By Jeremy Lovell 

LONDON (Reuters) - The devastating impact of mankind on the planet is
dramatically illustrated in pictures published on Saturday showing
explosive urban sprawl, major deforestation and the sucking dry of
inland seas over less than three decades.

Mexico City mushrooms from a modest urban center in 1973 to a massive
blot on the landscape in 2000, while Beijing shows a similar surge
between 1978 and 2000 in satellite pictures published by the
United Nations in a new environmental atlas.

Delhi sprawls explosively between 1977 and 1999, while from 1973 to
2000 the tiny desert town of Las Vegas turns into a monster conurbation
of one million people -- placing massive strain on scarce water

"If there is one message from this atlas it is that we are all part of
this. We can all make a difference," U.N. expert Kaveh Zahedi told
reporters at the launch of the "One Planet Many People" atlas on the
eve of World Environment Day.

Page after page of the 300-page book illustrate in before-and-after
pictures from space the disfigurement of the face of the planet wrought
by human activities.

U.N. Environment Program chief Klaus Toepfer has chosen efforts to make
cities greener as this year's theme for World Environment Day on Sunday
on the basis that the world is becoming increasingly urbanized.

"Cities pull in huge amounts of resources including water, food,
timber, metals and people. They export large amounts of wastes
including household and industrial wastes, wastewater and the gases
linked with global warming," he said in a statement.

"Thus their impacts stretch beyond their physical borders affecting
countries, regions and the planet as a whole.

"So the battle for sustainable development, for delivering a more
environmentally stable, just and healthier world, is going to be
largely won and lost in our cities," Toepfer added.

The destruction of swathes of mangroves in the Gulf of Fonseca off
Honduras to make way for extensive shrimp farms shows up clearly in the

The atlas makes the point that not only has it left the estuary bereft
of the natural coastal defense provided by the mangroves, but the
shrimp themselves have been linked to pollution and widespread damage
to the area's ecosystem.

And images of the wholesale destruction of vital rainforest around
Iguazu Falls -- one of South America's most spectacular waterfalls --
on the borders between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay evoke comparisons
with a bulldozer on a rampage.

"These illustrate some of the changes we have made to our environment,"
Zahedi said. "This is a visual tool to capture people's imaginations
showing what is really happening."

"It serves as an early warning," he added.

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