- New York Times

U.N. Report Cites U.S. and Japan as the 'Least Generous Donors'


Published: September 8, 2005

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 7 - A week before world leaders gather here to 
set a course for combating global poverty, a United Nations report 
released on Wednesday names the United States and Japan as among "the 
least generous donors" and says American and European trade policies 
are hypocritical and contribute to impoverishing African farmers.

The report also highlights shortcomings in developing countries. It 
notes that India's and China's progress in reducing the easily 
preventable deaths of children has slowed even as their economic 
growth has surged. India has 2.5 million deaths of children a year, 
while China is second, with 730,000.

The new document, the annual Human Development Report, calls on India 
and China to tackle health inequalities aggressively. It also 
maintains that rich countries must significantly increase aid if the 
goals they agreed to five years ago - to halve extreme poverty and 
reduce deaths of children by two-thirds by 2015, among others - are 
to be met.

The report was unusual for the United Nations in so specifically 
describing the deficiencies of rich countries' policies. It was 
commissioned by the United Nations Development Program and written by 
a team of experts led by Kevin Watkins, former director of research 
for the charity Oxfam.

While crediting the United States with being the world's largest 
donor, the report points out that among the world's richest 
countries, America is second to last in aid as a portion of its 
national income, with Italy bringing up the rear. Japan was third 
from the bottom. Aid per capita from donors ranges from more than 
$200 in Sweden to $51 in the United States and $37 in Italy.

Richard Grenell, a spokesman for the United States at the United 
Nations, disputed the idea that the United States is stingy. "Let me 
remind the authors that President Bush has increased overall 
development assistance from the United States by 90 percent since he 
took office," he said.

The report notes that rich countries trumpet the virtues of open 
markets and free trade, even as they put up protectionist barriers 
against goods from poor countries and spend hundreds of billions on 
subsidies that benefit large-scale farmers, landowners and 

"Industrial countries are locked into a system that wastes money at 
home and destroys livelihoods abroad," the report says.

It singles out the European Union for a policy "that lavishes $51 
billion in support on producers." It also criticizes the United 
States for paying an estimated $4.7 billion to 20,000 cotton farmers 
in 2005, more than the total of American aid to Africa, a policy that 
the report contends gives American producers an unfair advantage over 
small farmers in Burkina Faso and Mali.

The report also criticizes China and India for their policies. In 
China, the erosion of public health care has worsened the situation 
of the rural poor, it says. In India, it adds, inadequate public 
health services mean most children are not fully immunized against 
diseases in the hugely populous northern states of Uttar Pradesh and 

"Were India to show the same level of dynamism and innovation in 
tackling basic health inequalities as it has displayed in global 
technology markets, it could rapidly get on track for achieving" the 
targets set in 2005, the report says.

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