Keith Addison wrote:
> >Hey, come to think of it ... yes.... I do remember someone mentioning that.
> >
> >That the problem lies in (whoevers) draining the "principal" of nature's
> >"assets" ... instead of leaving the "principal" alone and living off of the
> >"interest" ("dividends") .... as our "savage" ancestors had done in earlier
> >times.
> ... and as most of our not-so-savage cousins do now.
> Just exactly who's "savage" and who's "civilized" and who's
> "primitive", who's "developed" and who's "less-developed" or
> "developing", who's really "modern" and who's an anachronism (or
> about to become one) all depends much on your point of view.
> Regarding such matters many or most people in the Western (ie
> industrialized) countries seem to live in a Hall of Mirrors - they
> think they're all there is, either that or everyone else is trying to
> become like they are. Not so.

Worse, they think that everyone _should_ be like them, so they try and
_make_ everybody like them.  

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