No mention of the role of subsidies and the resultant dumping on poor 
countries' markets, sad to say.

- Keith


Ethanol Booms, Farmers Bust

By Lisa M. Hamilton, AlterNet
May 25, 2007

 From the news these days you'd think farmers have never had a better 
friend than ethanol. Headlines holler that corn prices are soaring 
and that at this moment farmers are planting more acres of corn than 
they have in the last 50 years. Reporters writing about the ethanol 
boom are throwing around words like gold rush, jackpot, and nirvana. 
But if you actually are a farmer, ethanol and the high corn prices it 
brings is looking less and less like a blessing -- and more like a 

In concept, corn ethanol could benefit American farmers. Anytime we 
as a country look to them to supply our daily needs, it's an 
opportunity for rural communities to win. The problem is that the 
boom is taking place in the same old agricultural economy, which 
works to the benefit of those on top: landlords, processors, and 
companies selling inputs like seeds and fertilizers. It's 
agribusiness as usual, and like always, farmers will finish last.

"Initially we all were excited by the high prices," said Troy Roush, 
a sixth-generation farmer who grows 2,600 acres of corn in central 
Indiana. "But the truth is that the farmers won't keep any of it. 
There's an old saying that expenses will always rise to meet revenue. 
It all gets built in."

And that's exactly what has happened: As the price of corn has gone 
up, so has the cost of growing it. In just two months, the price 
Roush paid for fertilizer doubled. And speculation has driven land 
prices through the roof. "It's insane," Roush said. "In the last four 
months our land values have increased 40 percent. We're all sitting 
around wondering if it's real."

While most farmers own some land, the vast majority rent part or all 
of their acreage. Rents already swelled in some areas for this 
season, and farmers are bracing themselves for an even greater 
increase in 2008. A study by the Illinois Society of Professional 
Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers forecast that if corn prices stay 
high, rent for prime farmland next year will rise by 19 percent -- to 
218 dollars an acre. For young farmers, something rural America 
desperately needs, such inflation can make getting into the business 

It is true that ethanol can offer farmers more control in the market 
through cooperative ownership of production plants. But thanks to the 
recent boom, corporate investors from around the world are now 
building plants that dwarf the farmer co-ops of the 1990s. And in the 
rush to meet the government's renewable fuel mandate, most incentives 
no longer favor farmer-owned plants.

In this new marketplace many farmer co-ops have cashed out, selling 
themselves partially or entirely to outside investors. According to 
the American Coalition for Ethanol, of the 75 plants slated for 
construction over the next two years only 25 percent are 
farmer-owned, and even those are often run in part by non-farmers 
from Des Moines and Chicago.

Without ownership of ethanol plants, farmers return to being mere 
workers in service of a volatile market. While the price of corn may 
be at a glorious four dollars a bushel now, when it evaporates 
farmers will likely be left to pay for costs that reflect a boom but 
profits that reflect a bust. Considering that much of the biofuels 
industry is already calling corn an archaic fuel source, looking 
forward instead to cellulosic ethanol, this crash is bound to happen 
within the next few years. To Roush and his colleagues it's beginning 
to feel ominously like the lead-up to the farm crisis of the 1980s, 
when high times led to unsustainable debt. They fear that the near 
future holds widespread foreclosure, not rural salvation.

To make matters worse, the boom is happening in a Farm Bill year. 
Congress is under tremendous pressure to peel back agricultural 
subsidies as they write the bill, and today's high corn prices and 
the promise of a bright, ethanol-powered future for farmers might 
give them the excuse to do so. Of course maintaining the subsidy 
system indefinitely isn't a solution, but the fact is that thousands 
of family farmers rely on those payments; to remove them without 
adequate replacement in such uncertain times could alone cause 
another farm crisis.

Despite all the problems it's causing, four-dollar corn itself is not 
the problem. In a sense it's actually a good thing, for it means 
farmers are getting closer to a fair price for their product. But a 
high price today doesn't ultimately benefit farmers if they remain in 
a system that allows the price to freefall tomorrow. What farmers 
need in order to rebuild their communities and secure their farm 
incomes is not an ethanol boom -- or any kind of boom for that 
matter. They need a system that offers a fair return for their 
product all the time, not just during a fuel crisis.

The United States has had such a system, with the New Deal price 
supports that lasted into the early 1970s. In its proposal for how to 
shape the 2007 Farm Bill, the National Family Farm Coalition has 
proposed a similar system of price supports (along with complementary 

If we as a nation care about family farmers as much as we claim to, 
we ought to take the NFFC's advice: scrap the subsidy system, which 
only perpetuates the vicious cycle of farm-level booms and busts, and 
replace it with a predictable system that growers can rely on. If we 
do that, perhaps the ethanol boom will turn out to be a godsend for 
family farmers: not because it gave them a quick windfall of profits, 
but because it awakened the rest of us to how vulnerable the current 
system has made them -- and spurred us to do something about it.

Lisa M. Hamilton is a writer and photographer who focuses on food and 
farming. She's currently writing a book about the changing place of 
farmers and ranchers in American life, and a new movement to restore 
their leadership role in the food system. 
<>Read more about her.

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