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-------- Original Message --------
David Delaney wrote:

When there is substantial general acknowledgement of the reality and 
significance of peak oil, as might happen sometime in the next year or 
so as oil production fails to respond to price increases, how should 
those who have struggled to win that acknowledgment exploit its much 
desired achievement.

>From John Michael Greer's blog, The Archdruid Report,

/Start article

In The Wake Of Victory

This has not been an easy week for believers in a brighter future. As I 
write this week’s post, food prices in the global market are soaring 
toward levels that brought mass violence two years ago, driven partly by 
climate-driven crop failures and partly by the conversion of a 
noticeable fraction of food crops into fuel ethanol and biodiesel; the 
price of oil is bumping around somewhere skywards of $86 a barrel, or 
right around two and a half times the level arch-cornucopian Daniel 
Yergin insisted not that long ago would be oil’s long-term price; the 
latest round of climate talks at Cancún are lurching toward yet another 
abject failure; and bond markets worldwide are being roiled by panic 
selling as the EU’s Irish bailout has failed to reassure anybody, 
investors in US state and local bonds realize that debts that can’t be 
paid back won’t be paid back, and even the riskier end of commercial 
paper is beginning to look decidedly chancy.

With all this bad news rattling away like old-fashioned musketry, it can 
be hard to look beyond the headlines and grasp the broader picture, but 
that’s something well worth doing just now, especially for those of us 
who have put in some years in the peak oil scene or, for that matter, 
any of the other movements that have had the unwelcome job of pointing 
out that infinite growth on a finite planet is a daydream for fools. 
What the broader picture shows, when all the short-term vagaries, the 
rhetoric and the yelling are all stripped away, is something as simple 
as it is stunning: we were right all along, and the rest of the world is 
slowly, with maximum reluctance, being forced to grapple with that fact.

We’ve come a very long way since the peak oil movement began to take 
shape just over a decade ago. In those days, those of us who were 
concerned with petroleum depletion were basically a handful of heretics 
howling in the wilderness, at a time when serious books on energy by 
major academic presses routinely missed the obvious fact that fossil 
fuels would run short long before they ran out. The suggestion that oil 
production might be limited by geological factors was dismissed 
derisively by people straight across the political spectrum; if the 
price of oil ever actually rose above the rock-bottom levels it then 
occupied, the conventional wisdom went, the law of supply and demand 
would infallibly bring new production online and force the price back down.

Then, of course, the price of oil began to go up, and production didn’t 
respond. All the considerable resources of political and financial 
rhetoric have been worked overtime to gloss over that extremely awkward 
fact, but the fact remains: petroleum prices are now at levels that were 
unthinkably high only a few years ago, the bountiful new production the 
conventional wisdom foresaw has not happened, and dozens of alternative 
resources that would supposedly be viable once oil cost $30 a barrel, or 
$50, or $80 are still nowhere in sight. Last week the IEA, the 
international organization that tracks energy supplies and predicts 
their future trajectory, quietly admitted that conventional petroleum 
production had peaked in 2006, and ratcheted down their projections of 
future energy supplies yet again.

The mainstream media responded as usual with a flurry of pieces 
insisting, essentially, that we do too have plenty of fuel, nyah nyah 
nyah! I’m not sure if anyone was fooled, though. There’s a famous quote 
of Gandhi’s: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they 
fight you, then you win.” We’re well past the stage of being ignored, 
and the few voices still laughing at peak oil are sounding very hollow 
and forced these days; the fighting is still going on, but that last 
stage is starting to look more and more like a near term probability.

All this raises an interesting conundrum for the peak oil movement. Of 
the risks run by any movement that seeks to upend the status quo, the 
most commonly underestimated are the dangers of success. Plenty of 
movements that have triumphed over every adversity have faltered or even 
imploded when adversity gave way to achievement. There are plenty of 
ways that this can happen, but I suspect the one most likely to beset 
the peak oil movement will arrive when the movers and shakers of the 
world’s industrial nations turn to the more respectable members of the 
movement and say, “Okay, you’ve made your point. So what do we do about it?”

I suspect that this challenge has been on the minds of a number of 
people in the peak oil scene of late. Several peak oil-related 
organizations and websites are pretty clearly shifting their focus from 
arguing for the reality and imminence of peak oil—the necessary focus of 
the last decade—to advocating and lobbying for some set of responses to 
the end of the age of cheap energy. A number of other people in the peak 
oil scene, most of them less organizationally connected, have reacted 
against this trend in one way or another. Which side is right? Both of 
them, of course.

