Poster's Comment:I found the comments  about  formaldehyde, etc in milk to be 
very interesting......raw milk  looks better all the time............. 
Eleanor McBean

In addition to the drastic vaccine poisons and the  self generated poisons 
from wrong foods there are a number of other poisons that  are being free used 
that are known to cause polio. 
INSECTICIDES such as lead arsenate, hydrocyanic gas and other cyanide 
compounds, DDT, parathion and other deadly poisons are a constant cause death 
disease. Dr. Abraham  Gelperin, director of the Bureau of Communicatable 
and assistant  Clinical Professor or Public Health at Yale University stated 
flatly that he  believes many ills to be the result of these poison 
insecticide and that large  numbers of what are believed to be polio are in 
cases of  poisoning, possibly caused by something like parathion. 
Dr. J. W. Norton of the N.  C. Department of Health said the "symptoms 
parathion poisoning are  similar to those of polio, including headache, gastric 
upset set,  giddiness, tightness of the chest, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. 
"One of the manufacturers of the widely used  insecticide parathion describes 
it as ‘capable of producing severe  systemic toxic effects and death in 
animals and man either by oral  administration, inhalation of mists, dusts, or 
vapors and by absorption through  the unbroken skin." (Prevention—June, 1950. 
What are our elected officers and public  protectors doing while all the 
wholesale poisoning is going on? Are the  over-wealthy manufacturers the ones 
be "protected" in their game of  "grab and stab"? 
FORMALDEHYDE IN MILK has been  reported as a cause of polio. 
Australian Medical Gazette, (Aug. 24, 1897) states  that "formalin," an 
aqueous solution of formaldehyde, caused paralysis in some  who drank milk that 
contained it. Our U.S. Government permits the dairymen to  add formaldehyde to 
milk so that stale, inferior milk may be sold as fresh milk.  Formaldehyde is a 
poisonous embalming fluid that is, no doubt, one of the causes  of the 
epidemics of diarrhea and death among the bottle fed infants in  hospitals. 
The Lancet (Jan. 9, 1915) mentions an  epidemic of polio that was said to 
have been caused by raw milk. It has  never been. proved that raw milk has ever 
caused polio or undulant fever or any  other disease but the added poison 
pre-servatives could cause many  diseases. Pasteurization companies capitalized 
this incident to stampede some  laws into operation which would prohibit the 
sale of raw (unprocessed) milk.  Pasteurization makes matters even worse 
because the heating process melts the  butterfat in the milk and this coats the 
calcium globules and renders the  calcium unassimilable to a large extent. 
From the Journal of Biochemistry, (Vol. 75,  pp. 251-62. Oct., 1927) we read: 
"In the Nutrition Laboratory of the Dept. of  Home Economics of the 
University of Chicago, in 1927, experimentation revealed  that only about 27% 
of the 
calcium in pasteurized milk and 30% of  evaporated milk was retained in the 
Rats fed on pasteurized milk grew at only half the  normal rate and developed 
various ailments and died early. Calves fed on  pasteurized milk died before 
maturity in 9 out of 10 cases. 
SOLANIN, a poison that is formed in frozen  potatoes was found to be the 
cause of an epidemic in Ireland. The disease had  polio-like reactions but was 
called remittent fever. Old,  sprouting potatoes and those that have been 
to the sun in the growing  period until the skin was green were also found to 
contain this toxic  substance. 
UNRIPE FRUIT and ERGOT from some types of rye have  caused gastrointestinal 
disturbances which affected the nerves, spinal cord and  brain and caused a 
form of polio. A diet excessively high in grains (especially  milled grains) 
been followed by deficiencies that terminated in polio as was  reported by 
Stockman and Johnson in the Journal of Nutrition, (Nov.,  1934).

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