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ISIS Press Release 22/08/05

ISIS Exclusive

Living Test for Mad Cow Disease

A new diagnostic test that claims to detect Mad Cow Disease in living 
animals before symptoms appear also raises questions on the cause of 
the disease <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Mad Cow Disease and variant CJD

It has been 20 years since Mad Cow Disease (bovine spongiform 
encephalopathy, BSE) appeared in Britain, killing more than 180 000 
cattle, and causing the mass slaughter of a further 5 million. The 
disease has jumped species to human beings, resulting in some 160 
known cases worldwide of the fatal variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 
(vCJD); although the precise extent of the CJD epidemic is suspected 
to be 20 times worse than appears (see Box).

The disease agent, according to the current establishment view, is a 
highly unusual misfolded protein, prion, which both causes and 
transmits the disease. Prion proteins are present in the brain 
tissues of all healthy animals in the correctly folded form. However, 
on being exposed to the misfolded form, the correctly folded normal 
protein becomes misfolded, causing it to aggregate into dense fibres, 
clogging up the cells and triggering a degenerative disease that 
turns the brain into a sponge.

There has been little progress in diagnosis or treatment for either 
BSE or vCJD. The only available tests are those done post mortem on 
brain tissue from slaughtered animals, based on detecting the 
misfolded prion protein that's found after the disease has progressed 
to a late stage. This not only underestimates the cases of BSE, but 
can also allow infected cattle to pass into the human food chain. A 
tiny amount of misfolded prion protein may be sufficient to make a 
healthy animal's own correctly folded prion protein to misfold.

A number of laboratories have been trying to develop a test that can 
detect BSE in live animals before the disease symptoms appear; nearly 
all based on improving the sensitivity of detecting prion proteins.

A brief history of Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease first appeared in Britain in the mid1980s, where it 
was officially diagnosed in 1986 as bovine spongiform encephalopathy 
(BSE), as it turns the brain into a sponge-like mass [1]. It killed 
over 180 000 cattle and devastated the British beef industry and 
farmers. Humans have contracted variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 
(vCJD), a disease most closely similar to BSE, by eating meat from 
infected animals.

 From Britain the epidemic spread to the rest of Europe infecting over 
4 200 cattle in 19 countries by mid-2003. As the disease has jumped 
species barriers, infecting and killing humans, the European 
authorities have destroyed more than 5 million potentially infected 
cattle as a precautionary measure. Since 1996, cattle over 30 months 
old have been banned from entering the food chain, a measure that is 
thought to remove over 99 percent of infected cattle [2]. 
Nevertheless, infected cattle have appeared in Canada, Japan, Israel, 
Oman and the Falkland Islands; and in the United States at the end of 
2003 [3].

By 2003, more than 150 people have contracted vCJD: 143 in the UK, 6 
in France, 2 in Canada and one each in Ireland, Italy and the US [1]. 
(The figure for UK has increased to 157 at the end of July 2005, and 
cases of human contracting vCJD from blood transfusions have been 
discovered [4].) Variant CJD tends to strike young people, is 
invariably fatal and takes about 14 months to kill its victim. 
Classic CJD strikes mainly the elderly. Recent evidence suggests that 
BSE can cause both classic as well as variant CJD, which may explain 
the rising numbers of CJD cases in Europe, and the disturbing trend 
to younger CJD cases in the US. Several autopsy studies in the US 
suggest that 3 to 13% of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's or 
dementia are actually CJD cases; thus, at least 120 000 CJD cases may 
go undetected and excluded from official statistics [5]. Similarly, a 
team of UK scientists found that 3 out of 12 674 stored appendix and 
tonsil samples showed evidence of infection, which gives an estimate 
of about 3 800 individuals in the UK who would test positive [6, 7].

