Fungi Make Biodiesel Efficiently at Room Temperature

Scientists at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
 have found a much better way to make biodiesel. Their 
new method could lower the cost and increase the energy
 efficiency of fuel production.

Instead of mixing the ingredients and heating them for
 hours, the chemical engineers pass sunflower oil and
 methanol through a bed of pellets made from fungal 
spores. An enzyme produced by the fungus does the work
 -- making biodiesel with impressive efficiency.

Last Monday, Ravichandra Potumarthi showed off his work
 during a poster session at the International Conference
 on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. After returning to
 his lab in Hyderabad, he was able to send out some pictures
 of his experimental reactor (shown on right) and the fungal pellets.

Typically, biodiesel is made by mixing methanol with lye and
 vegetable oil and then heating the brew for several hours.
 This bonds the methanol to the oils to produce energetic
 molecules called esters. Unfortunately, heating the
 mixture is a huge waste of energy, and a major selling
 point of alternative fuels is efficiency. An enzyme 
called lipase can link link oil to methanol without any
 extra heating, but the pure protein is expensive. 

Potumarthi has a simple solution. Why bother purifying
 the lipase? It would be easier to just find an organism
 that produces plenty of the enzyme and squish it into
 pellets. In this case, the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae
 does the trick.

Recently, several huge research centers have sprung
 up to develop better ways to make biofuels. Considering
 that a handful of chemical engineers can accomplish so
 much on what appears to be a shoestring budget, the
 future of alternative fuels looks pretty good -- but
 maybe a bit slimy. 

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