House Energy Bill Is a Failure of Leadership 
 Source: REP America 
 [Apr 23, 2005] 

 SYNOPSIS: Republicans for Environmental Protection criticizes
 House energy bill as a failure of leadership. 
 The energy bill passed by the House today fails to solve the
 increasingly serious energy problems that the United States faces,
 REP America, the national grassroots organization of Republicans
 for Environmental Protection, said today.

 "The House had a chance to set a new, more positive energy
 direction for America. Unfortunately, our elected representatives
 failed," Jim DiPeso, REP America policy director, said.

 Dangerous pressures building on Americaās energy system have
 increased the urgency of using energy more efficiently and
 expanding the energy choices available to the nation.

 Heavy oil dependence has become a strategic liability. Rising
 gasoline prices are a sign that the global oil market is straining to
 keep up with demand. As a result, Americaās growing oil appetite
 exposes our nation to price shock and international conflict.

 There are worrying indications that similar stresses are straining the
 natural gas market. The nationās aging electric power grid is
 vulnerable to blackouts similar to the outage that hit the Northeast in
 2003. Carbon dioxide, a byproduct of burning oil and other fossil
 fuels, is building in the atmosphere, trapping heat and increasing the
 risk of damaging spin-off impacts on water supplies, agriculture,
 coastal property, and public health.

 "Unfortunately, the House majority canāt see beyond yesterday to
 find solutions," DiPeso said.

 "The single most important thing we could do to reduce our
 dangerous dependence on oil is to update motor vehicle efficiency
 standards. Yet the House majority, made up of so-called
 conservatives, dismisses the need to reduce fuel waste," DiPeso
 said. "The House rejected Congressman Sherwood Boehlertās
 (R-NY) reasonable, bipartisan amendment to increase fuel
 efficiency standards to 33 miles per gallon."

 "Drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would do very little to
 reduce oil imports or lower prices, as independent studies have
 shown. Domestic production is long past its peak and cannot keep
 up with rising demand. Drilling the Arctic Refuge would perpetuate
 our dangerous dependence on oil, not reduce it. Yet the House
 majority single-mindedly embraces this distraction as if it were a
 magic wand," DiPeso said.

 "We urgently need to diversify our nationās energy portfolio, so we
 donāt keep all our eggs in too few baskets. Yet the House has
 loaded up the energy bill with budget-busting pork for mature
 energy industries that ought to stand on their own two feet, instead
 of focusing the limited money available for incentives on the clean
 energy technologies of tomorrow," DiPeso said.

 "Scientists worldwide have found clear and compelling evidence that
 carbon dioxide emissions are at least partly responsible for rising
 global temperatures. Yet the House majority persists stubbornly in
 its denial, doing nothing, letting risks get bigger, and guaranteeing
 higher costs when a future, more responsible Congress faces up to
 the issue," DiPeso said.

 "We need to rewrite our stale energy script and plan for a future of
 cleaner, more secure, more diverse energy choices," DiPeso said.
 "There will be many benefits: We can strengthen our security,
 reduce energy costs, revitalize rural communities, and develop new
 manufacturing industries."

 "The path forward starts with using fuel and electricity more
 efficiently," DiPeso said. "At the same time, we must aggressively
 commercialize clean energy technologies ö including alcohol fuels,
 renewable power, perhaps carbon-sequestered coal and advanced
 nuclear technologies ö that do not despoil the landscape, pollute air
 and water, or take dangerous risks with the global climate," DiPeso

 "REP America is grateful for the Republican House members who
 voted for a balanced energy policy by supporting fuel efficiency and
 protection of the Arctic Refuge. Representatives Boehlert, Roscoe
 Bartlett, Tom Davis, Vern Ehlers, Wayne Gilchrest, Tim Johnson,
 Nancy Johnson, Mark Kirk, Jim Leach, Frank LoBiondo, Todd
 Platts, Jim Ramstad, Jim Saxton, Joe Schwarz, Chris Smith, and
 others deserve credit for their leadership in trying to stop the House
 majority from passing a bad bill," DiPeso said.

 "Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, the House failed. Itās up to
 the Senate to do a better job," DiPeso said.
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