Mad Cow Disease, CJD and related diseases - including chronic wasting 
disease spreading among the US deer and elk population - are 
associated with misfolded proteins called prions that aggregate to 
form dense tangled fibres in the brain cells, thereby killing them. 
Prions are highly resistant to heat, chemicals and radiation 
treatments, and cannot be inactivated with disinfection measures used 
to kill ordinary disease agents such as viruses and bacteria. The 
misfolded prion proteins are believed to be both the cause of BSE and 
the infectious agents transmitting the disease, and that feeding 
cattle with rendered remains of sheep affected with a related 
disease, scrapie, led to the outbreak of the BSE epidemic (but see 
main text).

Living test depends on specific genetic markers

In July 2005, a company in Gottingen, Germany, published a 
peer-review paper in the journal, Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory 
Immunology, reporting a diagnostic test for BSE in live animals, 
which does not depend on detecting the prion protein. Instead, the 
"Gottingen Living Test (GLT)", as it is called, depends on detecting 
"unique, specific gene markers" that are in 100 percent of cows with 
confirmed BSE, and in 100 percent of groups of associated high-risk 
animals, i.e., cows in the same feeding cohorts as those with BSE 
[8]. In contrast, only 0.6 percent of the control group of healthy 
animals tested positive on the GLT. This suggests that the test could 
be used to identify animals that are at risk of developing BSE in BSE 
eradication and surveillance programmes. The GLT will enable animals 
at-risk to be removed from the food chain while still alive, thereby 
reducing both the threat to human health and the economic impact on 
the cattle industry.

Circulating nucleic acids and chronic diseases

The development of GLT involved the collaboration between the 
Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Georg-August University, 
Gottingen, a leading research institute in BSE, and Chronix 
Biomedical, a genomics company whose core technology - protected by 
patent - is based on developing tests for detecting and monitoring a 
new class of markers for chronic illnesses: circulating nucleic acids 

CNAs are RNA and DNA detected in biological fluids free of cells or 
cellular material and found to be useful for the staging of some 
chronic illnesses. Most CNA lab diagnostics are based on amplifying 
either RNA or DNA with primers (probes) for single-copy functional 
coding regions of genes associated with infectious agents such as 
West Nile virus, HIV, hepatitis B virus.

In contrast, some CNA studies have focussed on endogenous repeat 
sequences found in the genome. Dr. Howard Urnovitz, the CEO of 
Chronix Biomedical, found three out of three sick veterans of the 
1991 Gulf War had the same repetitive sequences, including short Alu 
repetitive sequences in their CNAs ("Dynamic genomics & environmental 
health", SiS 19). Similarly, repetitive sequences in CNAs were 
associated with the clinical status of individual multiple myeloma 

BSE diagnosis in both sick cows and healthy BSE- exposed cows

For BSE diagnosis, a specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) probe 
was used that amplified the tail-end of a bovine genome short 
interspersed nuclear element (SINE), Bov-tA, about 285 000 copies of 
which are present in the genome, often at the 3'(tail-end) 
unstranslated region of genes. The probe detected multiple CNAs, 
ranging from less than 150 to 350bp, found only in the sera of 
BSE-confirmed cows and among high- risk cows exposed to BSE in the 
same feeding cohorts. None of the bands was amplified from the sera 
of healthy control animals.

The PCR products from two BSE cases and six BSE cohort animals were 
cloned and sequenced. The range of fragment sizes was from 105 to 
304bp, with an average size of 210bp. A stretch of about 80bp - found 
in nearly all the clones (150 out of 163) - was part of Bov-tA, as 
expected. However, this 80bp piece has other bits of sequences 
attached downstream, which, though they also appear to belong to the 
bovine genome, are not found in the bovine genome as contiguous 

The researcher team analysed a further four confirmed BSE cases, 
eight unrelated cohorts consisting of a total of 135 animals that 
were diagnosed BSE-negative by the standard prion tests, and 176 
healthy control cows, which included 148 samples from a 
slaughterhouse processing cattle from the same area where the BSE 
cases developed (to avoid a regional bias), and 28 samples from a BSE 
non-exposed healthy control herd. The BSE cases tested 100 percent 
positive by the same PCR diagnosis, i.e., 4 out of 4, while only 1 
out of 176 healthy controls tested positive, or 0.6 percent. The 8 
BSE-cohorts tested 33 percent to 91 percent positive, with an average 
of 63 percent positive. This was a very significant result, as these 
BSE-cohort cows were diagnosed BSE-negative by the standard tests for 
prion proteins in brain tissue after they were slaughtered.

