lawsuits allege that the contractors conspired with military 
personnel to torture detainees at Abu Ghraib. The plaintiffs say the 
contractors' employees beat them; deprived them of food, water and 
sleep; urinated on them; raped them; attacked them with dogs; gouged 
out a prisoner's eye; electrocuted one of them; and tortured them in 
other ways. The cases, Ibrahim v. Titan and Saleh v. Titan, are 
currently before D.C.-based U.S. District Judge James Robertson, who 
dismissed several of the plaintiffs' claims last year but let others 
proceed to discovery.

Similar lawsuits seeking to hold Rumsfeld and senior military 
officials responsible for the torture and widespread abuses of 
detainees in U.S. military custody are also wending their way through 
the courts. In 2004, the CCR brought suit on behalf of four British 
detainees released from Guantánamo Bay.

In the case, Rasul v. Rumsfeld, the plaintiffs charged that the 
Pentagon chain of command authorized and condoned torture in 
violation of the Alien Tort Statute, the U.S. Constitution, the 
Geneva Conventions, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The 
CCR is currently appealing U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina's 
dismissal of the majority of the plaintiffs' claims. Also, the 
American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights First filed a lawsuit 
on similar grounds against Rumsfeld and others on behalf of former 
detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. Chief Judge Thomas Hogan of the 
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia is currently 
considering the government's motion to dismiss in that case.


It's been more than 2 1/2 years since the photos of U.S. soldiers 
abusing detainees at Abu Ghraib surfaced in April 2004, including the 
infamous pictures of a hooded detainee with fake electrical wires 
hanging from his extended arms and of U.S. Army reservist Lynndie 
England leading a naked prisoner on a leash.

"The photos give these incidents a vividness - indeed a horror - in 
the eyes of the world," Rumsfeld said on May 7, 2004, before the 
Senate and House Armed Services committees. Rumsfeld recognized the 
damage done to the nation's reputation, but said the United States 
should not be judged for the fact that the abuses took place but, 
rather, by how it dealt with them. "Judge us by our actions," he 
said. "Watch how Americans, watch how a democracy deals with the 
wrongdoing and scandal and the pain of acknowledging and correcting 
our own mistakes and weaknesses."

Since then only a few low-ranking soldiers, including England, have 
been convicted. Congress hasn't launched any serious investigations 
up the chain of command, and numerous reports produced by the 
Pentagon have stuck with the theory that "a few rotten apples" were 
responsible, Ratner says.

The CCR filed a case in Germany because its efforts in the United 
States to demand accountability for torture have been thwarted, he 
says. The chances of a criminal investigation being launched in the 
country while the Bush administration is in power are slim, legal 
experts say, because Gonzales would have to authorize the prosecution 

Moreover, the passage of the Military Commissions Act this fall will 
make prosecution in U.S. courts impossible, Ratner says. A provision 
of that law narrows the definition of what constitutes torture under 
the War Crimes Act, the law that implements the Geneva Conventions, 
and applies that definition retroactively back to 1997, when the War 
Crimes Act was first enacted. The law also gives military and 
intelligence officers retroactive immunity for the use of abusive 
interrogation techniques. The CCR argues that the MCA essentially 
provides amnesty.


This is not the first time that CCR has filed a complaint asking a 
German prosecutor to open an investigation into Rumsfeld's role in 
the Abu Ghraib scandal. An initial complaint was filed in November 
2004, but the case never went forward. German law gives the 
prosecutor the right to decline to exercise its jurisdiction if the 
defendants are not present in Germany and neither the victims nor the 
defendants are German nationals. One section of the law, in 
particular, states that the prosecutor can refuse to take the case if 
the crimes are being prosecuted by an international court or by a 
country with more of a connection to the crimes, the victims, or the 

So when the United States reportedly put political pressure on 
Germany to drop the 2004 case, a German prosecutor dismissed the 
complaint on the eve of a visit by Rumsfeld to a conference in Munich 
in February 2005. The prosecutor stated that there was no indication 
that U.S. courts were refraining or would refrain from taking action 
based on the circumstances described in the complaint.

