Planet Ark :
US Senate kills attempt to scale back ethanol use

USA: April 15, 2002

WASHINGTON - The Senate last week killed an attempt to roll back 
strong requirements for ethanol use in a pending energy bill, and 
instead committed to a big boost in the corn-based fuel additive 
beginning in two years.

California lawmakers led the effort to slow the implementation of 
more ethanol use, fearing high gasoline prices would result if the 
state was not given more time to put refineries, storage facilities 
and other infrastructure in place to handle the extra fuel additive 
that would be needed.

To help diversify U.S. energy supplies, the Senate bill calls for 
increasing the amount of renewable fuels such as ethanol that is 
blended into gasoline.

Ethanol use would increase from the current 1.5 billion gallons a 
year to 5 billion gallons annually by 2012.

Democrat Dianne Feinstein of California had sought to modify the bill 
to delay by one year, until 2005, the implementation date for the new 
ethanol requirements.

"Every indicator I have seen points to this ethanol requirement as 
having unanticipated side effects, such as supply problems and 
resulting in higher gasoline prices for the consumer," she said.

Feinstein also proposed shortening the period that the Environmental 
Protection Agency would have to act on individual state requests to 
waive the ethanol mandate in the event of supply problems from 240 
days to 30 days.

Lawmakers did not vote down Feinstein's proposal outright, but they 
voted 61 to 36 to set aside the measure which effectively killed it.

The Senate is trying to finish its work on the underlying energy bill 
by the end of next week.

Lawmakers must still debate a controversial amendment from 
Republicans to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.


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