Challenging Corporate "Rights"  

(Published November 13, 2003)

This week we introduce Mike Ferner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and some new 
ideas about challenging corporate rights. Mike served two terms as an 
independent member of the Toledo, Ohio, City Council, 1989-93. Before 
that, he was an organizer for the American Federation of State, 
County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). From 1969 to 1973 he served 
in the U.S. Navy Hospital Corps. He is one of 13 individuals who make 
up the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD).

 From 1970 to 1995, the environmental and labor movements in the U.S. 
often focused on the failures of government to protect human health 
and the environment. Today it is safe to say --thanks to POCLAD's 
work -- most of us understand that "the corporation" lies near the 
heart of most major problems.

In POCLAD's view, "Giant corporations govern, even though they are 
mentioned nowhere in our Constitution or Bill of Rights. So when 
corporations govern, democracy is nowhere to be found. There is 
something else: when people live in a culture defined by corporate 
values, common sense evaporates. We stop trusting our own eyes, ears, 
and feelings. Our minds become colonized. POCLAD invites you to work 
with us to change this."

People are challenging corporate "rights" in many ways. In 
Pennsylvania, attorney Tom Linzey of the Community Environmental 
Legal Defense Fund is challenging corporate rights in court. Take a 
look at . In New Jersey, legislation has been 
drafted. See and In Ohio, people are 
making films, writing books, and much more. See, for example,

History shows us that there is no silver bullet for these deep 
problems. What did it take to end slavery, gain the vote for women, 
and get working people what rights they've got? Education, 
pamphleteering, organizing, ballot initiatives, marches, 
demonstrations, protests, strikes, creative legal work and -- yes -- 
civil disobedience. Hats off to POCLAD and to Mike Ferner! --Peter 


by Mike Ferner ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: "The right of 
the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and 
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be 
violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, 
supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the 
place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

What has this got to do with a rail shipment of leaking radioactive 
waste on its way from the Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant near 
Charlevoix, Michigan to the nuclear waste dump at Barnwell, South 
Carolina? Furthermore, what's it got to do with my getting arrested 
recently, in Walbridge, Ohio?

When Consumer's Power Co. in Michigan had wrung all the possible 
profits out of its Big Rock Point reactor, it shut it down and 
"decommissioned" the 580,000-pound, stainless steel reactor vessel 
that had been bombarded with radiation for over 30 years. Barnwell is 
the only place in the nation that accepts this kind of radioactive 
garbage, and Walbridge is on the CSX Corp. rail line between there 
and Michigan.

As the train crept along its route through cities and farms, it 
leaked a little radiation here and a little radiation there; none of 
it requested by people or nature in its path; all of it cumulative in 
its health effects. In Walbridge, it made an unscheduled overnight 
stop, irradiating that village a little more than most.

Just how much radiation leaked from the shipment we'll never know, 
since the only figures kept on it come from Consumer's Power Co. Even 
the public's toothless lapdog, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
can't find out without first getting permission from the electric 
company. And that's where the 4th Amendment and my arrest come in.

These days, many more people are becoming aware that over the past 
100+ years, the U.S. Supreme Court has given corporations an 
increasing number of Constitutional rights intended for 
flesh-and-blood persons. They recognize the name for this nefarious 
usurpation of our rights as "corporate personhood."

Coincidentally, it was lawyers arguing for a railroad company, 
Southern Pacific Railroad, in an 1886 case against Santa Clara 
(Calif.) County, who first succeeded in convincing the U.S. Supreme 
Court that for purposes of the equal protection provisions of the 
14th Amendment (passed, by the way, to protect slaves freed in the 
Civil War), corporations should be considered legal "persons." With 
the floodgates so opened, one right after another was extended to 
these aggregations of property in the corporate form.

In 1906 (Hale v. Henkel), the Court nullified a grand jury subpoena 
issued to compel tobacco companies to produce documents in a price 
fixing investigation, saying it violated the companies' "rights" 
against unreasonable searches and seizures. In 1978 (in Marshall v. 
Barlow's Inc.), the Court said that the federal Occupational Safety 
and Health Administration (OSHA) could not inspect the company's 
workplace without first securing a search warrant.

So there we were in Walbridge, Ohio looking across 350 feet of 
private property at the reactor vessel sitting in a CSX Corp. rail 
yard, recording the slightly elevated readings registering on our 
radiation monitors. We knew the radiation dose would increase the 
closer we got to the cask, but to do so we would need permission from 
the legal "person" known as CSX Corp. If that legal fiction didn't 
have to let the NRC monitor it without a warrant, it certainly wasn't 
going to allow me.

