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Wednesday, 22 April 2015 07:22

Earth Day: What BP and TEPCO Don't Want You to Know


The Tragic Consequences: BP Five Years Later...

On my way home from the market, I happened to tune in to an interview on a program that airs on our NPR station called Making Contact. The topic of discussion was titled BP Five Years Later: Deepwater Horizon and the Cost of Oil...

Journalists, scientists and residents were interviewed about how BP’s Deep Horizon, (“Deep” is a reference to offshore deepwater drilling) that exploded into raging flames on April 20th 2010, the largest and most devastating oil catastrophe in history, created a crisis of Biblical proportions. Beneath the Gulf’s seafloor is one of the most dangerous places to drill. BP has done more to establish that fact than any other oil company.

The blowout literally transformed an ocean that was teeming with life into a toxic, dead zone. BP is not the only oil company to blame. The oil industry, with the help of their paid-off political officials, has committed egregious crimes of pollution, and irreparable damage with their oil pipes and spills to rich habitats, pelican and turtle sanctuaries, marshes, wetlands and coastal ecosystems since the 1930s. But BP’s blowout was by far the last deadly nail to the Gulf’s coffin.

Layers of oil, like a huge bathtub ring, have settled on the seafloor, the size of Rhode Island, with no signs of recovery. This thick blanket of oil has prevented regeneration of life that begins at the most basic level of the Gulf’s ecology, such as plankton—minute plants and animals that are the foundation of the ocean’s food chain. The plankton cannot survive as waters become hypoxic i.e. depleted of oxygen due to microbes digesting oil and methane gas. Once the foundation of the food chain is contaminated, nothing can survive.

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Truthout’s investigative reporter, Dahr Jamail, has been reporting on the “widespread human crisis” after BP’s explosion, beginning with the financial ripple effects its had on the fishing, shrimp and tourist industries, as well as follow-up reports on the large amounts of chemical dispersant that BP has been dumping in the Gulf called Corexit since 2010 to hide massive oil plumes. It’s no coincidence that chronic illnesses, cancer, birth defects, skin diseases have multiplied in the region since BP’s oil disaster occurred.

Corexit does not dissolve the oil; it merely breaks it up into tiny invisible particles. The Gulf might have had a chance to recover had it not been for Corexit. Corexit is illegal to use in many countries because it is absolutely lethal to all forms of life, especially when combined with toxic crude oil.

Contrary to BP’s happy-go-lucky advertisements, BP’s Macondo well exploded beneath the earth’s crust. This raises the infamous but plausible question of whether or not the Macondo well was actually sealed. It’s a question that should be investigated.

Does anyone with a brain in our corrupt government realize how insane it is to be puncturing holes deep inside the earth’s crust known as “deepwater drilling,” and whether or not oil is still escaping from BP’s Macondo well?

In the name of oil profits, the Gulf of Mexico will never be the same again.

Five years later, we’re learning that the eleven men who died in that explosion were not the only individuals whose lives were destroyed from the worst oil catastrophe in world. The Gulf is much worse now than it was after the explosion for the reasons I just explained: it smothered the food chain. And when the food chain is gone, the fishing and tourist industries, worth billions of dollars, go down with it. Once upon a time, the Gulf of Mexico was a beautiful clear blue tropical ocean. Now it’s a dark brown oily cesspool.

A Perpetual Crisis: Fukushima Four Years Later…

Meanwhile, off the Pacific coast, a strange phenomenon is occurring that I wrote about in my last Buzzflash-Truthout commentary. Scientists are mystified by the growing warm water called the “blob” that has radically altered the jet-stream, resulting in erratic weather patterns that could explain why Californians are facing the worst drought in history.

The obvious question that has been completely omitted from the research and reports is: Could the tons of radioactive water that TEPCO has been releasing into the Pacific Ocean since 2011 be the primary reason why this so-called mysterious “blob” was recently formed?

What I find astonishing is that there were three, possibly four, nuclear cataclysmic meltdowns that happened after Japan was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami, and we’re all supposed to pretend that it’s over, no big deal. Just as corporate network weather reporters never talk about climate change in relation to extreme weather disasters, so too, no one remembers the terrifying fear about relying on nuclear power for energy:

Remember when everyone used to ask the question: Oh-my-gosh: What if there’s a meltdown?! (Listen to this video on Fukushima’s “China Syndrome”). We did not learn the answer to that question from Chernobyl and Three Mile Island (watch this NY Times video when the sirens went off).

Shockingly, even during the Fukushima meltdowns, as the power plants were exploding simultaneously, President Obama was still telling us that nuclear power plants are safe!

This is perhaps the biggest environmental crisis of our century, and yet, it is astonishing how Fukushima’s meltdowns and radioactive water that is being dumped into the Pacific have been hushed up, censored, and reduced to “confidential business information”. As Truthout editor, William Rivers Pitt, put it in his essay, Sick of Secrets, the public is not allowed to know how the industrial oligarchs are threatening our lives with their polluting forms of energy.

Whales and dolphins are dying by the hundreds, the radiation in tuna has tripled off the Pacific US coast, but we’re supposed to pretend that it’s a big mystery, right? No causal explanations. Dump tons of radioactive water into the Pacific—and pretend that nothing will happen.

