Hi everyone,

New here, greetings. :D

I hv been doing some readings regarding energy and fuel. And i find this biofuel stuff very interesting. And so i follow the topic for sometime. Dig into clean efficient performance diesel engines, even pick my favourite model of vehicle i gonna get someday(the usual day dreaming before someone else shout to me"go back to work~").

And then i come to this point, where i found that you will void your warrenty if you put so and so biodiesel into your car, especially most car only allow up to B5. And even more do not recommend fatty acid into your tank, and dont even have any automaker(as i know) have any progress in researching a better biodiesel engine(eg, toyota focus on synergy drive, merc doing syndiesel research, BMW doing their H2 car etc). And then i have lots of doubts, is Biodiesel harmful? Will they destroy my commonrail injection system? Will they melt something inside the engine? will i ever have cheap biodiesel to refuel? etc etc. I start getting disappointed, for what i have admire so much in, is just some, erm, they are not usable in the end.

And then i start notice one thing. The fuel makers always say their fuel is pretty darn good, hydrogen researcher keep hightlighting hydrogen contain more energy then a mass equivalent of gasoline, FT syndiesel reaearcher advertising how clean their diesel is and how available their biomass feedstock is, some also saying how good is ethanol is, and of course, how delicious is biodiesel is compare to yucky dinodiesel.

Even heard claims about how unsustainable biodiesel is and how unsustainable organic farming is(read that on a agriculture magazine  i brought), saying that to feed the world we will need to clear all the forest and jungle if we want to do 100% organic farming(btw, why those organic vege always smaller anyway, i read people can plant giant tomato with organic fertilizer), so and so.

(therefore we should all eat GM maize that contain scorpion DNA? Dont think anyone will like it)

And then i realised one thing, we simply cannot believe in everything we come into. Of course advertiser will want you to believe in what they want you to believe in. The truth, is always hidden or negleted. We are just doing what we think is correct. The true final answer to biofuel, i am still searching.

Lately, wow, gas prices are soaring(well in malaysia here still lucky thou, we are 'only' have some 10 cents price rise to RM1.62 per liter, note: RM3.79 =~ USD1). But i am happy for this, some might think i am sick, some might share my opinion. Coz, fossile fuel price up means biofuels prices more competitive. They are only digging themselves a grave if the big oily people love frying the oil prices. Cheers.

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