And isn't that the way the rule of law works? Grind up workers on the 
job, bury the amber waves of grain in asphalt, irradiate the 
countryside, send a generation off to war -- and by and large, it's 
all legal. But try to see how much radioactive poison a rail cask is 
leaking, and son, you're going to jail!

That's why I couldn't just stand there on the side of the road in 
Walbridge, being a nice, law-abiding citizen. Nice, law-abiding 
citizens had stood by the side of the road for the last 100 years and 
watched as corporations became persons and took 14th Amendment 
rights, and 4th Amendment rights, and 1st Amendment rights -- and 
used them to run our society and govern our nation.

So instead, I turned to Kevin Kamps from the Nuclear Information and 
Resource Service (or NIRS; see and asked him if he 
wanted to get arrested. He answered "yes" and attorney Terry Lodge 
said he'd represent us. With monitors in hand, and carrying a banner 
that read "End the Atom Age," Kevin and I strode through briars and 
mud towards the train. As we suspected, our readings jumped as we got 
closer. But when we reached the cask, the railroad cops were waiting 
with handcuffs and hauled us away before we could get a final reading.

We will plead innocent to misdemeanor charges of criminal trespass 
and demand a jury trial. We will see what our fellow citizens have to 
say about the 4th Amendment, leaking nuke trains and corporate 

There's a new tool we may employ in our defense, one that looks 
promising for citizens who want to redefine what kind of commerce 
comes to their towns. It's called the "Model Legal Brief to Eliminate 
Corporate Rights." It is available on the web at and also at .

The Model Legal Brief was written by Richard Grossman, founder of the 
Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD), Tom Linzey, 
president of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund 
(, and Dan Brannen, a Santa Fe (N.M.) attorney. The 
brief begins with a "Preface" that lets activists know right off that 
this is not your grandfather's legal brief:

"This Brief is intended to assist communities organizing to challenge 
the United States government's gift of constitutional powers to 
property organized as corporations. Accordingly, this Brief is NOT 
about corporate responsibility, corporate accountability, corporate 
ethics, corporate codes of conduct, good corporate 'citizenship,' 
corporate crime, corporate reform, consumer protection, fixing 
regulatory agencies, or stakeholders."

In the "Summary of Argument," the brief clearly states who's supposed 
to be running the show:

"...[T]he people of these United States -- the source of all 
governing authority in this nation -- created governments to secure 
the people's inalienable right that the many should govern, not the 
few. That guarantee -- of a republican form of government -- provides 
the foundation for securing people's other inalienable rights (life, 
liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and vindicates the actions of 
people and communities seeking to secure those rights."

One of the brief's assets is that, while it undoubtedly will inform 
legal decisions to come, it also becomes a useful educational tool 
for today's activists by succinctly answering the perennial question, 
"How did we get into this mess?" It makes clear how corporations are 
supposed to fit into U.S. society, just how they became 
insubordinate, and who contributed to their delinquency at key 

"Corporations are created by State governments through the chartering 
process. As such, corporations are subordinate, public entities that 
cannot usurp the authority that the sovereign people have delegated 
to the three branches of government. Corporations thus lack the 
authority to deny people's inalienable rights, including their right 
to a republican form of government, and public officials lack the 
authority to empower corporations to deny those rights."

"Over the past 150 years," Grossman, Linzey and Brannen write, "the 
Judiciary has 'found' corporations within the people's documents that 
establish a frame of governance for this nation, including the United 
States Constitution. In doing so, Courts have illegitimately bestowed 
upon corporations immense constitutional powers of the Fourteenth, 
First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, and the expansive powers 
afforded by the Contracts and Commerce Clauses."

It then cites chapter and verse of when and how the judiciary "found" 
corporations in our governing documents. It's clear that human beings 
-- federal judges to be exact -- agreed over time with people 
generally of their own social class --corporate attorneys -- that 
greater rights should be extended to property organized in the 
corporate form. I've described above how that worked for the 4th 
Amendment. The brief gives you the whole ball of wax.

The next three sentences of the Summary cut like a laser to the heart 
of the problems facing us today. "Wielding those constitutional 
rights and freedoms, corporations regularly and illegitimately deny 
the people their inalienable rights, including their most fundamental 
right to a republican form of government. Such denials are beyond the 
authority of the corporation to exercise. Such denials are also 
beyond the authority of the Courts, or any other branches of 
government, to confer."

And it ends with an appeal that, with enough organizing in the 
streets, will once again be recognized in the courtrooms of our land: 
"Accordingly, the constitutional claims asserted by the [x 
corporation] against [y government] must be dismissed because those 
claims deny the people's rights to life and liberty, and their 
fundamental right to self-governance."

Such is our hope and our life's work.

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