Since we just had someone asking about concerted advocacy efforts here, I'm 
passing on a request I had from a biodiesel advocacy guy from a non-profit 
in the Northwest who is looking for people to network with. I personally 
know nothing aobut their operation- and I personally don't think that more 
websites is necessarily the answer, but they are pretty serious, have been 
involved in biodiesel from the grassroots homebrewer level for years, and 
seem to have funding- all sounds like it's more than 'hot air'. Of course I 
don't even know what their politics are (as regards NBB kind of stuff 
versus say grassroots non-gmo,non-agribusiness sources and all the 
corresponding business models) but I'm sure someone on this list might be 
interested in connecting with them.

 >Mark, > >
We met briefly at one of your workshops in the Fruitvale section of
 >Oakland a few weeks ago now. I was with John Long from Blue Sun
  >Biodiesel in Fort Collins, CO. We discussed briefly the opportunities
 >for concerted biodiesel advocacy in the region--from the Bay Area to
  >Vancouver, BC. I have been following the Berkeley Biodiesel list serve
  >on Yahoo! Groups, and I have noticed that a few people have been
 >discussing advocacy and educational events in the Bay Area.
 >Since you are very connected in the biodiesel scene in the Bay Area, I
  >am hoping that you can connect me to individuals or groups that would be
 >interested in collaborating with groups in Oregon and Washington to help
 >build recognition for biodiesel region-wide. The first step would
 >likely be a web site presence to which we all could link our individual
  >sites--a one-stop shop that will steer individuals to whatever
  >information they seek--biodiesel basics, retail locations, co-ops,
  >legislative proposals, public and private users, etc. There is actually
 >a virtual group that is forming headed up by a gentleman from New York
 >City. He has proposed a sort of cellular template for web sites that
  >would exist for each state or for each region in the U.S. There is a
 >distinct possibility that we may be able to raise funds for such an
  >effort as well.
 >I would appreciate it if you would hand me off to whoever you know in
  >the Bay Area who you believe might be interested in this type of
 >regional biodiesel advocacy. If you simply want to forward this e-mail
 >to them and ask them to contact me that would be great.
 >It is exciting to be involved in such an appropriate movement at this
  >time in history. Thanks for your help.
 >Tomas Endicott
  >SeQuential Biofuels, LLC
  >P.O. Box 10802
  >Eugene, OR 97440
 >541.485.9711  office
  >541-515-9711 -- cell
 >541-485-1647 -- fax
  > >Domestic - Renewable - Performance

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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