Hello everyone!

Our snow is FINALLY melting as temperatures move closer to what most of us consider "normal" around here. Since I've got my truck running again, I've been picking up barn litter for the garden and decided I needed to DO something about my broken compost bin . . . One of the local greenhouses has a collection of 220 liter barrels for sale. These are food grade plastic with two piece lids that screw on.

I picked one of these up last week. Yesterday I drew a grid on the back of a cut up cereal box and made a template for drilling holes. It took me about an hour to go completely around the barrel, drilling little holes for aeration. I cut the bottom of the barrel out so that it can be accessed by my friendly earthworms from beneath. Today, I intend to drill a hole in the top and insert a pipe down the center of the barrel. I'll drill holes in the pipe and tie screen around it so the compost pile has access to air from the middle, sides and top. (That was a good idea, Keith! Thank you!)

My sweetheart likes the way the barrel looks. When it comes time to get finished compost out, I'll simply tip the barrel over and dig compost out from the bottom. This was a relatively simple (and cheap) solution to a commercial compost bin. I can hardly wait for the weather to warm up again!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
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