on 8/2/02 4:36 AM, Mike Johnston at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I was only back for a few hours tonight but it was a very productive
> few hours. You see John Grill from the h2view list sent out some remarks
> on Biodiesel and it just so happens I had been fooling with the idea of
> producing a small scale biodiesel production unit a week ago. I went so
> far as to research it a bit and found that you can even produce your own
> vegetable oil with an oil press such as this one:
> http://www.oilpress.com/type55.htm
> But that is beside the point. Anyway, Jerry Decker on Keelynet posted
> a piece on the gunnerman patent tonight. This involved mixing diesel
> with water and a surfactant to produce a fuel for diesel engines.
> This combination of posts triggered my memory and I remembered that I
> was out to a refinery in Ohio last year where the company (Lubrizol) was
> manufacturing a product called PuriNOx, a mixture of diesel, water and a
> surfactant. They were running the resulting fuel/mixture as a fuel in
> busses in Cleveland with good results. A production technician that I
> talked to told me that the mix was 30% diesel, 70% water and the
> surfactant.
> http://www.lubrizol.com/PuriNOx/fueltechnology.htm

On the flip side, the local Metroparks system here in Cleveland, Ohio tested
this product and abandoned it.  I'm not sure of the why, but I'm sure they
used it, had problems and stopped using it.

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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