A new ( or recent ) process of making bio diesel, maybe not for backyard 
because it uses high pressure and temps, but it uses less water, no caustic 
and they claim also less byproducts, reaction time is seconds instead of hours,
 it's a continuous process not in batches, using a solid fixed bed catalyst,
different feedstocks are possible and no problem with FFA or water;
smells like the wet dream of every biodieseler... 

See also:

And for the new company, that is going to use this process: 
( They are still busy building the facility right now.)

Bruno M.       ( NFI)

Revolutionary biodiesel discovery starts at Augsburg

MARCH 7, 2008

At a joint press conference held this morning in Science Hall 302, Augsburg 
College and SarTec Corporation officially announced the discovery of a chemical 
process that could free the United States from its dependence on petroleum 
diesel fuel. This revolutionary method to make biodiesel started with the 
curiosity of Augsburg chemistry senior Brian Krohn and ended with three Twin 
Cities scientists creating the "Mcgyan Process."

Brian initiated his summer research project by deciding to study new ways to 
produce biodiesel. After Brian's preliminary research, his professor advised 
him to contact chemist Dr. Clayton McNeff, an Augsburg alumnus and vice 
president of SarTec. McNeff, his chief scientist Dr. Ben Yan, and Augsburg's 
Professor Arlin Gyberg took Brian's idea and created a chemical reaction that 
has never before been described in scientific literature. As a result of the 
Mcgyan Process discovery, McNeff co-founded Ever Cat Fuels based in Anoka. It 
is the only plant in the world using this new method to manufacture biodiesel.

Industry analysts have been surprised by how well the Mcgyan Process works and 
its implications for fuel production worldwide. This process has many 
advantages over previous biodiesel production methods. It can convert a much 
wider range of feedstock oils and animal fats into biodiesel, including the 
byproducts from ethanol production. The Mcgyan Process recycles the catalyst 
and alcohol necessary to make biodiesel, it reduces the reaction time from 
hours to seconds, and it doesn't use water or dangerous chemicals. In short, it 
can make more biodiesel quickly and with a minimal impact on the environment.

Click for a description of the process by Dr. McNeff
(QuickTime video, ~4 min., 6 MB) 

Because the Mcgyan Process can use a wider range of renewable oils, it has 
opened the door to a truly Earth-changing possibility. Algae that capture 
carbon dioxide can be a source of Mcgyan feedstock oil. The use of algae oil 
simultaneously reduces the demand on arable land for fuel purposes and scrubs 
the atmosphere of a greenhouse gas. SarTec has conducted research into using 
algae oils to supply the Mcgyan Process. The corporation is working on the use 
of algae to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants while creating a 
biodiesel feedstock. 

A patent is now pending on the Mcgyan Process which is named for the three 
scientists officially credited with the discovery (McNeff, Gyberg, and Yan). 
Ever Cat Fuels Corporation is currently producing 50,000 gallons of biodiesel 
per year and is using it as a power source. Its production capacity will 
increase to 3 million gallons per year when its new plant begins operation in 
Isanti later this year. Then, Ever Cat Fuels hopes to sell the technology and 
equipment to nations around the world.

All of these remarkable discoveries started with Brian's experiential learning 
at Augsburg, which is a fundamental part of the college's learning environment. 
His research will lead Brian to a promising future in science and create 
opportunities for Augsburg students for years to come. "This one-on-one 
relationship between professor and student may result in one of modern day's 
greatest discoveries," says Augsburg President Paul Pribbenow. "Augsburg is 
proud to be in the forefront and grateful that it may lead to a source of 
on-going funding that will enable us to take our science program to great 
Another  look a like news article about the same stuff:

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