Ford to offer buyouts to 54,000 workers 
        By TOM KRISHER, AP Auto WriterThu Jan 24, 9:35 AM ET 

  Ford Motor Co. said Thursday it will offer buyout and early retirement 
packages to all 54,000 U.S. hourly workers in an effort to cut more jobs and 
replace workers with those making a lower wage.
  Chief Executive Alan Mulally said the new round of buyouts was negotiated 
with the United Auto Workers union.
  He said the first round would be offered immediately to workers who had been 
employed at already closed plants in Atlanta, St. Louis, Edison, N.J., and 
Norfolk, Va. Those offers close Feb. 28.
  Employees are expected to leave the company by March 1, Mulally said during a 
conference call with reporters and industry analysts to discuss the company's 
2007 earnings.
  The second round of buyouts would go to workers at all other U.S. Ford 
locations, opening the week of Feb. 18 and closing March 17. Mulally said 
workers who take packages in this round would likely leave the company starting 
April 1, with all of them gone by year's end.

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