
February 6, 2002

Ban on MTBE Induces Suit Using NAFTA Provision


Santa Monica city officials had no idea they would trigger an 
international legal brawl when they sent their water out for routine 
testing in 1996 and discovered it contained the foul-smelling 
gasoline additive MTBE.

Formally known as methyl tertiary butyl ether, MTBE was banned by 
California because of its perceived threat to humans and the water 
supply. But what began as an environmental issue took a twist into 
international trade when a Canadian firm contested the state order 
under a provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

In the first such case involving a challenge to a U.S. environmental 
measure, Methanex Corp., the world's largest producer of methanol, a 
primary ingredient in MTBE, claims Gov. Gray Davis acted in a 
protectionist manner by imposing a ban that harmed foreign methanol 
producers and benefited Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., a campaign donor 
and domestic maker of a competing fuel additive, ethanol. Saying its 
investors were hurt, Methanex is demanding nearly $970million in 
damages because of the MTBE phaseout, slated to be completed by 2003.

Investors can only sue for compensation and cannot force a government 
to change a law. But experts say a multimillion-dollar award in the 
Methanex case could have a chilling effect by discouraging federal or 
state governments from considering similar measures. More than a 
dozen states are considering action to restrict the use of MTBE.

The case also has become a cause celebre for globalization critics 
who argue the case underscores their concern that free trade 
agreements give companies too much power and undermines the sovereign 
rights of governments to protect their citizens.

The Methanex case, brought in 1999 under NAFTA's Chapter 11 which 
allows foreign investors to sue a government for violating their 
trading rights, is pending before a three-member tribunal in 
Washington. A decision is expected soon on whether the tribunal has 
jurisdiction in a case that could take years to work its way to 

If Methanex is victorious, the firm hopes the U.S. would take steps 
to remove the prohibitions on MTBE, according to Jim Emmerton, a 
Methanex senior vice president.

He argued that the European Union recently gave the green light to 
MTBE after determining that it did not pose a public health or 
environmental risk.

* Methanex's Maker Says Product Isn't Dangerous

"We would hope the U.S. would look at what other jurisdictions are 
doing," he said. "MTBE is not a threat to human health and it is not 
a threat to the environment if it'shandled carefully."

Archer-Daniels-Midland, also known as ADM, did not respond to a 
request for comment on the Methanex accusations. "The governor sets 
policies based on science and facts concerned with the issue," 
according to David Chai, a spokesman for the governor. "Ethanol 
clearly is not getting favorable treatment in the state of 

"Methanex is grasping at straws," said William L. Rukeyser, assistant 
secretary at Cal-EPA. "If the record is reviewed, you can see that 
MTBE regardless of the manufacturer is bad for California. That 
decision is based on science and science alone carries the day."

The U.S. government, the defendant in the NAFTA case, termed 
Methanex's charge "absurd" and warned that a positive ruling for the 
company could hurt the ability of the U.S., Canada and Mexico to 
protect public health and the environment, according to court filings.

"No NAFTA party could carry out its most fundamental government 
functions unless it were prepared to pay for each and every economic 
impact occasioned by doing so," said the U.S. government in its 
Methanex filing. "The NAFTA parties never intended the NAFTA to bring 
about such a radical change in the way they function and Methanex 
cannot show otherwise."

The U.S. is in an awkward position, having been the most vocal 
proponent of the so-called investor-state dispute mechanism. These 
provisions are designed to give multinationals an independent arbiter 
for disputes in countries where the governments and courts are weak 
or corrupt. U.S. officials are pushing to have Chapter 11-style 
investor protections in the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas 
that would extend NAFTA throughout South America.

In Santa Monica, which has been forced to shut down more than half of 
its water supply and spend an additional $3 million a year to 
purchase untainted water, officials say they are incredulous that 
NAFTA has opened the door to a challenge from the north.

"The state's MTBE law was a prudent and measured effort made to phase 
out a chemical that had proven to be harmful or potentially harmful," 
said Assistant City Atty. Joel Lawrence.

"The thanks you get from this is a claim from a Canadian manufacturer 
that somehow it has the birthright to produce and force this stuff 
down the gas pipes of California residents and down their digestive 
tracts as well," Lawrence said.

MTBE was adopted as a fuel additive two decades ago to reduce air 
pollution but was later found to be a suspected carcinogen that seeps 
into the groundwater through leaking gas tanks or gas spills. Even in 
extremely small amounts, the chemical can make water smell and taste 
like turpentine. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent 
removing MTBE from the nation's soil and water.

The U.S. hasn't been on the losing side in a Chapter 11 case, though 
it has only faced three claims so far.

Barry Bosworth, a trade expert at the Washington-based Brookings 
Institution, warned a loss in the Methanex case could spark a "big 
public conflict" because it involves an attack on a popular 
environmental measure. Concern over these investor provisions have 
arisen in the congressional debate over a bill to give the president 
fast-track negotiating authority for future trade agreements since 
NAFTA was enacted.

* Previous Challenges to NAFTA Regulations

Fifteen Chapter 11 cases have been filed since NAFTA was enacted. Of 
those, the companies prevailed in four cases, lost one and the 
remainder are still pending. Canada, the leading target, has lost 
several cases involving challenges of environmental regulations.

In the last two months, Kenex Ltd., an Ontario, Canada-based producer 
of hemp products, has threatened to file a NAFTA Chapter 11 case 
against the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency for its ban on foods 
containing hemp and Crompton Corp., a Greenwich, Conn.-based chemical 
firm, and Dallas-based Trammell Crow Co. have filed 
multimillion-dollar complaints in Canada.

The rise in Chapter 11 cases and large awards have sparked concern 
even among the creators of NAFTA. After reviewing the process, the 
NAFTA governments last July issued an "interpretation" of the Chapter 
11 provision that would, in effect, make it harder for foreign firms 
to prove unfair or discriminatory treatment, according to Todd 
Weiler, a Canadian law professor and NAFTA consultant.

As the battle over the Chapter 11 heats up, it is also moving through 
the courts. Canada has filed a federal lawsuit challenging S.D. 
Myers' successful NAFTA complaint against that government's ban on 
the export of PCBs, a toxic chemical. Myers had claimed $20million in 
damages. Canadian citizen groups are in court trying to join the 
government in the federal lawsuit and have also filed a separate 
constitutional challenge of the Chapter 11 process.

"Our strategy is to make sure when tribunals do award in favor of 
foreign investors, the cases are appealed all the way up through the 
entire process so what is a speedy way to extract money from 
governments becomes drawn out and difficult," said Steven Shrybman, 
an Ottawa, Canada, environmental attorney who is involved in those 

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