Times & Transcript | International Business
As published on page B3 on November 21, 2005

Venezuela to sell heating oil in U.S. at discount prices

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuela will soon begin selling heating 
oil to the poor at discount prices to communities in Boston and New 
York City, following up on a promise by President Hugo Chavez to help 
poor Americans cut energy costs, Venezuela's state oil company 

Citgo, a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, will 
offer fuel at discounted rates in Boston as early as this week, said 
a statement posted Friday on the company's website.

"The first phase of the program, in Boston, will offer up to 4.5 
million litres of heating oil at accessible rates, representing $10 
million US in savings for those sectors," the statement read.

Heating oil will be sold later in the Bronx, one of New York's 
poorest boroughs. Chavez visited the Bronx in September and two weeks 
later he said Citgo was willing to provide oil to communities there.

Citgo said the distribution of discounted heating oil will be 
organized with the help of local non-profit organizations.

Chavez often blames the plight of the poor on unbridled capitalism 
and the former paratroop commander strongly criticizes the 
administration of President George W. Bush for failing to reduce 
poverty in the United States.

Although tension between the United States and Venezuela has 
increased since Chavez was elected in 1998, his oil-rich South 
American country remains a major supplier of fuel to the United 

Chavez offered cheap heating oil for poor U.S. communities in August 
following a meeting in Caracas with U.S. civil rights leader Rev. 
Jesse Jackson.

Venezuela, which has the largest oil and natural gas reserves outside 
the Middle East, is the world's fifth most important oil exporter and 
a founding member of OPEC.


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