Stop Iran War Plot! Refute 9/11 Lies Re Muslims
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Mohammed Cartoons <Part 2>, by Webster Tarpley
<See also etc>
Much of the real urgency of the Anglo-American attack on Iran comes
not from nonexistent nuclear devices, but from the planned March 20
opening of the Iran oil bourse, the first international exchange
since 1945 where buyers and sellers of oil can conduct their oil
transactions using a currency other than the US dollar ­ in this
case, the euro. The Iran oil bourse threatens the number one pillar
of US-UK world domination, ­ the global hegemony of the dollar, as
anchored in the dollar's central role in oil and other raw materials
transactions. With the Iranian oil bourse, as much as $1 trillion of
central bank reserves may flee the US greenback into the euro, the
yen, and other currencies.
The concomitant exodus of hot money from Wall Street would then
puncture the US stock bubble, the US housing bubble, and the US
bubble economy generally, leading to a collapse of the dollar in
international exchange and the dumping of hundreds of billions of
dollars in US treasury bonds now in the hands of the Chinese and
The transition from today's outmoded and obsolete dollar-based
system to a dollar-euro-yen system of fixed parities, gold
settlement, and high-technology exports to the developing sector
could be easily handled by peaceful negotiations, but this is
exactly what the neocons are determined to prevent.
Ironically, the neocon obsession for general war to preserve dollar
dominance, by almost guaranteeing the closure of the straits of
Hormuz, will lead to an even more catastrophic dollar collapse and
world depression than the peaceful Iranian oil bourse ever could.
The neocons, in other words, are playing a losing hand. Only fools
would join them. ...
In terms of the battle of ideas, the other great task for the
Moslem</Muslim> world and for persons of good will everywhere is to
contribute to the utmost to the dismantling and discrediting of the
ultimate blood libel against Islam, the fantastic Atlanticist
<Atlantic Fascist> myth surrounding the events of September 11,
The international 9/11 truth movement has shown how rogue networks
inside the Pentagon and CIA organized those events. Since the basis
of every attack on Islam is 9/11, it is incumbent on
Moslems</Muslims> to join in refuting the myth.
This will have the additional effect of eroding Bush's fanatical
political base, and preparing his fall.
In my address to the Inter-Religious Conference in Khartoum, Sudan
in October 1994, I pleaded for a platform of ecumenical and irenic
cooperation among the world's great faiths based in the
comprehensive scientific, technological, and economic development of
all nations. This is the call of Christianity, with its imperative
of charity (agape) and faith expressed through good works, as in the
second great commandment: love your neighbor.
This is the call of the doctrine of social solidarity in Islam. This
is the call of Confucian benevolence and the related need for rulers
to promote prosperity and education.
These are the ideas reflected in similar impulses prominent in
Buddhism, Judaism, and other faiths. These are ideas readily
accessible to persons of good will whose outlook is purely secular,
whatever their political persuasion.
Humanity must act now to neutralize war provocations, and thus to
prevent the horrors of war itself.

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