The most common source of trouble when a social movement succeeds in 
entering the collective conversation of politics is the lack of any 
constructive plan. That’s not going to be an issue here; we’ve got 
plenty of people proposing plenty of plans, covering the whole gamut of 
possibility from the sensible to the delusional. No, the problem that 
the peak oil movement is most likely to face is the one that comes when 
a movement, having gotten access to the halls of power, lowers its 
sights to target only that set of goals it can reach consensus on, and 
thinks it can get from whichever subset of the political class is 
currently in charge.

That’s a fatal mistake, in two mutually reinforcing ways. First, it 
allows the subset of the political class that’s currently in charge to 
turn the movement into a wholly owned subsidiary, by giving just enough 
scraps to the movement to keep it hankering for more, while dangling the 
whole package just out of reach before the movement’s eager eyes. That’s 
how the Democrats turned the environmental movement (among others) into 
one of their captive constituencies, for example, and it’s also how the 
Republicans turned gun owners (among others) into one of their captive 
constituencies – and you’ll notice that neither movement, nor any of the 
other movements thus co-opted, have ever managed to get more than a few 
token scraps of its shopping list out of the process.

The second difficulty is the natural result of the first. Once a 
movement is turned into a wholly owned subsidiary of one end of the 
political class, it can count on losing any chance of getting anything 
once the other end of the political class gets into power, as will 
inevitably happen. The result is an elegant good cop-bad cop routine; 
each party can reliably panic its captive constituencies every four 
years by saying, in effect, “Well, granted, we haven’t done a thing for 
you in years, but think of how much worse it will be if those awful 
(fill in the blank)s get into power!” Those who swallow this line can 
count on watching their movement sink into a kind of political 
zombiehood in which, whatever its official goals, the only real function 
remaining to it is to get out the vote for one or the other set of 
mutually interchangeable candidates come Election Day.

Combine these two difficulties and you get the graveyard that’s 
swallowed most movements for change in America in the last half century. 
The peak oil movement could end up as just another tombstone in that 
cemetery if it doesn’t scent the trap and avoid it.

It’s not that hard to avoid it, either. The key is dissensus: that is, 
making sure that the movement doesn’t focus on a single set of readily 
achievable demands, but rather has several competing agendas, with at 
least some elements in each agenda that ignore the conventional wisdom 
about political possibility and shoot for the moon. For best results, 
there should be one detailed agenda, with its own pressure groups and 
lobbying organizations to back it, that focuses on government regulation 
and big federal projects, to appeal to the Democrats; there should be 
another equally detailed agenda, backed by a different set of pressure 
groups and lobbying organizations, that focuses on market-based 
approaches and voluntary community groups such as churches, to appeal to 
the Republicans; and there should be a third agenda that horrifies the 
entire political class, but has persuasive arguments and vocal 
supporters and thus can’t simply be ignored.

The point of these competing agendas is that they turn the good cop-bad 
cop routine against the political class itself. Democrats who want to 
get votes by pushing a peak oil platform have a set of proposals they 
can support, with plenty more to come when those are in place; 
Republicans who want to do the same thing have a different set that they 
can support, and again, there are more projects to hand once those get 
going; and then there are those wackos out on the fringe with their 
extreme proposals, who are always ready, willing and able to frighten 
Democrats and Republicans alike into backing some peak oil agenda 
because, after all, if they don’t do something, the wackos might get a 

When subjected to this treatment, the political class typically loses 
track of the fact that the question has stopped being “should we do 
something about the issue?” and becomes “what should we do about the 
issue?” Instead of being manipulated by the political class, in other 
words, the peak oil movement needs to roll up its sleeves and do some 
manipulating of its own. It’s been done before by plenty of other 
movements and it will be done again by many more, and the peak oil 
movement has enough internal diversity to pull it off with panache.

