80% of brand new Mercedes sold in Germany with particle

DieselNet UPDATE
April 2005

German car makers blamed for fine particulate pollution

Munich, Stuttgart, and possibly other German cities do not meet EU ambient air quality standards for fine particulates that became effective from January 2005. As diesel cars are commonly perceived to be an important source of fine particulate emissions, German car makers are being blamed for the air quality problems. The auto industry might have underestimated public sentiments regarding this sensitive ecological topic, and has been too slow in implementing particulate filters, according to some opinions voiced in the current discussion in Germany.

Faced with the new air quality issues, the German government may speed diesel particulate filter adoption through legislation, reports Reuters. A draft law is expected before the Summer.

In February, German car makers made a voluntary commitment to install particulate filters on all new diesel cars by 2008. A tax credit scheme was negotiated with the German government, where new cars of low PM emissions (0.005 g/km) would receive a road tax break of €350 (DieselNet UPDATE - February 2005). However, this plan has not yet been implemented, as some states who are responsible for road taxes in Germany disapprove the federal scheme. Introduction of filters has been also slowed down by insufficient production capacity and supply shortages of silicon carbide filter substrates.

Diesels account for nearly 50% of the new car market in Germany. isplay.Start.class&document=PROD0000000000020732&rdLeftMargin=10&chapn o=1400

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