How to Live Without Oil
 New energy sources and efficiency could make petroleum obsolete.
 By By Amory B. Lovins
 Newsweek International 

 Aug. 8, 2005 issue - In 1850, most homes in the United States
 were lit by lamps that burned whale oil. As demand rose, supply
 dwindled-whales became shy and scarce-and prices for whale oil
 climbed. Then alternative fuels such as smokeless, odorless
 coal-kerosene began to sweep the market. By 1859, when
 Edwin Drake struck oil in Pennsylvania, five sixths of all whale-oil lamps
 had switched to the new fuels. The astonished whalers, who hadn't
 heeded the competition, ran out of customers before they
 ran out of whales.

 Oil may now be poised to repeat that history. With prices
 exceeding $50 a barrel, the world's oil habit now costs
 $4 billion a day. Some experts warn that output will soon peak
 and prices will reach $100, but nobody really knows for sure
 (94 percent of reserves are owned by governments, which
 generally keep the data secret). Fortunately, it doesn't matter:
 With cheap oil-saving technologies and alternative fuels already
 at our disposal, the sooner we get off oil, the sooner we'll
 start making bigger profits.

 That's right-profits. The conventional wisdom is that $50-a-barrel
 oil has made alternatives to fossil fuels economically viable. But the
 truth is that they were viable back when oil was $25 a barrel. The
 arguments in favor of phasing out oil have now merely become overwhelming.

 That's true everywhere-but nowhere more so than in America, the
 world's biggest oil consumer. It's entirely possible to cut projected
 U.S. oil consumption in half by 2025, and eliminate it completely
 by 2050, without compromising rapid economic growth. Demand
 could be halved simply by using oil twice as efficiently over several
 decades; the other half could be replaced with saved natural gas
 and advanced biofuels. According to a U.S. policy analysis we
 published last year at Rocky Mountain Institute
 ("Winning the Oil Endgame"), the cost of these changes would
 average $15 a barrel. Even if, as the U.S. government forecasts,
 oil comes down in price by 2025 to $26 a barrel, the net saving in
 the United States would still be $70 billion a year, and the rest of
 the world would benefit proportionally. Burgeoning economies like
 China and India have the most to lose from falling into a
 U.S.-style oil trap, and the biggest opportunity to avoid it by
 making their vehicles, buildings and factories efficient from scratch.

 Doubling oil efficiency wouldn't be hard. A backlog of powerful ways
 to save and substitute for oil, amassed since the 1973 oil embargo,
 remains mostly untapped, even in the most energy-efficient countries.
 Automakers for instance could profitably increase fuel mileage to
 66 mpg (3.6L/100km) for light trucks and 92 mpg (2.6L/100km) for cars.
 Doing so would cost an extra $2,550 for a midsize SUV, but would
 pay for itself in fuel savings in two years in the United States
 and in one year in Europe.

 This would require combining hybrid-electric propulsion with
 new lightweight steels or, in a few years, carbon composite parts
 that absorb six to 12 times more crash energy per kilogram.
 New manufacturing processes could then make cars big, protective and
 comfortable with halved weight and fuel use at no extra cost. The
 U.S. military could pioneer such ultralight, ultrastrong vehicles to
 modernize its forces.

 Modern aerodynamics, tires, engines and materials can cheaply
 double or triple the efficiency of 18-wheel heavy trucks and
 jetliners, too. Boeing's new 787 consumes 20 percent less fuel
 per passenger mile than its predecessor. Retooling the U.S. car,
 truck and plane industries would require a $90 billion investment.
 That may sound like a lot, but spread over a decade, it's worth about
 three weeks of U.S. oil imports a year. Other countries' retooling
 would typically yield at least as handsome profits in both money
 and security.

 Once the United States has saved half its oil, it can cost-effectively
 replace an additional 20 percent with advanced biofuels, and the
 rest with saved natural gas. Biofuels (based on woody, weedy
 plants-not corn) will need a $90 billion investment, too, but they'll
 beat $26 oil, revitalize farming, protect topsoil better and preserve
 food crops' land and water. Harvesting biofuel crops, carbon credits
 and wind power all from the same land, much of it now unproductive,
 can also double or triple net farm and ranch income.
 Again, details will differ in other countries, but the opportunities
 are broadly similar-even in Japan, which lacks the Great Plains but
 is 70 percent forested and could substainably harvest both fiber
 and biofuels there.

 Eliminating oil demand in the United States would thus require a
 $180 billion investment, half for efficient vehicles, half for
 advanced biofuels. By 2025, that would save $155 billion every
 year, create a million new jobs, save a million current jobs and
 generate 26 percent less carbon emissions. Benefits in Europe,
 Asia and Latin America are proportional or better. Even
 oil-exporting countries could benefit: oil may well ultimately be
 worth more for its hydrogen content than for its hydrocarbons.

 Mandates, subsidies and taxes aren't needed to implement these
 changes. What's needed are smart business strategies and
 enlightened government policies that remove barriers to adopting
 new technology. The most important would be to offer "feebates"-
 a charge on inefficient vehicles that would be rebated to buyers of
 efficient ones, within each size class. Government would also play
 a role in helping retool car plants, retrain workers, scrap
 gas-guzzler planes and cars, and so forth. Customers would have
 more choices, workers more jobs, everyone more profits. In only
 two generations, oil-once the foundation of our strength but now a
 source of weakness-could become as obsolete as whale-oil lamps.

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