
Globe & Mail 2007.03.13

Ecotrust seeing red instead of green over use of name


VANCOUVER -- Guess what? If you Google the federal government's hastily
assembled new green fund, Canada EcoTrust, you don't get Canada EcoTrust
at all. Or at least, not right away.

"The first thing you get is us," a vexed Ian Gill said yesterday.

Mr. Gill is president of Ecotrust Canada, a non-profit, environmental
organization, well known on the West Coast, that has been around since
Prime Minister Stephen Harper was a rookie MP for the Reform Party.

And, to put it mildly, the nearly 13-year-old organization is not amused
that the Tories seem to have lifted the Ecotrust Canada brand name for
the government's own $1.5-billion environment package. So, when Mr.
Harper comes calling here today to shower the province with an expected
$200-million in EcoTrust cash, Mr. Gill will be waiting for him.

"The government has not been taking this seriously, and I think they
should. We want our name back," Mr. Gill said.

He said the matter goes to the heart of what some critics have charged
is a rushed, back-of-the-envelope approach to combatting climate change
by Mr. Harper's Conservative government.

"They didn't even take the time to do due diligence on the name,"
charged Mr. Gill, who founded Ecotrust Canada in 1994. "That's how
quickly this whole thing has been cooked up."

Ecotrust Canada is far more than a group of eco-activists churning out
press releases from somebody's basement.

The organization has a full-time staff of 25, an annual budget of
$3-million and an ambitious community loan fund. It has been in the
forefront of practical efforts to preserve coastal rainforests and
develop rural community projects to cut greenhouse gases.

"What the government says they want to see happen, we actually do," Mr.
Gill said.

Mr. Harper announced the new Canada EcoTrust fund Feb. 12 in Quebec. The
fund contains $1.5-billion of federal money to help the provinces combat
global warming. The money is allocated to each province on the basis of

Mr. Gill said many of his organization's donors were immediately

"When I turned on my BlackBerry that morning, there were all these
e-mails. It filled up like an 800-pound gorilla, and our phones were
ringing off the hook."

Perplexed donors wondered if Ecotrust Canada had suddenly become part of
the Harper government's climate-change strategy, while "somebody thought
we'd come into $1.5-billion," Mr. Gill said.

The organization quickly wrote to Mr. Harper, pointing out the confusion
and what appeared to be a violation of its exclusive right to the
Ecotrust name.

"The government's assumption of the name 'Canada EcoTrust' is a serious
threat to our brand," the letter said.

"Ours is a consciously non-partisan organization and to have our name
adopted by any government, no matter how well-intended your program,
diminishes our brand."

The organization, saying it did not wish to pick a fight with the
government, asked Mr. Harper for a meeting to try to resolve the issue.

Apart from a few phone calls from "low-level functionaries," however,
there has been no response, Mr. Gill said.

Mr. Gill said it is in the government's interest to make peace, since
Ecotrust Canada has demonstrated the capacity to help "dramatically
reduce greenhouse gases. Why would they want to swat us aside?"

Mike Van Soelen, communications director for federal Environment
Minister John Baird, said the government is "taking a look" at the
complaint from Ecotrust Canada.

"We are certainly taking their concern serious," he said.

Darryl McMahon
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