at the "sacrifice" of frequent flier miles.

Riding in a private jet but suffering the loss of frequent flier miles.
The pain -- the agony. What's a celebrity to do?


Hollywood and SUVs -- While the Little Guy Is Called to

High-living celebs tie SUV owners to terror
Backers of TV ad campaign get along with 21- car garage, private jet travel

Posted: January 10, 2003

1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Art Moore

© 2003

A Hollywood celebrity-backed television ad campaign that claims SUV owners
are aiding terrorists has prompted the question, "What do the
stars drive?"

Syndicated columnist Arianna Huffington has the support of entertainment
producers Norman Lear, Steve Bing and Larry David for her
"Detroit Project," which asks American consumers "to connect the dots and
think about the effect that their gas-guzzling SUVs are having on
our foreign policy."

Huffington says she has turned in her 13-mile- per-gallon Lincoln Navigator
SUV for a hybrid gas and electric Toyota Prius that gets 52 miles
per gallon, but she still makes her home in a 9,000-square-foot estate in
the elite Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.

She admitted to radio talk show host Sean Hannity on Tuesday that she
travels in private jets, though she told another WABC radio host in
New York yesterday, Curtis Sliwa, that she does it at the "sacrifice" of
frequent flier miles.

As of last year, Bing was known to drive a luxury Lincoln Town Car,
according to media sources.

Lear's neighbors in the Brentwood Hills area of Los Angeles are well aware
of the famous TV producer's 21-car garage, which became the
object of a legal battle in the 1990s when Lear wanted to build a tennis
court on its roof.

A neighbor who spoke with WND on condition of anonymity said he does not
know Lear's mode of travel, but notes that consumption of oil-
based products at the celebrity's gated, 13,000-square-foot estate is

"If you come across any estate here in Brentwood, you will see 10 to 40
trash cans outside made of plastic, and also filled with plastic items,
while a normal household puts out one trash can a week," he said.

Lear's inventory of plastic garbage containers is no exception.

"He has an incredible lineup," the neighbor said. "My thought as I drive by
is always, 'How does his staff move the cans a quarter of a mile out
to the street?'"

In addition to his Los Angeles residence, Lear owns a "multi-building estate
on a hillside in southern Vermont" that includes "offices, a gym, a
screening room, as well as spacious living quarters," said a July 30, 2002
story by the Associated Press.

Lear's Brentwood neighbor, whose 3,000 square- foot home is modest by
comparison, said the anti-SUV campaign smacks of hypocrisy.

"For people of their income category, it's the pot calling the kettle black
in terms of consumption," he said.

'I helped hijack an airplane'

The ads, patterned after anti-drug commercials that suggest profits from
illegal sales go to terrorists, say that terrorists end up with some of the
extra money needed to supply gas for fuel- hungry SUVs.

One ad begins with a girl's voice referring to a man at a gas station: "This
is George. This is the gas that George bought for his SUV."

A map of the Middle East then appears, followed by: "These are the countries
where the executives bought the oil that made the gas that
George bought for his SUV." The scene then moves to terrorists in a desert:
"And these are the terrorists who get money from those countries
every time George fills up his SUV."

Another ad includes a series of statements from ordinary Americans: "I
helped hijack an airplane"; "I gave money to a terrorist training camp in
a foreign country"; "What if I need to go off-road?" It concludes with:
"What is your SUV doing to our national security?"

Television stations in New York, Detroit and Los Angeles are refusing to air
the ads. WABC in New York said it has a policy against running
"controversial" commercials. Sunday news shows, including Meet the Press,
Face the Nation and This Week With George Stephanopoulos
are expected to air the spots this weekend.

Ted Pearse, general sales manager of WDIV-TV in Detroit, said he thought the
"copy in the ads is totally inappropriate, and that has nothing
to do with the fact the auto show is in town," according to the Detroit Free
Press. "If it was eight weeks from now, I don't feel the script
presented to us was germane in any shape, way or form," he said.

SUV limos for the stars

Lear is founder of the lobby group People for the American Way, launched to
oppose the "conservative agenda," and co-founder of the
Environmental Media Association, which has helped spawn an increase in
movies and TV shows with environmental themes.

Among board members of the environmental group are Disney CEO Michael
Eisner, actress Jane Fonda and actor John Travolta, who pilots
his own luxury Boeing 707.

Eisner and Fonda also are clients of a company in Los Angeles that converts
SUVs and other heavy-duty "low-profile" vehicles, such as
Chevy Suburbans and Ford Excursions, into "original-length, non-stretch,
executive limousines."

The cars provide "spacious and elegant interiors, equipped with an array of
personal comforts and top-of-the-line electronics."

Howard Becker of Becker Automotive Design, Inc., told WorldNetDaily that, to
no one's surprise, Hollywood celebrities, including some
leading environmental activists, are inclined toward vehicles with "more
powerful engines."

Becker said he could not discuss his many celebrity clients, but his website
includes a list of customers.

Celebrities who have ordered custom-built SUV or truck-based limousines
along with Fonda and Eisner are Barbra Streisand, Whoopi
Goldberg, Elizabeth Taylor, Jerry Seinfeld, Charlie Sheen, Will Smith,
Denzel Washington, Cher, Sylvester Stallone, Ben Affleck, Adam
Sandler, Michael Jackson, Michael Douglas and Eddie Murphy.