Well here’s a flash: The public has the right to know if there is a causal link between the radioactive water and the creation of the “blob”. And if so, that radioactive “blob” that keeps growing off the Pacific is a “clear and present danger” to the United States, indeed to the entire continent.

According to a recent RT report, “The ‘Blob' in Pacific Ocean Might be to Blame for California Drought, Erratic US Weather – Studies. Japan has been and is still releasing tons of radioactive water into the Pacific.

So while BP’s oil catastrophe has been poisoning sea-life at all levels in the Gulf, Fukushima’s radiation is being detected up and down the western coasts from Juneau, Alaska to Baja, California.

Tuna tested in labs caught off the Pacific coasts, for example, are tainted with cancerous Cesium-134 and Cesium-137. According to several reports last year, radiation levels in tuna off Oregon’s coast tripled. Experts claim that the tuna are still safe to eat, but without further testing, how can they be sure?

As for California’s drought, in addition to the abnormal warming of sea temperatures, we’ve seen dramatic changes in the jet-stream climate patterns in the last few years that global warming, alone, cannot explain: for example, the rapid severity of these irregular changes in the Pacific atmosphere, and the timing of the “blob’s” development occurred after Japan began dumping tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean:

An unusual threat is looming off the Pacific coast of North America from Juneau in Alaska to Baja California. Now roughly 2000 kilometres wide and 100 metres deep, a mass of warm water that scientists are calling "the blob" has lingered off the coast for a year and a half and has set temperature records, with waters between 1 °C and 4 °C warmer than normal. Fresh research published in Geophysical Research Letters has examined the causes and impacts of this area of water, which has grown more recently.

The blob has changed water-circulation patterns, affected inland weather and reshuffled ecosystems at sea. Although scientists say the planet's warming oceans may not be responsible for the mysterious and long-lived anomaly, some see it as an early warning of changes that might be coming to the Pacific in the next few decades.

Why is this question so important for investigative scientists and journalists? If the “blob” is being caused from Fukushima’s radioactive water, what’s going to happen to that “blob” if Japan continues to release large amounts of radioactive water into the Pacific? Obviously, the warm water is going to grow hotter and bigger: If it keeps expanding, then will California’s drought expand to its neighboring western states? This is why it is a “clear and present danger” to the United States.

But let’s just turn a blind eye and pretend that it’s all just one big mystery, right? And I suppose that over 160 dolphins and about 50 melon-headed whales that washed ashore 50 miles from Fukushima’s border — is all a big mystery, too. In fact, here’s a whopper for you: one of Japan’s so-called experts said that the dolphins may be experiencing “psychological problems…”

Of course, there’s no causal link between boiling red hot toxic radioactive water and 150 dolphins that just suddenly washed ashore at various locations near Fukushima. They all decided to commit suicide.

This absurd explanation is not only offensive, it’s immoral and criminal. The public has a right to know why the international community is allowing Japan to poison the entire Pacific Ocean with tons of radioactive water.

Conclusion: Are We Facing Extinction?

For Earth Day, I’ve been thinking about how I was fortunate to be raised by parents that had a deep reverence for nature. When I was about six or seven years old, I remember watching my mother save a robin’s babies from dying by putting the babies in a box that she hung from the clothes line so that mother robin could easily swoop down and feed her little ones that lost their nest. That small act of empathy left an indelible impression on my heart and soul.

I wonder how different George W. Bush would have been had he been raised in the Kennedy family. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the author of Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy.

Both George W. Bush and Robert F. Kennedy came from powerful and wealthy families, but both were raised with entirely opposite viewpoints regarding the sanctity of nature. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was taught by his parents that nature has intrinsic value, that our majestic forests, our rivers and oceans are all reflections of God’s Divinity, God’s “signature of all things”.

By contrast, George W. Bush was taught by his parents that nature has only extrinsic value to be exploited for self interest; the natural world is seen as “property” as a means to a profitable ends.

Certainly there is something to be said about the lessons parents pass down to their children. Children that were raised by nature-loving parents usually grow up to be lovers of nature as well.

On this Earth Day, I’m thinking about all those courageous volunteers who painstakingly worked day and night for years, cleaning oil-soaked pelicans and mammals, whales and dolphins suffocating from BP’s toxic, black-gooey oil.

For those of us who share Robert F. Kennedy’s view of our wildlife, it is emotionally painful, agonizing and heartbreaking to see these poor animals, birds and mammals that are suffering and dying horrible deaths because industrial profiteers and sold out politicians care only about lining their own pockets with fossil fuel money; money that is made from destructive, antiquated forms of energy that should have been outlawed decades ago: oil, coal, gas and nuclear. These animals have a God-given right to life as much as anyone. But they are not the only ones that are facing extinction.

We are at the top of that food chain. However, as the nuclear radiation and waste spreads, as the oil spills and greenhouse emissions and pollution continue to wreck havoc on this tiny planet called Earth—we, too, will be joining our animal friends in the funeral procession unless we dramatically and quickly change our ways. Time is running out.
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