Published on Friday, June 23, 2006 by the San Francisco Chronicle

It's Official: We Live in Hot Times
Study of data on global warming supports earlier findings that recent 
decades have been the hottest in 400 years

by Keay Davidson

Earth's average temperature has been hotter over the last quarter 
century than during the previous four centuries and possibly much 
longer, the National Academy of Sciences said in a report Thursday 
that substantially supports the findings of a controversial 1998 
climate study.

The report by a scientific panel appointed by the academy backed the 
most vivid feature of the so-called hockey stick graphic, a chart 
showing a long-term rise in temperature between A.D. 900 and today.

The panelists agreed that "the last few decades of the 20th century 
were warmer than any comparable period in the last 400 years." But 
they showed less confidence in the researchers' conclusion that the 
climate is warmer now than it has been in 1,000 years, a conjecture 
the scientists said was only scientifically plausible. More research 
is needed to investigate that possibility, the panelists said.

Even so, the 141-page report by a dozen prominent scientists who 
reviewed the latest scientific reports on global warming and heard 
testimony from climate experts could offer ammunition to those who 
are calling for tightened controls on greenhouse gases that many 
scientists believe may be causing global warming. The study was 
sparked by a 2005 congressional dispute over the reliability of the 
1998 study and chart.

The chart got its name for its vague resemblance to a hockey stick, 
the shaft depicting temperature fluctuations over a long stretch of 
time until about the mid-19th century, when warming suddenly spiked 
into the form of a blade.

First published in Nature magazine, the study thrilled global warming 
activists and angered some congressional Republicans and oil-industry 

The work by climate scientist Michael Mann, then at the University of 
Virginia, and two colleagues depicted a soaring rise in the Earth's 
average temperature since about the beginning of the Industrial Age, 
compared to generally cooler global temperatures through most of the 
Middle Ages.

Reliable, widespread thermometer records weren't available before the 
mid-19th century. To infer temperature averages in different eras, 
the scientists based most of their chart on natural or proxy records 
such as the width of rings inside trees that grew during the Middle 
Ages, the ratios of oxygen isotopes in polar ice cores and 
centuries-old paintings of glaciers in locales that are now ice-free.

However, the methodology was not sufficient to persuade the panel to 
throw its full weight behind the most sweeping claim by Mann and his 
colleagues: that temperatures through the Middle Ages were generally 
much cooler than they are today.

The panel's use of the word "plausible" in judging the claim puzzled 
Raymond Bradley of the University of Massachusetts, who published the 
original study with Mann and Malcolm Hughes of the University of 
Arizona. In an e-mail, Bradley called the use of the word strange and 
speculated the panel chose it to strengthen consensus. "I guess it 
was selected so that everybody on the committee could agree," he said.

A more sardonic view was taken by prominent Bay Area physicist 
Richard Muller of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who served 
as a peer reviewer for the academy's report. In 2004, he publicly 
criticized the Mann team's work, calling it "an artifact of poor 
mathematics ... when applied to the (temperature records of the) last 
millennium," he recalled in an e-mail Thursday.

Although Muller estimates 2 in 3 odds that humans are causing global 
warming, "the fact that the original conclusion of Mann et al. is 
'plausible' is damning with faint praise," he said. "Theories are 
plausible; discoveries are supposed to be proven."

Despite these caveats, the scientists involved in Thursday's report 
agreed that there's no doubt that the planet is getting unusually hot 
-- and fast.

"The last 400 years has experienced a warming. The last 25 to 30 
years have been warmer than any comparable period (in) that span," 
the panel's chairman, physicist-climatologist Gerald North of Texas 
A&M University said Thursday in Washington.

The academy panelists also dismissed critics' earlier insinuations 
that the Mann team played fast and loose with data, a point that 
pleased Mann, who is now at Pennsylvania State University.

"The report ... provides absolutely no support for the oft-heard 
claims that the original hockey stick was the result of 'programming 
errors,' or was 'not reproducible,' or there was some scientific 
misconduct involved," he said in an e-mail. "These claims were always 
spurious and should now finally be laid to rest ... The (academy) 
report is very good, and I'm pretty happy with it, especially given 
the short time interval over which the committee had to familiarize 
themselves with a complex and often quite technical debate."

The academy report was born from a political dispute. In 2005, the 
hockey-stick chart became the target for Sen. James Inhofe, 
R-Oklahoma, who regards global warming theory in general as a hoax. 
Last year, another doubter, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, asked Mann to 
give the House Energy Committee his team's scientific data, plus 
details on their funding.

Barton's request sparked protests from committee member Rep. Henry 
Waxman, D-Los Angeles, and from scientific organizations who feared 
it was an attempt to intimidate researchers.

To cool tempers, Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y. and chair of the 
House Committee on Science, asked the academy to assess the Mann 
team's work.

The result is the 141-page report unveiled Thursday. It is available 
online at

©2006 San Francisco Chronicle


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