about my biodiesel-burnin' Benz. It is not remarkable except that this group is is run by a retired mechanic, and many of the main poster are older gentlemen. There is NO politics allowed on the list, and it is not limited to only diesels. A couple of the listers are biodieselers, and we get some gruff from time to time. Maybe Ben is a member here too?


It goes overseas because we don't have the Refining capacity for it!!
Thank you EPA and Sierra Club!


This is a really good example of how Americans rely on pure  superstition
and predjudice rather than facts. Kinda like during the "American Expansion"
period of the mid 1800s and Manifest Destiny was the  'truth' many people
believed in.
The U.S. uses something like 20 percent of the world's oil, and has
something like 6 percent of the world's population. We're energy hogs, and
built our cities so there is no choice... everyone must own a car (even if it
they have the good taste to own a mercedes), and so our suburbs stretch for
miles and miles.
The last I read this morning, the U.S. uses something like 20 million
barrels a day of oil. The world uses (total) something like 82 million a day.
world hasn't made major oil discoveries in decades, and has  picked all the
low lying fruit.  The two largest oil fields in the world,  Saudi Arabia's
Ghawar, and Mexico's Canterell field may have both gone into  permanent
this year.  We've been pumping out of both fields for 40  years.
 There hasn't been a major refinery built for around 20 years (if you
exclude Houston's newest refinery... a biodiesel processing facility)... the
industry dope that I have read said it is because of land costs, and so they
merely 'added' capacity as needed.
The U.S. has acted like a major drug addict as far as petroleum is
concerned... we destroyed our rail systems (even PHOENIX had a rail system..
my  Dad
and Grandpa told me about it!), built mini mansions on good farmland, we
import our food from 1,000 miles away, from differerent countries, and we keep
using more and more of this drug like there was no tomorrow.
It's tomorrow.
The US DOE, many petroleum geologists, many other countries, know  this
phenomenon by its name... 'peak oil.'
But hey, I'm a raving socialist, a union officer, and a hypocrite...  why
listen to me?
So check out Republican congressman Roscoe Barlett of Maryland,  who gave a
presentation two weeks ago on this very problem.
_http://www.bartlett.house.gov/_ (http://www.bartlett.house.gov/)
Check out Bush advisor (I don't know if the man is listening) Matt  Simmons
says if we do not have a 'plan B' for the peak oil problem (one to three
years away) there is "absolutely no way b to avoid a world energy
And you want to complain about the EPA and the Sierra Club? Get real.  We
have a serious, serious problem on our hands.  It's like the Industrial
Revolution, but in reverse.
Ben 'peakoil.net' C

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