"A lot of what we do here is meant to be subtle on the outside so [the
celebrities] don't draw attention," Becker said. "Inside, many of the
vehicles have all the luxuries and amenities that are part of their current
state in life."

Streisand's publicist was unavailable for comment, but the actress and
political activist has been known, at least in the past, to travel about
town in a 45-foot, fully equipped motor home that gets about six to eight
miles per gallon. She has told people close to her that the massive
vehicle is necessary, even for short trips, in order to avoid germs at
public restrooms.

Goldberg and Affleck are among the "legions of Hollywood celebrities" who
have "hopped into the truck du jour," the Cadillac Escalade, the
Los Angeles Times said Nov. 24, helping "rekindle interest in a luxury brand
that has lost its luster in recent years."

However, "Seinfeld" co-creator Larry David, like Huffington, drives a hybrid
Prius that entertainment tabloids call "Hollywood's latest politically
correct status symbol." The car has a suggested base price of $20,000.

Many Hollywood notables look at the Prius like they looked at a Jaguar a few
years ago, according to a June 6, 2002, story in the Washington
Post, which notes that David sold his Lexus and producer Rob Reiner traded
in his BMW to get one.

Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Carole King, Billy Joel, David Duchovny and
Bill Maher are other celebrities who have hopped on board
the Prius.

David likes the car so much that he bought three, including one for his
character "Larry David" on his HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

DiCaprio told the Post, "This is the most radical mass-produced car in the
world and I can't find any downside."

"My family and I own a total of four," DiCaprio said, "and we drive them all
over Los Angeles."

Reiner said he bought one because he found out from David "that they

"I thought, 'Here's something I could actually do that would save on gas,
save the environment, protect us from global warming,'" Reiner said.

Prius-owner Huffington, who sold her Lexus as well as her SUV, also was
quoted in the Post story.

"It is very much a little peer pressure," she said of the celebrity interest
in the hybrid car. "Positive peer pressure."

"I got a little tired of hearing how we're at war, and we're being asked to
do nothing about it but go shopping, go to Disneyland and the mall,"
she said.

The columnist also pointed out its social benefit as a conversation piece.

On the day she purchased the car, she drove to lunch and quickly drew a
dozen gawkers in front of the restaurant.

"The parking lot was full of Jaguars and Bentleys," she said, "and my host
... brought everyone out to the driveway to look at Arianna's car. It
became this point of attraction."

SUVs accounted for one in four vehicles sold last year, according to the
industry research firm Autodata Corp.

Toyota Motor Corp. announced this week that it will introduce a hybrid
version of the Lexus RX330 sport-utility vehicle in 2004. The company
promises it will have the performance of a V-8 engine and the economy of a
compact sedan.

Goal not to 'demonize'

The goal of the "Detroit Project" is "not to demonize people who drive
SUVs," said co- founder Lawrence Bender, a movie producer whose
credits include “Pulp Fiction” and “Good Will Hunting."

"Rather," Bender said in a statement, "we want to point out how our driving
habits at home are fueling oil money to Saudi Arabia – which
funnels some of that wealth to support charities and religious zealots with
ties to terrorist activity – and to Iraq, where Saddam Hussein invests
the profits in weapons of mass destruction."

Last year, a group of evangelical Christian activists caused a stir with
their anti-SUV television spot called "What would Jesus drive?"

Huffington said, "We’re asking American consumers to connect the dots and
think about the effect that their gas-guzzling SUVs are having
on our foreign policy."

Campaign media organizer Simon Aronoff said the idea came from a column
Huffington wrote urging Americans to get rid of their SUVs as an
act of patriotism.

"The only reason she moved forward is she got thousands of letters of
support and checks started coming in," he told WND. "These were
average people sending in small donations. So she said, 'let's build on this
and do something.'"

In an Oct. 22, 2002, column Huffington referred to "the Bush team's
ridiculous and wildly inflammatory anti-drug ads" and wondered "if we
might turn the tables on him by starting a little ad campaign of our own to
sabotage another misguided Bush campaign: the War on

In another column, Nov. 25, 2002, Huffington opined, "How nice it must feel
for SUV owners, knowing that their swaggering imprudence is
helping the world's anti-democratic oil sheiks sleep just a little better at
night. Call this camp the Bigger Is Better crowd. Their motto: 'Burn,
baby, burn ... 30 percent more carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and 75
percent more nitrogen oxides than passenger cars.' How about this
for a bumper sticker: 'Honk if you hate the ozone layer!'"

Custom auto-builder Becker thinks Huffington's claim that SUV drivers
contribute to terrorism is "a bit of a reach" and needs proof.

"My wife has driven my kids to their soccer games in SUVs, and I don't think
any of us think we are contributing to terrorism," he said.

The free market indicates others don't either, Becker maintains.

"If utility and use and joy in life is served well by a vehicle that uses a
little more gas than another uses, the American public is saying that they
prefer this, and the risk isn't great enough," he said.

Art Moore is a news editor with

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