Ratner says the CCR's case will be more difficult to dismiss this 
time around. The Military Commissions Act provides clear evidence 
that the United States has no intention to prosecute these crimes, he 
contends. In addition, new evidence has come to light since 2004, in 
particular with respect to Rumsfeld's personal involvement in 
al-Qahtani's interrogation, Ratner adds, and U.S. Brig. Gen. Janis 
Karpinski, the commanding officer at Abu Ghraib, has agreed to 
testify on behalf of the plaintiffs.

"I'm willing to testify in a German criminal investigation because of 
the prisoner abuses in Abu Ghraib," Karpinski said in her written 
testimony, "and the release of intentionally misleading information 
attempting to blame 'seven bad apples' when it was clear that the 
knowledge and responsibility goes all the way to the top of the chain 
of command to the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld and to the 
Vice President, Dick Cheney."

But it is hard to understate the weight of the political pressure the 
Bush administration is sure to bring to bear to urge Germany to drop 
the case.

For a German prosecutor to take the case would be unprecedented. 
"It's never happened that one government has prosecuted the officials 
of a friendly government without the consent of that government," the 
University of Chicago's Posner says. "It could end up causing a lot 
of friction between otherwise friendly states."

The case puts German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been trying to 
repair U.S.-German relations in the wake of a lack of cooperation on 
the war in Iraq, in an awkward position, he adds.

"There's a limit to what law can do," says Naomi Roht-Arriaza, a 
professor at the University of California, Hastings College of the 
Law and the author of The Pinochet Effect: Transnational Justice in 
the Age of Human Rights. "Eventually law runs up against politics, 
and it will lose."

For example, Belgium passed an extremely broad universal-jurisdiction 
statute in 1993. The statute was similar to the German law in scope 
but didn't provide any way for prosecutors to decline to take a case. 
At first, many cases were filed without being considered overly 
controversial, Roht-Arriaza says, but then cases were filed in 2003 
against higher-profile defendants, including former U.S. President 
George H.W. Bush, Cheney, and retired General Norman Schwarzkopf, for 
allegedly committing war crimes during the 1991 Gulf War, and against 
Gen. Tommy Franks and Rumsfeld for alleged crimes arising from the 
current war in Iraq. U.S. pressure, including threats to compel the 
removal of NATO headquarters from Brussels, forced Belgium to 
drastically scale back its universal jurisdiction statute.

But even if Germany declines to take the case, the complaint could 
spur domestic efforts to investigate the prisoners' claims. "If you 
have officials saying it's ridiculous to have this kind of case 
abroad," Roht-Arriaza says, "it can create pressure to develop 
avenues domestically."

The fate of Chile's former dictator, Augusto Pinochet, who died 
earlier this month at age 91, is perhaps the best example of this 
effect. At the time of his death, Pinochet, who had ordered the 
execution and torture of thousands of people during his 1973-1990 
regime, was under house arrest and facing prosecutions on a bevy of 
human rights charges.

Before his arrest in London on a Spanish warrant in 1998, such a 
scenario would have been unthinkable because the general appeared 
immune from prosecution due to the amnesty his own government had put 
into place. Pinochet fought his extradition, saying he was immune 
from prosecution for the charges brought against him in Spain, but 
the House of Lords, Britain's highest court, ruled that there was no 
immunity for the worst sorts of crimes and that perpetrators could 
not be shielded by legal amnesties at home.

Pinochet was eventually returned to Chile on the grounds that he was 
not healthy enough to stand trial, but his arrest in London opened 
the flood gates in Chile. "His solid wall of immunity began to 
crumble and previously timid judges found chinks in his legal armor," 
says Reed Brody, a lawyer with Human Rights Watch who was involved in 
the arguments on the Pinochet case before the House of Lords. 
Hundreds of criminal cases were filed against him, and Pinochet spent 
his last years fighting off a tightening web of prosecution.

The "Pinochet precedent" energized the use of national courts to end 
impunity for the worst abusers, and cases against former dictators 
and generals, mostly from African and Latin American countries, 

Germany's response to the Rumsfeld case will be an important test of 
whether the Pinochet precedent applies to the leaders of superpowers 
as well as leaders from weaker countries, Brody says.

Alexia Garamfalvi can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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