looks like a good one to grow as well as wolfberry.
  Antirheumatic; Antitussive; Aphrodisiac; Astringent; Cancer; Cardiotonic; 
Cholagogue; Expectorant; Hepatic; Lenitive; Nervine; Pectoral; Sedative; 
Stimulant; Tonic.
  Wu Wei Zi is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be 
one of the 50 fundamental herbs[218]. It is an excellent tonic and restorative, 
helping in stressful times and increasing zest for life[254]. It is considered 
to be a substitute for ginseng and is said to be a tonic for both the male and 
the female sex organs[238]. The fruit is antitussive, aphrodisiac, hepatic, 
astringent, cardiotonic, cholagogue, expectorant, hypotensive, lenitive, 
nervine, pectoral, sedative, stimulant and tonic[174, 176, 178, 218]. Low doses 
of the fruit are said to stimulate the central nervous system whilst large 
doses depress it[218]. The fruit also regulates the cardiovascular system[218]. 
It is taken internally in the treatment of dry coughs, asthma, night sweats, 
urinary disorders, involuntary ejaculation, chronic diarrhoea, palpitations, 
insomnia, poor memory, hyperacidity, hepatitis and diabetes[238]. Externally, 
it is used to treat irritating and allergic skin
 conditions[238]. The fruit is harvested after the first frosts and sun-dried 
for later use[238]. The fruit contains lignans[254]. These have a pronounced 
protective action on the liver. In one clinical trial there was a 76% success 
rate in treating patients with hepatitis, no side effects were noticed[254]. 
The seed is used in the treatment of cancer[218]. The plant is 
antirheumatic[218]. A mucilaginous decoction obtained from the branches is 
useful in the treatment of coughs, dysentery and gonorrhoea[218].

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