ENERGIES... week of December 10, 2000,

     GREEN FUELS QUEST - UK. In an effort to reduce pollution, greenhouse
gases and dependence on imported fossil fuels, the UK, through the
Department of Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR), has asked
industry and others to put forth practical proposals that could
eventually lead to greener motoring in the nation. The effort is known
as the Green Fuels Challenge.
     In asking for industry participation, the DETR has raised a series
of interesting questions that need to be answered before government can
move forward.
     If biofuels were chosen, for example, where carbon dioxide emissions
would be reabsorbed in the growth of new feedstock, would the production
of the fuel have the potential to increase ground water pollution from
the run-off of fertilizer used in the growth of the energy crop? With
any fuel, how toxic is it? How biodegradable is it? How safe is the fuel
stored on board in a vehicle and at the refueling point? What safety
measures are required?
     The list goes on. The questions will lead to others. The answers are
as challenging as the Challenge itself. Proposals and comments,
presumably those too from concerns outside the UK wishing to do business
there, are due on January 31, 2001. For more visit the DETR at

     HYDROGEN ON DEMAND. If we are indeed to build a world hydrogen
economy, and significantly reduce global carbon emissions, hydrogen
itself will eventually have to come from a non-fossil fuel source -
water for example. Yet to extract hydrogen from water through
electrolysis, a power source is needed. To ensure that end-use hydrogen
is truly emission free, the power source must also be emission free, or
at least emission neutral.
     Xogen Corporation thinks it has the answer - a low voltage, 24 volt,
hydrogen generator. Since most wind generators and photovoltaic solar
systems generate low voltage electricity (stepped up to high voltage for
residential and commercial use), both could be used directly to produce
hydrogen. The company claims that with their device, hydrogen can be
made on demand - for immediate use - eliminating the need for handling
and storage.  Renewable power could also keep a battery pack charged
which would later energize the hydrogen generator. Hydrogen could be
used for combustion or in a fuel cell.
     The Xogen hydrogen generator will undergo independent testing
through the Alberta Research Council. Visit Xogen at
http://www.xogen.com/ .

     NO NEED TO OWN. According to Zipcar if you drive less than 4000
miles per year - which many city residents do - it would make more
financial sense to use their car sharing service than to own your own.
If you drive 15 hours per month, on average, their service will cost
$1300 per year. If you own your own vehicle your annual cost will be
more and the car will spend most of its time at the curb.
     Zipcar, which claims to have 150,000 members in Europe, is now test
marketing in Boston, Massachusetts. Since June, 450 members now use the
service. Fees plus hourly rates include a guaranteed parking spot,
maintenance, cleaning, insurance, even fuel.  Visit Zipcar at

     NEW! NEW! NEW! at the Green Energy News website...

-- New Analysis Report - Commercial/ Institutional Heat Pump Systems in
Cold Climates
-- IDL, Internet Data Link Software Allows Automated Real Time PV and
Green Electric Generation Data to be Viewed on the Web

     Visit Green Energy News on the Web at http://www.nrglink.com/ . For
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Green Energy News Inc. 12/16/00 vol.5 no.37

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