You'd think that something as fundamental to democracy as honest elections
would not be placed in jeopardy, seemingly intentionally, with no input from the masses.
There is no voter in his right mind that'd be in favor of the systems that are so open to
fraud that are being forced onto us. The Repugs are institutionalizing the systems that
could keep them in power forever. They don't need to control all the votes, just enough to
always be able to give them a slight edge in the electoral college count. That way they can maintain
control, i.e. always win, and give an appearance of legitimacy. Of course, as the disparity
between exit polls and the final count continues, and perhaps even grows over the years,
it'll become painfully apparent to every man, woman, and dog that there is pure fraud
occurring. (Robert F Kennedy's study clearly shows it already is.)  By then the neo-con 
Repugs won't even care, their control will be so overwhelming. Voter turnout will become
virtually nonexistant. 
    The election in November could be the last gasp of democracy. Peace, D. Mindock
P.S. I saw part of Kennedy's "Who Owns Nature" talk. He reminds me a lot of Joseph
Campbell in his cadence, spirit, and instant recall. He scours the administration of Dubya and
cronies better than anyone I've seen so far.  It's a must-see. He'd make an excellent
president! We progessives could have another great candidate, if he'd only run.
Mailing It In: Democracy in the Age of Convenience and Technology

by Gentry Lange

By the time you read this, the King County Council will have fundamentally altered the way we vote as a county. The proposal to change our voting system, put forth by Council Executive Ron Sims, will close all but a handful of the poll sites around the county, forcing most voters to vote by mail (VBM). On Election Day, if you do go to one of the few polls left open, you will find that you are voting on a brand new Diebold TSX touch screen voting machine.

Many readers are probably aware of the controversy surrounding Diebold's voting machines, also called Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) machines. For several years, thousands of activists across the nation have worked to document the problems encountered with DREs, and there is a massive amount of evidence that these machines are insecure and unreliable. But more alarmingly, due to the network capability of computers, DREs enable vote fraud on a scale never before possible.

Fundamentally, the problem with touch screen voting machines is not just that they suck at accurately counting votes. The deeper problem is these machines remove the voting process from public control by making the computer software that counts votes into a trade secret owned by private companies and never inspected by public eyes.

Absentee voting systems encounter this same problem in a different form. Voting by mail removes the physical control over the ballots from "the people"; voting on computers removes the ethereal control of the software counting the votes. The underlying problem in both systems is really that corporations are given far too much control of our election system.

However, the solution to this controversy is simple. We need to return to the system of precinct-level hand-audited elections using paper ballots. The precinct system has always proven to be the least prone to fraud. It doesn't take a mathematical genius or a computer programmer to understand, and it builds democracy and community through civic interaction with your neighbors. In fact, many nations still hand count entire national elections, including Germany, Switzerland and Canada.

The precinct system uses low-tech means to run highly accurate and publicly trusted elections. When I go to a polling place, I sign in, then I vote in private, in a booth or behind a curtain, and then I deposit my ballot into a ballot box. Anyone who wishes to witness the process is allowed to, provided there is enough space in the room, and after the polls close the ballots are then counted on-site. Then the results are posted publicly at the precinct before totals are submitted to the county or state.

It is not just the secret ballot that is secret. The whole process is made secret using a poll-based voting system. The polling place makes the secret ballot possible and discourages other types of fraud. This system discourages vote rigging, and greatly reduces potential electioneering by corporate or private interests. It is much harder to fake your identity in person in front of your neighbors than it is to hit a delete key on a computer, or to buy blank but signed absentee ballots.

Voting at the kitchen table invalidates the protections that make a secret ballot secret. From your boss to your spouse, anyone can influence your vote. This is the reason secret ballots were invented in the first place, to reduce this influence and allow you to vote freely and privately beholden to no one but yourself.

Another issue that cannot be overstressed is that the post office regularly misplaces, misdirects, or just flat out loses mail. Even a 99 percent delivery rate would mean close elections could easily be won or lost based on the number of ballots lost in the mail. I fear the USPS has a greater loss rate than this judging by the amount of mail that is delivered to my address for people that do not live with me.

When I vote by mail, if somewhere between my mailbox and the ballot box that ballot is lost, stolen, misplaced, or replaced by malicious intent, I will probably never know. In fact, the county's final number of votes cast is simply the number of votes that eventually show up, not the actual number of votes cast because this number is unknowable in a VBM system.

Just imagine if the banking industry tried to get away with what is being proposed here in King County. Would you trust a bank that took all your cash deposits through the mail, and provided ATMs with no receipts? My guess is that you would not, because it is a well-known rule that you should not send cash through the mail, and that you should always get your receipt when you deposit money in a bank.

Voter suppression in this combined system of VBM and DREs becomes child's play. By targeting return addresses and zip codes according to voting patterns, electioneering becomes truly a simple task. If a private company--physically in control of millions of ballots and using private software to count the votes--wanted to commit any nefarious deeds, they would have plenty of opportunity, and no recount would ever catch this because the ballots would never have been counted the first time.

This is not just outsourcing the system to "experts." Rather, it is removing the system from public scrutiny. This is not rigging some of the votes some of the time. This is the potential to rig all of the votes all of the time.

Absentee ballots and Diebold's touch screen voting machines are far from the panacea to our voting problems that the proponents claim. Democracy only works when people participate, but mailing it in is not participating.

At first, I liked voting absentee. It was convenient, it gave me time to research the issues and be a more informed voter. However, as an informed voter, I would never vote for absentee ballots, or corporate control of our voting machines. But you probably will not have that choice, because the King County Council is not planning to send this to a public vote, and as of this writing it looks like Democracy will be voted down by the King County Council on June 5, by a 5-to-4 vote. [Editor's update: The county council decided to delay the final vote on this matter two weeks in order to gather additional information.]

A longer version of this article, with extensive weblinked references, is available at

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