According to data provided by the German Ministry of Consumer Safety, 
Nutrition and Agriculture, the likelihood of detecting a prion 
positive animal among cohorts of BSE cattle is more than 100-fold 
greater than in healthy, non-cohort cattle. This figure matches the 
finding in the present report: 63 percent of cohorts reacting 
positive compared to 0.6 percent positive in noncohort healthy 
cattle. In a further field study, an additional 669 samples from a 
slaughterhouse were tested. These samples originated from 257 
different farms. Only four samples were found to be repeatedly 
positive (0.59%), which confirms the results with the previous 176 
normal control cattle.

What is the basis of the diagnosis?

The diagnosis depends on amplifying circulating nucleic acids all of 
which contain a fragment of a particular repetitive element (Bov-tA, 
a member of SINE) present in the bovine genome. The expression of 
SINE elements is associated with cell stress, as previous work by 
other researchers has indicated. For example, cells stressed by 
exposure to the toxic drugs cycloheximide or puromycin rapidly and 
for a short while increased the abundance of Alu-containing RNA (Alu 
is a SINE specific to primates including humans). Thus, finding 
SINE-containing CNAs in both BSE and BSE-exposed cohorts suggest that 
cell stress may be involved in BSE; and further, that detection of 
specific cell-stress CNAs could offer an early diagnosis of impending 

The sequences attached to the SINE sequence in the BSE-associated 
CNAs appear to be rearranged or scrambled bovine genome sequences. 
This is consistent with the strong involvement of SINE sequences in 
recombination events. The results suggest, therefore, that exposure 
to toxic agents causing cell-stress has led to activation of 
repetitive elements in the genome involved in recombination, and 
extensive scrambling of genome sequences in animals that had 
developed BSE and others "exposed to BSE".

This research does appear to be the first living test for BSE or very 
nearly so. To really clinch the test, it would be necessary to see if 
the healthy BSE- exposed animals which tested positive will actually 
go on to develop BSE. But in the absence of any other contender test 
for the disease, most farmers and regulators might be willing to 
accept the present test at least as an indicator for BSE-exposure, so 
that animals at-risk can be removed from the food chain, thereby 
reducing both the threat to human health and the economic impact on 
the cattle industry. Another argument in its favour is that in the 
absence of such a test, the whole herd would have had to be 
slaughtered as a precautionary measure in any case.

What really caused BSE?

This research also raises important questions over the cause of BSE. 
There are many scientists who remain doubtful of the official account 
that prion proteins are the infectious agent [10]; as this runs 
counter to the conventional wisdom that all known infectious agents 
such bacteria and viruses contain genetic material - RNA or DNA - 
which is crucial for infectivity.

There is also doubt as to whether the BSE epidemic was caused by 
feeding cattle with improperly treated meat and bone meal feed 
containing the related scrapie agent from sheep remains. Organic 
farmer Mark Purdey in Britain reviewed extensive epidemiological and 
biochemical evidence contradicting the official view on the origin 
and cause of BSE [11]. This evidence suggests instead that BSE was 
triggered by the widespread use of the organophosphate insecticide 
Phosmet following the Warble Fly Order issued by UK's then Ministry 
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1984, coupled with the 
industrial pollution of agricultural land by manganese, which appears 
to be involved in the misfolding of prion proteins.

Purdey's hypothesis is consistent with the cell-stress circulating 
nucleic acids found in BSE-diagnosed and BSE-exposed animals reported 
by Chronix Biomedical. Further research should be done to see if 
BSE-specific cell-stress CNAs correlates with exposure of cattle 
herds to toxic agents such as organophosphate insecticides and 

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

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