Regular readers may be wondering where among these three options I see 
the Green Wizards project. The answer, of course, is that it’s a fourth 
option – the option that works outside the political process, and aims 
for those projects that can best be pursued at a grassroots level by 
individuals and small local groups. If it catches on, as it appears to 
be doing just at the moment, it becomes the flywheel providing stability 
for the whole process; government programs come and go, one might say, 
but backyard gardens endure – which is one reason why we’ve still got a 
viable organic gardening movement thirty years after the alternative 
scene that launched it crashed into ruin. Furthermore, if green wizardry 
really catches on, it could become large enough to count as a noticeable 
voting bloc – in which case we might yet witness the delicious spectacle 
of politicians pandering to the green wizard vote by supporting expanded 
tax credits for home insulation and more state funding for Master 
Composter programs.

Does this seem improbable? All of it happened here in America during the 
last round of energy crises, from 1972 through 1981. During those years 
the environmental lobby in Washington DC, not yet reduced to its present 
condition of servitude, pushed energy conservation legislation aimed at 
both sides of the Congressional aisle; there were plenty of advocates 
for federal programs, but there was also a thriving subculture of 
appropriate-tech entrepreneurs arguing for a market-based response to 
the energy crisis; there were plenty of people out on the Ecotopian 
fringe who did a fine job of scaring politicians into more moderate 
projects; and of course there was a very large movement of ordinary 
people who spent their off hours growing vegetable gardens and caulking 
their windows to save energy.

Now it’s only fair to say that a repeat of that experience will not save 
the world, or the United States, from the consequences of the quarter 
century of malign neglect that occupied the time we might have spent 
getting ready for peak oil. It is very late in the day; as the Hirsch 
Report pointed out five years ago – ironically, right around the time 
global oil production peaked – adapting to peak oil without drastic 
social disruptions requires major changes to begin twenty years before 
the peak. We missed that chance, and so there are going to be drastic 
social disruptions. The question is whether there are things that can be 
done to make their impact less devastating and their long-term 
consequences less severe – to cushion, in effect, these opening phases 
of the Long Descent.

I think there are. Some of those things, it’s fair to say, are best done 
by individuals following Ernest Thompson Seton’s excellent slogan - 
“where you are, with what you have, right now” - and of course this is 
what the Green Wizard project is meant to encourage. The backyard 
gardens, well-insulated homes, simple alternative energy projects and 
handmade crafts that helped hundreds of thousands of families navigate 
the stagflation and soaring prices of the Seventies are likely to turn 
out just as well suited to help an equal or larger number dodge the 
worst effects of the economic turmoil and spiking food and energy costs 
that bid fair to define much of our immediate future. There are things 
that local, state, and national governments can do to encourage these 
things, to be sure, but we don’t have the time to wait around for them 
to get to it.

Are there other things that can be done by changes in public policy? Of 
course, and with luck and a great deal of hard work, some of those 
changes may be put in place in time to matter. To name only one example, 
a shift in federal policy that redirected money from highway and airport 
construction and put it to work laying rails and expanding rolling 
stock, in an effort to restore America’s railways to some semblance of 
their former effectiveness as a transport system, could have significant 
positive benefits for decades to come. It’s worth pursuing this and 
other steps in the political sphere. Still, the reference to hard work 
is not there for decoration; any such step, even the most positive, will 
do nobody any good at all, as long as nobody does anything to make it 
happen aside from chatting enthusiastically about it on the internet.

As peak oil moves steadily into the mainstream, in other words, the peak 
oil movement will increasingly be called upon to put up or shut up. That 
doesn’t mean that everyone ought to support some consensus view or other 
of practical responses to peak oil; as I pointed out earlier, that’s a 
sucker’s move, one that would leave the peak oil movement hopelessly 
vulnerable to the usual maneuvers of the political classes. It doesn’t 
mean that everyone ought to support engagement with the political system 
at all. It does mean that whoever you are, and whatever your take on the 
proper response to peak oil happens to be, it’s time to do something 
about it.

That may involve planting a backyard garden and weatherstripping your 
doors and windows, along the lines discussed in the last six months of 
posts here; it may involve taking an active role in lobbying your 
Congresscritters and their state and local equivalents; it may involve 
building some exotic-looking device in your basement – we’ll be talking 
more about that next week – or it may involve something else again. The 
one thing it can’t involve, not without complete hypocrisy, is sitting 
on your backside and convincing yourself that somebody else is going to 
do whatever it is for you. In the wake of victory, we no longer have 
that luxury. Instead, the peak oil movement has a window of opportunity, 
and it’s time for us to use it.

/End article

Green Wizards

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